twenty three

373 10 17

What can I say life is crazy, so sorry thro that is taken me so long to update!

"Jack, jack, jack" Jacqueline started moaning as she slowly sat up, she opened her eyes and was eagerly expecting to see the love of her life but all she saw was a empty hospital room.

'Where is jack' she asked herself as she slowly laid back on the bed and fell back into a restless sleep.


"Why you scream, daddy"? Patrick asked getting scared.

Jack slowly stood up from the hospital floor, totally forgetting about his son sitting on his bed as he started yelling at karen, for being such a cold hearted bitch to jackie!

"Sorry, little man, I didn't mean to scare you" Jack said as he walked over to the bed and picked up his son.

"Its ok, daddy, I not scared" Patrick said as he put his head in between Jacks shoulder and neck.

"See, you all already love each other, so now we just have to do the right thing and get married"! karen exclaimed as she walked over to father and son and tried to hug jack.

Jack pushed her away with his right shoulder, "I am never going to marry you, you deranged witch" Jack growled.

"Oh I think you will If you ever wanna see your son again" karen said as a sinister smile appeared on her face as she walked out of the hospital room.

"I luv Ewe" Patrick said as he held on tighter to Jacks neck.

Jack's heart melted at hearing his young son saying he loved him with a smile he said, "I love you too buddy"!


Karen was wondering down the long white hallway, til she came to a brown door with a purplish sign on it that said doctors only, she quickly opened the door and smiled.


"Come on little man, I have to make sure Jacqueline is ok" Jack said as father and son ran down the long white hall.


In the doctors supply closet, karen finally found what she was looking for filling the sygriene with diethylstilbestrol, 'let's see if he still wants to marry her, when she looses her baby' karen said to herself as she quickly ran out off the supply closet and tried to find Jacqueline's room.


Jacqueline was sitting on her hospital bed crying her eyes out, she couldn't for the life of her figure out where Jack was,"he said he loved me" she screamed out loud.

Just than there was a soft knock at the door, " Come in" she called out as she tried to wipe away all her tears.

"Hi, do remember me?" karen asked as she opened the door and walked in

"No, I don't think so" Jacqueline said as she shook her head back and her forth.

"Awe, I was hoping you would and we could be friends" karen said smiling softly.

"Um I am not sure" Jacqueline said softly

"Why not"? karen asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down at the end by Jacqueline's feet.

"Do you know who Jack kennedy is"? Karen asked.

At the mention of Jacks name, Jacqueline's eyes shoned bright "Yes I know who that is" she said as she started smiling.

"Good, well you know he doesn't love you anymore right" ? karen asked

Jacqueline was throughly confussed, 'how could he not love her anymore, he just said so this morning at the house and they were getting married' she thought to herself, "Yes he does, he just told me he does this morning and we're planning our wedding" Jacqueline said.

"Well I guess he's changed his mind because he just proposed to me and we have a kid together, he said he couldn't live without me" karen said laughing softly.

"No, you have to be mistaken" Jacqueline cried "he does to love me"!

"Oh honey, you need to grow up" karen snorted as she stood up and pulled the sygriene out of her pocket.

"So we can do this the easy way or the hard way" she said as she uncapped the sygriene.

"What are you talking about? Jacqueline asked

Karen threw herself on top of jackie and grabbed one of the pillows that was lying beside of jackie on the bed, putting the pillow over Jackie's face and putting all her upper body weight on it. After a few moments Jackie finally quit trying to fight her and her body went still.

"Well step one is done and that was pretty easy" karen snorted.

"What the hell, get off of her" Jack yelled as he and Patrick walked into the room, he sat Patrick onto the floor and ran to the bed, trying his best to pull karen off of Jacqueline.

"Stop, this is the only way you won't want to marry this bitch" karen screamed as she tried to stap the needle into Jacqueline's arm.

"No, your not gonna hurt her" Jack yelled

"Relax she will be fine your unborn child on the other hand, can't make any promises it will be ok" karen exclaimed as she started laughing hysterically.

Jack saw red, there was no way in hell, she was hurting his unborn child, he grabbed her hair and finally had her in his arms away from Jacqueline, however the needle was already in Jackie's arm.

"Stop just one more step i have to inject the medicine" karen yelled as she started kicking Jack and finally he lost the grip on her left arm, she quickly threw herself back onto Jacqueline.

"No, you can't do this" Jack screamed

"Well it's too late" karen said laughing

Jack threw himself onto karen pulling her into the floor, the door to the hospital came flying open and bobby and Joe jr. Ran in.

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