chapter one

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A/n I am switching alot of things in this story hope this doesn't upset anyone :)

May 31st 1947-
The Bouvier Family station waggon

"Just look at that beautiful carolinia blue sky" John Bouvier said while he taps his fingers against the black steering wheel of the families sunshine yellow and brown wood looking station waggon.

" We should make it to the beach by 5pm like I told the Fosters, who can't wait to see us" John added rolling his eyes at the last part.

"Huh, oh that's nice dear I can't wait to see pearle" Janet Bouvier said from the passenger seat of the car, lowering her window some more and lighting a cigarette.

"Sure my darling, you can't wait to see Pearle to catch up on the gossip, you think your missing out on" John replied with a chuckle.

From the backseat a 18 year old Lee bouiver was writing in her pink diary with a purple pen, she quickly put the lid onto the pen and leaned forward wrapping her arms around her mother's neck, " Oh mummy, I can't wait to get there and see Dean Foster, last summer he was just so dreamy looking I hope he looks even better this summer" Lee squealed.

"There will be no boy chasing this summer, isn't that right Jacqueline" John asked his younger daughter.

Jacqueline put the book she was reading down and leaned up wrapping her arms around her daddy's neck "of course not daddy, we have more important things to do and worry about this summer and I have to get ready to attend Vassar College in two years" Jacqueline said in her soft breathy voice before she kissed her father's cheek.

"Well thank goodness at least one of my daughters has enough sense not to be chasing boys" John said with a chuckle.

"Oh please, I am not an old fuddy duddy, like Jacqueline, who would rather read than have fun" Lee squealed.

"I agree with Lee on this one Jacqueline needs to have some fun, I have already got her graduating at the top of her class,after all her studying she's doing this summer in the mornings I say she go with Lee at night and have some fun not too much fun thro, but people are already starting to talk about her odd behavior, and saying she's going to become a spinster or that she likes girls" Janet started rambling.

"Oh mummy, I don't like girls and I am not going to be a spinster, I don't care or listen to what other people say. Why do you"? Jacqueline asked her mother.

"Because, we are normal" Lee chimed in.

Jacqueline huffed at her sister" I am normal, I just have a life plan that apparently nobody but I understands and falling in love and getting married is after I finish college and start my career" Jacqueline said.

"After you become the first woman president you can settle down with a man" John added in the front seat.

"Oh Lord, don't say that if she became the first woman president, that would prove she likes girls" Janet cried.

"How" John and Jacqueline cried, but before they could receive an answer. Lee threw herself between her parents turning the radio up loud as the song 'daddy-o' came blaring over the speakers and Lee started singing off key at the top of her lungs and the conversation they were having was quickly forgetton.

Jacqueline breathed a sigh of relief and picked up her book finding she couldn't concentrate on the story anymore threw it down into the brown leather car seat beside of her. Rolling her eyes and staring out of the car window the bright yellow and orange sun shining down into her eyes, pulling her purple sunglasses down over her eyes, she sighed and thought to herself, I will show mummy and Lee, just because I am different from them doesn't Mean I am not normal, and with that thought she drifted off into a fitful sleep.

1876 Wimbledon ave.
The families beach house

"And we're here didn't take as long as normal" John said pulling the car into the gravel driveway of their beach house.

"Finally that seemed like an eternity" Lee said opening the back door of the car and climbing out, she quickly looked around not seeing anybody but some boys she didn't know or looked like anybody she would care in getting to know, rolling her eyes she threw off her pink floral sundress, her yellow polka dot bikini coming into view. She quickly kissed her mother and father on the cheek, saying she will see them for dinner and was off running around the house towards the beach.

Her mother smiled after her while her father frowned seeing her in such a little bathing suite rolled his eyes and finished taking the suite cases out off the back of the car.

Jacqueline awoke in the backseat of the car with a jolt, noticing they were finally here she opened the car door and stepped out, all of the sudden she heard someone yelling 'watch out' and than a sharp pain in her right shoulder.

All of a sudden a tall slender boy with brownish hair and a skinny shorter boy with blonde ish hair was standing beside her "Gosh were so sorry we hit you, with our football" the skinnier boy said.

"Yeah we didn't mean nothing by it , swear" the taller one said. "Oh by the way I'm Teddy Kennedy and this is my older brother Bobby" he said shaking Jacqueline hand.

"Ya, our families renting the shrimrock place right down the street" Bobby said shaking her hand also.

"Its ok, nice to meet both of you" Jacqueline replied with a smile.

"Ya uh why don't we make it up for hitting you and inviting you and your family to our place for a cookout and than the rest of our siblings and us can take you down to the boardwalk and we can ride the new roller-coaster" Teddy said.

"No, its" Jacqueline said before she was cut off by Janet who had over heard the conversation and came over to stand by Jacqueline "how about we are there by six" Janet asked.

"Ya ok" Bobby and Teddy said together and than throwing over their shoulders "see ya than" as they raced back down the black paved road.

"Wonderful, first night here and we already have dinner plans " Janet said to her daughter.

"Joyful" Jacqueline said with an eye roll as she turned around and ran up the old red steps of the house.

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