Hailey proposed to At graduation

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Susan:I wake up the next morning and go downstairs and start to make breakfast then Taylor sines downstairs"hey babe"I say

Taylor:"hey baby"I say back

Susan:"you know today's Hailey's graduation"I say since she skipped a few grades.

Taylor:"yeah I know"I say she finishes up breakfast just as the kids come downstairs she plates it and hand it to them.

Avery:"daddy I'm not hungry"I say pushing my food around with my fork.

Taylor:"eat at least 10 bites"I say

Avery:"not if u don't eat"I say

Taylor:I look at her and see that she's doing this on purpose I sigh"baby I ate before u got up"I say

Avery:"no u didn't cuz theirs no plate in the dish washer"I say

Taylor:"I will eat Avery but u need to eat before we go"I say

Avery:"go where?"I ask

Taylor:"to Hailey's graduation"I say and she nods just as Hailey comes downstairs all dressed up."u look beautiful"I say and she smiles all the kids go get ready.

Hailey:"can u help me curl my hair?"I ask

Taylor:"yeah baby just give me the curler"I say walking over to her.

Hailey:I hand him the curler after putting on my heels he gets my hair curled"thank u"I say he nods then goes to get ready once everybody is ready we go to the school I see Tristan and he already has his cap and gown on I get mine on the hug him. Daddy takes pictures of me then we go sit down the graduation is almost over i already got my stuff and in walking behind Tristan he trips I walk over to him to make sure he's okay then he comes back up on one knee with a box in his hand he opens it its a ring I cover my mouth.

Susan:Taylor sees Tristan on one knee he gets up to stop it but I stop him"babe stop"I say

Taylor:"she's to young she's still a kid"I say standing their ready to stop it then the words 'will u marry me' are said then the word 'yes' is said he slips the ring on their finger and they go sit back down I stand their dumbfounded then look at Susan.

Susan:"babe it's her day"I sigh.

Taylor:I sit down"my babies are growing up to fast"I say to myself Susan lays her head on my shoulder 5 minutes later the graduation ends we get the kids in their strollers and hands held them Hailey walks over i pull her to me"congratulations princess"I smile.

Hailey:"thank u daddy"I smile and kiss his cheek getting in the car.

Taylor:"do u guys wanna go out for lunch?"I ask and they nod. I drive to a restaurant we get seated them order, eat, pay and leave to the house we go inside the kids watch tv while I clean the house a bit.

Avery:"daddy can I go swim in the pool room?"I ask

Taylor:"in a minute I'll take u in their to go swimming"I say as she needs the key to go in their the I kept hidden. She nods going upstairs to change into. Her bathing suit. The kids get in theirs we go to the pool room they all jump in me and Susan sit down at the poll then Susan pushes me in once all the kids are in. I come back up and she laughing I smirk I swim over to her legs and stand their in between them.

Susan:"I'm going to the hot tub wanna join?"I ask with a laugh standing up. He nods and gets out with both get in I lay my head on his chest then Courtney comes over with a little bucket full of water she dumps it on Taylor and giggles. He gasps and looks at her she waddles off. A few minutes later Hailey gets out of the pool wraps herself in a towel then lays down on the pool chair. We keep on sitting in the hot tube watching the kids swim"ok I think it's time to go in"I say

Taylor:I nod and get up"ok kids lets go"I say and they all get out except for Avery who keeps on swimming."Avery come on"I say

Avery:"no I wanna swim longer"I say going under water.

Taylor:I stand at the edge of the pool until she comes up"get out now or u won't be able to swim for awhile for not listening."I say

Avery:"I Don't Wanna Get Out!"I shout going to the middle of the pool.

Taylor:"you've got to the count of three"I say sternly."one"

Avery:"one"I mock

Taylor:"two"I say and raise my brow she copies what I'm doing"three" I say I walk down the steps of the pool swim over to her she tries to swim away but I swim faster I get her out smack her butt twice and she cries in her hands. I walk her into the house"go get showered and dressed"I say and she nods going upstairs to her room. I go get showered and get dressed Avery follows me downstairs"go to the corner"I say and she obeys I go in the kitchen where Susan is cooking dinner. I walk over to her wrap my arms around her laying my head on her shoulder she finishes dinner plating it and putting the plates on the table everybody comes in we all eat including me she cleans up and then everybody gets ready for bed. I get the kids tucked in the go to our room where Susan is reading.

Susan:"I can't believe Hailey's getting married"I say

Taylor:"I know"I sigh

Susan:"u ok?"I ask

Taylor:"yeah"I say and she nods putting her book on the bedside table turning off the light laying down and falling asleep. I falls asleep to

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