chapter seven

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The beach

"How could you possibly embrass me like that"? Janet screamed in Jacqueline's face.

"What are you talking about mummy, how did I embrass you" Jacqueline cried.

"You, mother are the one who sent me to the beach for a break" Jacqueline added.

Janet was seething "yes Jacqueline, I sent you to the beach, not a nasty burger joint with those disgusting boys"

"I was at the beach and than Jack, Bobby and Teddy joined me and than they decided they were hungery and asked if I could come" Jacqueline cried.

"Jacqueline Lee Bouiver, you are a lady, not a slut, if too many of the right kind of people saw you with those disgusting kennedy boys their going to call you a slut for sleeping with all of them" Janet screamed

" what are you talking about i haven't slept with anybody, If that's any concern to you, and there is nothing wrong with the Kennedys, all the boys are super sweet" Jacqueline said.

"Yes Jacqueline, they are sweet and they will be until they get you in their bed, your just a prize to them and than once they get what they want, they won't want anything to do with you anymore, trust me, pearle,told me old Joe Kennedy does exactly that bed any woman he sees and his sons are just like dear ole dad" Janet said.
" I don't care what pearle, or you or anybody has to say, Jack Kennedy is different, he treats me like no other man ever has, and if I wanna see him than I can " Jacqueline screamed in her mother's face.

"No young lady you are not an adult yet I still can control your life at any means I see fit" Janet screamed and rising her right hand into the air she slapped her daughter hard across her right cheek.

Jacqueline was stunned by the burning sensation left from her mother's war path but she did not care what her mother said or did to her she was not controlling her life anymore!

"Now get back to the house you are now grounded for the rest of the summer" Janet screeched

"No, mummy I am not ready to go back to the house" Jacqueline said trying her best to get out of her mother's fierce hold on her hair, she finally wrestled out of her mother's grasp but in a heartbeat Janet had her hair in a death grip again. Jacqueline saw red now and pulled her head hard to the right feeling a horrible sensation, but she was free from her mother's grasp even if she now had a bald spot in the front of her hair. Oh well she thought as she ran up the sand not knowing where she was going but had to go somewhere.

Janet was left standing on the beach with a handful of her daughters hair to stunned to run after her, marching her way back to her house she quickly yelled for her husband, "john, back our bags, we're leaving"!

Johnny Rockets

Jack had sat there for only a few seconds til he pushed Joe to the floor and jumped up running outside to the beach, he had to find Jacqueline!

He had seen the whole fight between Jacqueline and her mother, he heard everything too, it's all true, but with her it felt different, she wasn't just some prize he wanted to bed and than on to the next prize he found, no with Jacqueline he felt something different towards her, not sure what it was but he wanted to find out!

He stood there behind a tree on the north end of the beach til he saw Janet walk back towards her house than he took off like a Jack rabbit in the direction that Jacqueline had ran off in, he had to find her!

The boardwalk

Jacqueline, found herself at the boardwalk surround by all these happy looking children with their parents and all the lovey dovey going on was making her feel sick!

Throwing herself down on a orange bench with a clown head on the back of it. She hid her face and finally gave up on trying to be strong and let the tears flow.

How could she, how could her own mother say and do all those hurtful things to her, why did she not love her like she did lee, did she really embrass her as much as she saids she does?

What am I going to do, there's no way I am going back to that damn beach house, I refuse to be anywhere near my darling mother!

She had no strength left and was still starving since she only had been able to take two bites of the burger before Janet had stormed in and made her leave, she couldn't take it anymore her whole body felt like lead now and her head she was beginning to feel dizzy, she could swear someone was calling her name but she couldn't lift her head up tofind out and than all she saw was darkness.

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