chapter four

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The boardwalk continued...

Jacqueline's pov

Jacqueline was really enjoying herself something she had never done before in her life. What was it about Jack Kennedy that made her want to cutt loose and have some fun?

She loved this roller coaster and was sad and missing Jacks arms around her as the coaster came to a stop.

Bobby jumped out of the seat behind her onto the wooded platform and reached down picking her up out of her seat.

Oh yeah I am here with Bobby not Jack, she thought, bobbys sweet and cute but more like a younger brother or at least that's how her mind is making him.
As Bobby pulled her down the stairs leading away from the coaster she couldn't help but wonder where Jack was...she had just met him and she already couldn't get him off her mind.

Jack's pov

Man I love this ole roller coaster now because I get to get closer to that brown haired brown eyed beauty, loved having her in my arms.

What is wrong with you kennedy, get a grip, you don't even know her and your going out with Kate, his inner voice told him, to hell with all of that I have to get to know her better, there's something about her that makes her different than any other girl I've ever met, now where did she go, he thought grabbing Kate by the hand and running down the stairs away from the coaster.

He spotted bobby and Jacqueline about to get on the ferries wheel but before he could get to them they were already seated and the wheel started turning. He quickly started running and than him being his crazy self he started climbing up the metal frame of the ferris wheel.

"What the hell, are you doing" the old man with brown hair hollered s he jumped up from the white plastic chair he was sitting on and pressed the red emergency button located on the big metal pole of the wheel.

"I gotta do something" Jack hollered

He finally got to the seat that held bobby and Jacqueline, dangling form the metal bars.

Jacqueline looked at him like he was crazy "jack, what on earth are you doing" she asked. " Your gonna get yourself killed" Bobby cried.

"Will you go with me" Jack asked Jacqueline

"No I will not" she said

"Why not" Jack asked

"I don't even know you and I am going out with your brother" she aid

" I am gonna ask you one last time, will you please go out with me" he asked as he let go of the bar with one of his hands.

"No" she said

"Oh Lord I am slipping. I am slipping so on my death bed you have to go out with me " he pleaded

"Ok i will go out with you" she said

" Ok thank you if you insist" he said as he slowly climbed back down the wheel.

"Your a jerk Jack and you could of got yourself killed" Bobby yelled after him.

Jack got to the very last bar and jumped down to the grassy ground with a smile on his face.

The old man in charge of the wheel and "lady and gentleman, the ride is now going to restart" as he pressed the button and the wheel started slowly going around again.

Jacqueline's house

Around 11pm bobby and Jacqueline walked up the beach to Jacqueline's house, standing awkwardly at the back porch door, Bobby turned to look at her "Well thanks for an enjoyable evening, I for one had fun" he said as he kissed her on the cheek

She nodded her head and said " yes one of the best nights I have had in awhile, thank you."

"Well good night" she said as she opened the red wooden door

"Hey Jacqueline, don't get hurt by jack" he called after her.

" I try my hardest to make sure he doesn't hurt you, you deserve better than that" he said

"Thanks brother" she said with a smile as she closed the door behind her.

As Jacqueline got ready for bed that night sh couldn't help but smile and think what tomorrow might hold and with that she turned off the white light beside her bed as she crawled on and pulled the black blanket with the orange stars up to her chin, she closed her eyes and quickly asleep.

And i give cudos to the writer  Nichols sparks and his movie/book 'the notebook' who gave me ideas for this chapter :)

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