chapter thirteen

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Jacqueline made it outside as the back door of the police car was slammed in Jacks face.

With tears streaming down her face she sobbed," I love you and I am so so sorry".

Jack gave a huge smile from behind the glass of the car door "I love you too, Jacqueline" he mouthed as the police slowly jerked forward and headed down the street.

She threw herself down onto the ground, heavily sobbing and dry heaving.

This is how the rest of the kennedy clan found her a few seconds later.

Bobby quickly threw himself on the ground beside of her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh Jacqueline, everything will be alright, my father will have him out in no time" Kick said.

"Ya nobody tells daddy no" Eunice spoke up from behind of Jean

"Even if your father gets Jack outta jail, he can't stop my mother. Nobody or nothing can ever stop my mother" Jacqueline shouted.

At that moment Mrs. Kennedy and Janet stepped outside of the door onto the porch.

Janet was outraged that her daughter was now on the ground with another filthy kennedy all over her, she quickly marched her way off the porch and to Jacqueline, pulling bobby off of her.

"Do i have to have all of you kennedy boys thrown in jail, keep your filthy hands off my daughter" Janet screamed at Bobby, getting right in face.

"Hey, leave our brother alone", eunice and Teddy screamed as they ran to janet, eunice pushing her to the ground and Teddy kicking her in the shin as hard as he could.

At this sight of her mother being brought down by two kids, Jacqueline couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, hey you all clam down" jean said as she picked up a still wailing Eunice and Kick getting a frustrated Teddy in her arms.

Janet was sitting on the hard gray gravel that was the kennedy homes driveway totally astonished about what had just happened, "don't just stand there, help me up" she yelled at Jacqueline.

"No" Jacqueline shouted.

"What did you just say to me" Janet asked

"You heard me, mummy dearest, I said no, I am not scared of you anymore, you just left me here, do you even love me" Jacqueline yelled at her mother.

"Oh of course I do, you are my daughter, and he has you brainwashed, we didn't go anywhere other than looking for you" Janet said standing up from the ground.

"Oh bull crap, mummy, I came back to our house, no one was there and you left me a horrible note saying you had left me because I choose Jack over you" Jacqueline screamed "Oh and I will pick Jack over you every time, he treats me right, you treat me like a slave".

Just than the police car that had just left came back up the road, stopping in front of the kennedy place.

The doors to the car slowly opened and Jack jumped out, running to Jacqueline wrapping his arms around her.

The police officer went over to janet, "Mrs bouiver, you are under arrest for the assault and abdomennt of your child" he said grabbing Janets arms and leading her over to his car, threw her in the backseat and than got in behind the wheel and jerked the car back down the street.

"How did they find out the truth so fast" Jacqueline asked jack.

"Well your father and sister was waiting at the police station with pictures and recordings they had collect over the years of your mother doing and saying various things to you" Jack said

"What, why would they do that " Jacqueline asked throughly confussed

"I don't know but here's your chance to ask them" Jack said as he kissed her head and him and the rest of the kennedy clan went back into the house.

Jacqueline slowly turned around and sighed, her father and sister was in the Bouivers station waggon parked in the road.

She walked to the car, her father's window was down and he was smoking from a black pipe.

"Hello, pumpkin " John Bouvier said

"Oh daddy, I love you but I don't understand why you and Lee did all of this" she exclaimed

"Well cupcake, I am just happy that you finally found someone who treats you right" John said.

"I am so sorry for how, your mother has treated you all these years, I mostly balme myself because I got her pregnant with you, after Lee, she swore she didn't want anymore kids, and than you were a surprise, I was so happy when she told me but she was so mad, I thought she would of changed her mind after she had you" John said as he drew in a long drawl from his pipe and continued "unfortunately when you were born she was worse, she tried to leave you at the fire station twice, but I want friends with one of the firemen, so he knew you were mine and brought you home, she went too far thro when you were around one and she held you under the bath water for too long, you were blue, when I pulled you out" John said "After that incident was over, she swore that she was sorry and for a little while she left you alone, but the older you got the more she seemed to hate you and treated you so badly" John cried "I am so sorry, tried my hardest but not hard enough to make her stop" he added.

"Oh daddy, I don't balme you, I love you" Jacqueline cried as she threw her arms around her father's neck.

"Now she can never hurt you again, she will rot in jail for everything she said and did to you over the years" John said.

"Now you have to make up your mind on what you wanna do, do you want to go back home with me and Lee or do you want to stay here and spread your own wings" John asked his daughter.

"Oh daddy, you know I was born to fly" she whispered in her father's ear.

"Oh baby I know you were" John whispered back to his daughter and with that being said he handed her a folded piece of paper and Jacqueline couldn't help but cry as she watched her families station wagon slowly move down the road.

Jacqueline watched until she couldn't see the car anymore, she turned to go back into the house to her new future but than she remembered the paper her father had handed her, she quickly unfolded the white paper and couldn't help but smile at the words.

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