chapter ten

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Jack opened the font door of the kennedy rental luckily nobody was in the livingroom.

He quickly took the stairs two at a time til he got to a long hallway, walking to the very end of the hallway and on the right hand side of the wall he threw open a white door.

Once inside of the room he threw Jacqueline and her suite case on the twin size bed in front of the small window on the opposite side of the room of the door.

"Ok so this is my and Joe jr. Room, he's never here expect late at night for a few hours to sleep, so your gonna have to sleep on the floor in my sleeping bag, or I can just do that and you can have my bed" he said quickly.

"No Jack it's your bed, I can't kick you out of it, the floor is fine" she said

"No,no I can't let a girl sleep on the floor while I was in the bed, we could just share the bed, I promise to behave and keep my hands to myself" he said with a smile.

"Ok that's fine we can share" she said smiling too

"Ok great now we got that straightened out, what u wanna do now" he asked

"I don't know" she said quietly

"Well since nobody else is apparently here, you wanna go watch TV while we can decide what we wanna watch"? He asked.

"Sure" she said getting up off the bed and follow Jack back down the hallway and the brown carparted stairs to the family room, on it had pink rose print couch and two brown leather chairs, she went to sit down in the chair closer to the tv that was on a stand in the corner, but Jack pulled her beside of him on the couch.

Jack got up on the couch for a minute and kneeled down on front of the small tv, playing with the black round buttons til you could finally see 'muffin the star' playing.

"Is this ok, I always think this mule is so funny"? He said standing up from the tv and falling into the couch beside of her.

She had never seen this show but said "Ok" swing how hard Jack was laughing about something the mule had done.

He quickly wrapped his right arm around her and she laid her head on his arm a few seconds later he had his head on top of hers and they were both sound asleep.
A few hours later

"What the hell is going on here" could be heard over the sound of the tv.

"What the" Jack started but than noticing pat was standing in front of him got Jacqueline off his arm and quickly stood up.

"This isn't kate" Pat continued
"Who is she" she added.

"This is Jacqueline Bouvier they came over to the house last night for dinner " Jack said

"Ok and why is she here now" Patrick snapped

"Because she has to stay with us for awhile" Jack started

"Why did you knock her up" Eunice asked as she now joined in the conversation.

"What I have more self control than that and no she has to stay with us because he family just left her here" Jack said.

" mother and father are not just going to let her stay here no questions asked" Kick said now also joining in on the conversation.

" I know that, that is why I thought she could pretend to be you and Rosemary friend, kick, you know have her here for a sleepover" Jack begged.

"Of course that would be fun" Kick said looking over at Jacqueline "and while your here we could do something about the bald spot in her hair" she added.

Jacqueline quickly reached up and felt her bald sclap she had forgotten about that and the fight she had with her mother.

"Ya I mean if there's anything that can be done about that" Jacqueline said quietly with a small smile.

"Oh Lord, honey there is a ton of stuff these days to do with hair boy make up" Jean said as she and kick grabbed Jacqueline's hands and helped her off the couch.

"We will be back after the makeover" jean and pat called over their shoulders running up the stairs.

Eunice looked at Jack and shrugged, he rolled his eyes falling back down onto the couch.

Eunice fell on his lap, Rosemary came threw the front door with Rose

"Run upstairs and get washed up now" rose remainded rosemary.

Rose looked at Eunice and Jack "What's going on" she asked them

"Nothing they both replied"

Jack added quickly "that Kick had some friend over and doing some kind of makeover".

Rose rolled her eyes and saying "that supper will be ready in an hour".
Marched off towards the kitchen.

The front door flew open and in came bobby, teddy and Dean foster.

"I just don't get why they had to leave so fast for" Dean said sitting down in one of the chairs across from Eunice and jack.

"What ya talking bout"? Jack asked

"Oh the Bouivers left for back home" Teddy answered

"Why"? Jack asked

"I don't know" Dean said

"Ya we were laying on the beach with Lee and Mrs bouiver found us grabbing Lee up and said for her to tell us goodbye they were leaving" Bobby said.

"Do i guess, you lost your summer fling early" Teddy said punching Jack in the arm.

"Ya looks like it" Jack said

"Look bobby I need to talk to you upstairs" Jack said pushing Eunice off his lap and onto the couch.

"Ok" Bobby said as Jack grabbed him by the arm and lead him upstairs onto his room.

Once inside of jack room, Bobby made himself comfy on Joes bed.

"Ok so Jacqueline is here, her family left her because of me" Jack said all at once

Is took bobby a moment to understand what his big brother had just said, once he understood he quickly asked, "what ya gonna do now".

"Well shes gonna stay here with us pretending to be kick and rosemary's friend" Jack said

"You sure that's gonna work"? Bobby asked

"No clue but hopefully it works for a little while" Jack said.

Bobby nodded his head in agreement.

"Teddys voice could be heard from downstairs "suppers ready"

"Terrific" Jack and Bobby said together as they ran out the bedroom door.

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