twenty five

350 5 2

Flashfowared 6 months later


Boston community center

"Patrick Kennedy, no sir, you can't have a cupcake yet" a very heavily pregnant jackie hollared as she tried to chase the very ambitious 20 month old Patrick around the round tables of the community center.

Today was her baby shower for the twins she would give birth too in 3 short months. Everything was perfect, all of jacks sisters, his mother and jackies sister lee, had all helped to hang the light green and yellow balloons and streamers, as they weren't sure the sex of the babies, til jack and jackie cut the cake in a little while.

"Are you giving, your mama a hard time"? Jack asked Patrick as he came into the room and picked up the little boy who had white icing smeared all over his face.

"Nope, i just eating" Patrick said as he started giggling.

Jackie came up beside of them, jack put his left arm around her shoulders and Patrick leaned over and kissed her on the nose.

"I love you mama" Patrick said

"I love you too, boo" jackie said kissing him on the nose also.

"So it's almost 2, people should start showing up soon" jack said as he placed Patrick back on the floor.

"I know, i can't wait, i also cant wait til these two are born and I am skinny again and can fit into a beautiful wedding dress and marry you" jackie exclaimed as she throw her arms around jack.

"I told you we could find a beautiful wedding dress that fit you and could get married before the twins are born" jack said.

"No, i want to wait, please" jackie whinned.

"I know and we will" jack said as he spun jackie around.

And with that people started coming in to the room.

"We got enough diapers, to last a life time" jack said laughing, taking the last box of diapers from jackie who took the baby foot print wrapping paper and put it in the black garbage bag on the chair beside of her.

"Oh jack you know how many diapers a baby goes thru, with Patrick" kick said.

"Ya I know I am just glad he's outta diapers and finally in pull ups" jack said sighing.

"What's the difference?" rosemary asked

"Nothing really" jackie exclaimed

Finally it was time to cut into the cake with white icing and pink and blue words, that said " boy or girl, dont care".

Jackie and jack held the knife together and slowly cut into the cake looking at the coloring of the cake, they looked at each other and smiled.

"So what is it"? Pat asked

"Well it's pink and blue" jack said laughing

"Awe a boy and a girl" Eunice and jean exclaimed

Everyone had left and all the presents had been placed in the cars to go back to the cute little 3 bedroom apartment jack and jackie rented in downtown Boston.

"You ready to go"? Jack asked jackie

"Yes, i suspose so, but your going to have to come get him" jackie said as she had a sleeping Patrick in her arms.
Jack and jackies apartment

The little family had just arrived back home, jack carried Patrick to his crib, closing his bedroom door half way and joined jackie on their worn brown leather sofa.

"Hey, what are you doing? Jack asked jackie

""Just thinking" jackies breathy reply

"About what"? Jack asked as he put his left arm over her shoulder.

"Argh" jackie started screaming

"What's wrong" jack cried

"I dont know, but my stomach is cramping so very badly" jackie screamed.

"Oh my God" jack screamed as he saw bright red blood all over jackies legs.

Patrick started crying from his crib.

"We need to call 911" jack said as he ran to pick up a very irritated Patrick, jack grabbed the phone off the cradle.

"No time, jack, please take me to the hospital now" jackie screamed.

Jack had a screaming Patrick in his left arm and helped jackie up from the couch.

Boston memorial hospital

The family made it to the hospital in record time

As they where running into the er doors.

"Please someone please help us, shes 6 months pregnant and in pain and bleeding" jack started screaming.

Two nurses ran over to them, pushed Jackie in a wheelchair and ran to find a doctor.

Poor jack was left standing at the door of the exam room, with Patrick who was holding onto his daddy with all his might .

All of a sudden a male nurse appeared at the curtain in front of jack, "were going to have to an emergency c section" he told jack and with that pulled the yellow curtain to close off the room and jack could no longer see his jackie.

"Oh please dear God, please keep her and our babies safe" jack kept praying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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