chapter twenty

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The rest of the kids that were still on the boat, started throwing the three or four red and white life preserves over the rail of the boat and than they jumped into the water below.

with a moment to spare as the sailboat fell over on his left side, at first it bobbed over the angery water than a few seconds later it's white sail got torn to pieces and the whole thing was swept away by a huge wave.


"Hurry up"! Bobby shouted to Joe, as they then grabbed ahold of their live preservers and tried their best to swim threw the angery sea, lightening flashed the whole sky white above their heads.

"Bobby, found ethel, kick and Rosemary holding onto each other for dear life. "Oh thank God, I found you all " he exclaimed as he put the life preserver in front of the girls and than they all hung on to it for dear life.

A little bit ahead of them Joe, finally found eunice, Jean, and pat. He threw the life preserver out to them and used the brown rope that was attached to it and pulled them all over to where the rest of them was.

"Where's Teddy"? Eunice asked

"Oh my God where is Teddy" Bobby exclaimed just now noticing that his little brother was not with the rest of them.

"Teddy" Kick started screaming

Joe and bobby scaned the murky water on all sides of them, their little brother no where in sight.

"Teddy, Jacqueline and Jack, are all missing, oh God their all gonna die" rosemary cried.

"No their not, jacks a great swimmer, I am sure he found Teddy and Jacqueline and everyone will be ok" Joe said.


Jack had got caught in a huge massive wave when he jumped off the boat and got swept away from all his siblings, right now he was bobbing in the angery waves, praying to God that all his siblings are ok


Jacqueline had to do something and quick as she held onto a non- moving Teddy as she bobbed up and down in the angery sea.

"Help us, someone please help us" she cried as loud as she could, all of a sudden she realized she was growing extremely tired as she tried to push against the mighty waves and than all she saw was darkness.


"Oh my God" ! Jack exclaimed as he got hit hard in the back, he turned around and was happy but started screaming.

What had hit him on the back was Jacqueline and Teddy, unfortunately they were both past out.

"Come on, we got to get back to shore" he told them as he wrapped his arms around them, he than noticed something wrapped around their wrist, upon farther investigation he figured out it was a black bandana that had been tied around their wrist to keep them together.

"She, made sure my baby brother was ok" Jack exclaimed as he kissed her on her forehead, her skin so cold, noticing how cold she felt, he felt on the side of her neck for a paulse.

His heart sunk because at first he couldn't find her paulse than finally he found a very faint one.

He quickly checked Teddy for a paulse too and he had a very faint one too.

"Their still alive, thank God, now we just got to make it back to shore" he said as he grabbed Jacqueline tucking her into his left arm and put teddy's shrit between his teeth, he than started trying his hardest to swim against the strong waves.


By the Grace of God, the rest of the kennedy clan finally got thrown against the rough sand!

"Oh thank God, we made it"! Ethel exclaimed as she threw herself into bobbys arms.

"Where are they"! Joe exclaimed as he stood up and started scanning up and down the coast line.

"Maybe they went back to the house already" Kick said "Yeah" the rest of them Exclaimed as they all started running in the direction of their house.


Its no use Jack thought to himself I can't push hard enough against the waves with both of them.

Please God, he prayed, please help us!

And with that being said, he closed his eyes for a minute, he felt drained and than all off a sudden he just saw darkness.


"Mum, mum, pops" Joe started yelling as soon as he opened the front door and they all ran into the house.

Rose and Joe was sitting on the couch watching TV together.

"What the hell, you all are dripping wet and going to ruin the floor" ole Joe bellowed.

"You all are going to get sick" rose chimed in.

"Where's Teddy, Jacqueline and jack" Bobby cried

"Oh well I thought they were with you alls" rose said

"They were but than an awful storm started and the boat we were on capsized and now we don't know they are" Kick cried.

"What" rose started as ole Joe jumped up and picked up the telephone "hello" he shouted to the operator "get me the coast guard, my families lost at sea" he yelled

The kids all ran back out the door and back down to the beach, hoping to find their siblings!

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