chapter five

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Bouivers beach house

"Jacqueline, Jacqueline, time to wake up" Janet said as she pushed her daughter backwards in her bed.

Jacqueline jumped up " what time is it"? She asked.

"Its 6am, you should of been up and hour ago, you need to start painting the pictures for that art exhibit in new York in a couple of weeks and also you need to practice your french" Janet exclaimed.

" But mummy, it's the summer and I thought you wanted me to have fun" Jacqueline whined.

"Yes darling, fun after your work is finished, now hurry up and get up and dressed" Janet said

"What's for breakfast" ?Jacqueline asked sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Well when your father and sister wake up we will be having omelets and toast, but you on the hand ate alot last night for supper and we don't want you to get fat" Janet called as she walked out of the bedroom door.

Jacqueline scoffed "Right mother we wouldn't want me to be fat, like you"

Jumping off the bed she went into the bathroom Turing on the cold water and grabbing her red toothbrush out of the cup on the side of the white cast iron sink took the blue toothpaste applied it to her tooth brush, brushing her teeth she than took her brown comb off the sink and running it thru the rats nest she called hair, good enough Jackie thought as she looked into the tiny oval mirror over the sink. Moving out of the bathroom back into her bedroom she went to her wardrobe and choose a blue jumper and a yellow tank top, throwing that on she walked out the bedroom door.

Picking up a white poster board that was lying on the dining room table and her paints she walked to the back porch deck and sitting down on a black stool she placed the poster board on to the brown easel in front of her, opening her paint she sighed she had no idea what to paint.

A few hours had past and she could now smell the sweet aroma of meatloaf being cooked in the kitchen behind her.

"Jacqueline, how have you not painted anything" Janet asked as she came up behind her daughter.

"Oh I am sorry, mummy I don't have any idea what to paint" Jacqueline sighed.

"Its ok, you should take a break for awhile and hopefully something comes to you" Janet cried.

"Ok mummy, I am starving maybe I should get something to eat" Jacqueline said as she stood up from the stool and stretching.

"Unless you plan on not eating supper tonight, I wouldn't eat lunch" Janet exclaimed.

"Right, maybe I will just go down to the beach" Jacqueline said.

"Very well than, don't stay too long" Janet said as she walked back into the house.

Jacqueline sighed and started walking down the cement blocks leasing out into the white Sands.

She walked a good 200 feet and promptly say down on the sand. Looking around she didn't see anybody she knew, she pulled down her sunglasses and leaned back onto her back, relishing in the warm sun.

She heard a thundering sound that sounded like a herd of elephants come up behind her she was about to jump up when she felt three people on top of her.

"Argh, get off of me" she cried.

"Sorry didn't mean to hurt ya" Bobby said as he got off her and sat down on the sand beside of her.

"Ya I think we scared her" Teddy said getting off of her and standing in front of bobby.

"Jack get up" Bobby said

"But this is a comfy spot" Jack said with a smirk as he put his head in between her breast.

"Hey hey none of that in front of me" Teddy said, than he and bobby picked up Jack and threw him into the ocean.

"Thanks you all I needed a cold shower" Jack said as he walked out of the ocean and sat down next to Bobby on the sand.

"What ya doing down here" Bobby asked Jacqueline

"Oh just a break from painting and French lessons " she said.

"Wait what is the summer, don't you just have fun" Teddy asked her.

"Me have fun, never, you all have met my wonderful mother" she scoffed.

Out of nowhere Jacqueline's stomach started crumbling very loud

"Oh sorry" she said embrassed

"Its ok have you not had lunch yet"? Bobby asked

She shook her head "no I haven't ate anything all day" she said

"What that's plain crazy, if your hungery than you eat" Jack said jumping up " we should take her to Johnny Rockets and feed the poor child"

"Ya I wouldn't mind some icecream" Teddy said

"Sure ok, let's go" Bobby said as he stood up and grabbing her hands pulled her to her feet as well.

"No it's ok, I have to be at the house soon" she said

Jack winked at Bobby and than all of a sudden bobby and Teddy have Jacqueline up in their arms as all three Kenney brother started running up the beach line to Johnny Rockets.

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