Avery missing hunter And starting her Pieriod

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(Pic of Hunter up top)

Avery:I wake up at 2:30 in the morning I slip my monkey hose shoes on pulling my comforter off of my bed leaving the house walking to hunters grave.

Taylor:I wake up feeling something is wrong I get up and check on the kids then check on Avery and she isn't there I start to freak out I look every then remember when she was upset I quickly run to the grave yard then stay a couple feet back behind the gate letting her talk then hear her crying I walk over to her and pick her up wrapping her blanket around her."it's ok baby it's just me I just let u talk it out"I say to her and she cries in my chest.

Avery:"I miss him"I sob

Taylor:"I know baby"I say gosling her then she falls asleep. I carry her back home and lay her down.

Avery:"no I wanna go back to bubba"I say half asleep

Taylor:"you need sleep"I say softly and she falls back asleep. I sit in the chair next to her bed and watch her sleep for awhile.

Susan:I walk to Avery's room half asleep"baby u need to come back to bed"I say

Taylor:"I will go ahead and go back to bed babe"I say kissing her neck then she walks to the bedroom after bumping into the walk I chuckle and watch Avery for a little bit more then kiss her head them go to our room and sit down pulling Susan to me thinking. I hear Courtney scream and cry I pick her up"what's wrong baby?"I ask and she points to her bottle that's empty in her crib."awe baby daddy will get u more"I say grabbing her bottle and walk downstairs while she coos and make bubbles with her mouth.

Braydon:I walk downstairs"daddy I no sweep"I say rubbing my eyes.

Taylor:"why baby what's wrong?"I ask while getting Courtney a bottle.

Braydon:"me have nights mare"I say

Taylor:"awe baby about what?"I ask picking him up then go to the living room turning on cartoons for them while cradling Courtney in one arm while she drinks her bottle them hold Braydon on my lap.

Braydon:"da monster"I say then hear thunder and I scream and cry with fear.

Taylor:"hey baby it's ok it's just a thunder storm"I assure him while holding him to me.

Braydon:"da monster gon get me"I cry

Taylor:"what monster baby?"I ask

Braydon:"dat one from monster inc"I cry talking about sully.

Taylor:"awe baby he won't get u"I say

Braydon:"yeah he will"I cry

Taylor:"no he won't baby daddy will protect u"I say holding him to me then he calms down and falls asleep. Then Avery comes downstairs dressed for school I put breakfast on the table and she sits down.

Avery:"can I miss school today?"I ask while yawning

Taylor:"why?"I ask

Avery:"I'm tired"I say he sighs and nods we all Finnish eating then I go back upstairs falling asleep while mommy takes the kids to school.

Taylor:I clean up with Courtney in my arms while I clean up cuz she wants to be held then Susan comes in taking her from me and she giggles I give her a lazy smile.

Susan:"u ok?"I ask giving him a kiss.

Taylor:I kiss her back"yeah just a little bit tired"I say

Susan:"baby u need to go to bed ill Finnish cleaning"I say

Taylor:"I've got it baby thank u"I say and kiss her cheek and keep on cleaning.

Susan:I shake my head and stand in front of him stopping him from cleaning."go get some sleep"I say

Taylor:"baby I'm fine really I only lost like an hour of sleep."I say looking at her and she nods walking away. I sigh then Finnish up the cleaning and sit on the couch while she lays her head on my shoulder holding a sleeping Courtney an watching a replay of criminal minds. I turn and kiss her head she smiles and softly kisses my lips as Avery calls for me I go upstairs to her room"yeah baby?"I ask

Avery:"there is blood all over my sheets same with my pants"I say freaking out.

Taylor:"baby it's ok you've started ur period it's normal for a girl go get in the shower and I'll clean ur bed"I say she nods running to the bathroom and getting in the shower. I call Susan up.

Susan:I walk upstairs"yeah?"I ask.

Taylor:"Avery started her period can u explain everything to her and how to use a pad?"I ask "please"I add

Susan:"sure babe but I hardly wear pads I only use tanpons."I say

Taylor:"well whatever she wants to use"I say cleaning up and she nods going into the the bathroom explaining it to her then walks out. I kiss her"thank u"I smile

Susan:I kiss him back"ur welcome"I smile then head Avery say 'womanhood is disgusting' me and Taylor both laugh and she walks out pouting.

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