chapter three

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The boardwalk

20 minutes later Jacqueline and Bobby finally made it to the boardwalk after Bobby made her stop by her house to put on some casual clothes.

Spotting all these girls in short shorts and either halter tops or binki tops, Jacqueline was actually thankful Bobby had made her change where she might actually fit in.

"So what ya wanna do first" Bobby asked Jacqueline

"Oh I don't know, anything you would like to do is fine" Jacqueline said.

"Oh ok well come on than" Bobby said taking her by the hand and leading her in the direction of where they had carnival games. He found what he was looking for and putting a penny in the black slot on the side of the machine four brown balls slid down the slot,"So what's your favorite game here" Bobby asked her as he picked up one of the balls and throwing it up the ally way of the machine as it landed in the 500 point basket. "Oh mine I don't have one, I actually have never been here" Jacqueline breathy said.

Bobby turned to look at her " but I thought you said you and you family come here every summer" ? Bobby asked her.

" We do but I am never been here I am not normal enough to be here" Jacqueline cried as she ran towards the direction they had just came in.

Luckily bobby was faster than her and easily grabbed her arm pulling her into his chest as she cried, he rubbed her back saying it's ok it's ok into her ear.

"You probably think I am such a baby now" she said as she pulled away form his arms and dried her face with her hands.

"Nah I don't think that, I still think I did bout ya as I did when I met ya" Bobby said.

"And what would that be"? She asked him.

"That your the prettiest girl I had ever seen" he said smiling

"Awe i am honored" she said as she hugged him.

"So how bout we go check out the roller coaster now" he said grabbing her hand and leading her thru a mass of touristy looking families.

They finally got to the brown wood plank coaster as the multi colored seats went around the track at lightening speed.

Watching it for a few seconds, she said " No way am i riding this thing".

"Just relax, I am right here" he told her grabbing her hand.

All of a sudden bobby was in a head lock as Jack said "Come on Bobby say uncle".

Bobby gave up fighting with jack and said "uncle darn it"

Jack started laughing and let go of his brother.

" So you ride the coaster yet"? Jack asked

" not yet" Bobby said

"Well it's the best thang ever, even better than having sex" Jack said laughing.

" thanks alot kennedy" the same red head as before came up beside of him and punched him in the arm.

"Only playing princess" Jack said taking the girl in his arms and kissing her on the head.

" Well some of us love having sex but not our good ole alter boy here, right bobby"? Jack asked as he punched bobby in the back.

Bobbys face turned red but instead of replying he turned towards Jacqueline an said "shall we" he took her by the hand and dragged her to the long line of 20 to 30 young people waiting in line to ride the coaster.

Jacqueline couldn't help but to turn around and stare at jack, she had never in her life met a man quite like Jack Kennedy, even thro she had seen him naked, he was still a mystery to her and she wanted to slove it, Bobby was sweet and everything but big brother Jack looked like a free spirit and she wasn't sure how to be like that.

Jack got annoyed and grabbing the red heads hand dragging her to stand in line behind bobby and Jacqueline.

The red head looked Jacqueline up and down and scoffed " who are you"? she spat

Jacqueline extended her hand going to shake the girls hand but when the girl just stood there just staring, she quickly dropped her hand and said, " my name is Jacqueline Bouvier".

"Ok and do u think your better than us" the girl asked.

" I beg your pardon" Jacqueline asked bewildered

"Kate, lay off of her, she's just here to have fun" Jack said to the red head

" Ya but look at how's she's dresses, like she's a debuate" Kate screeched

Jacqueline looked down at her outfit she didn't know what was wrong with it, she had on brown shorts and a red button down sleeveless top that was tucked into her shorts.

"Loosen up babe" Jack told Kate

"She doesn't think she's better than us, she just doesn't know how to cut loose and have some fun" he added as he winked at Kate and Bobby.

Jacqueline sighed and thought maybe my mother and sister are right maybe I am not normal maybe I will become a spinster but I sure the heck can not stand girls!

The line slowly moved til Jacqueline and Bobby were next to get on.

"Rider switch" Jack bellowed as the metal gates opened and he lead the way to the front of the coaster.

"No way" Bobby said

"Awe come on Bob, one time ain't gonna kill ya" Jack said, and with that Jack pulled Jacqueline into the seat beside of him and a few seconds after that it started slowly going up a low incline, Jacqueline closed her eyes shut, than she felt some strong arms wrap around her, she opened her eyes and found herself wrapped in Jacks arm as close as humanly possible into his side.

"Not to bad it ya got somebody to hold onto" Jack said with a smile.

"No not so bad now" Jacqueline smiled back as the coaster made the last lap around the old wooden track.

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