chapter nineteen

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A/n: I want to thank everyone who has read my story, left comments, and votes too(Every single one of them makes me Oh so happy and gives me inspiration to keep writing) all are awesome and you all rock :)

Isabella, my oldest daughter is at her playgroup still, olivia my youngest daughter actually took a nap, the first one in an eternity lol and my hubby's still at work so while I have time Iam gonna write another chapter...hope you all like it...

This chapter is dedicated to Daleyeah88, she's doing an amazing job on her story...I am loving it... and if you haven't read it all need to now because your really missing out! So here's cudos to you Daleyeah88!!!...

"Haha, jack and Jacqueline are moldy boggers!" Teddy exclaimed as the couple was the last one to make it down to the marnia.

"Watch your step" Jack told him and with that being said Teddy went flying off the dock down into the water below.

"Hey stop being sore losers" Joe jr. Said

"Ain't being a sore loser, can't help he fell off the dock, it's not like I pushed him!" Jack exclaimed as he knelt down pulling a fuming Teddy out of the water on to the dock.

"Your gonna pay for that" Teddy screamed

"Oh I am so sacred, I am shaking with fear!"Jack exclaimed as he moved his body back in forth.

"Can i help, ye?" A little old man, with a long white beard, a blue captains hat perched on his head and a yellow rain jacket thrown over his shoulders asked as he walked out of a small shack on the other side of the dock.

"Uh, ya, I mean yes sir, we would like to rent your boat for the afternoon" Joe jr said.

"Argh, I see, there's a storm a brewing" the old man said.

"Where?" Eunice asked as she looked around at the beautiful sunny skies above them.

"Shut up" Bobby demand as he slapped her in the back.

"Where?" The old man asked "i tell ye, that before nightfall we will have one hell of a storm" he said as he started cackling.

"Uh-huh, I see , we'll since it won't happen til nightfall, can we rent one for a few hours?" Jack asked.

"Well I suppose, as long as ye are strong sailors, I can't afford to lose my boat when the storm comes" the little old man said as he started walking up the dock toward them.

"Oh and I guess ye parents would miss ye, when ye die" the old man said.

"I am sure they would" Joe jr said smiling.

"But ye ain't as important as me boat" the old man cried!

"No, ye aint, I mean we ain't" Kick said as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"Very well than, are ye boys strong sailors?" The old man asked glancing at Joe jr, jack and bobby.

"Oh yes sir, we are, we have our own sailboat back at our house in Massachusetts, been out in the water since we've been born" Jack said

"Well I suppose for 600 dollar ye can have me boat for a few hours as long as ye make it back before the storm" the man exclaimed!

"600 dollars for a few hours is a little much don't you think" Eunice asked?

"Ya especially since your sign, saids 100 dollars for all day" Jackie exclaimed as she pointed to a red sign on the shacks door.

"Argh, I want 600 or no deal, after all a storms a brewing" the old man said.

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