chapter seventeen

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The kenendy back yard


"Hey you alls" ? Bobby said as he and Ethel walked into the backyard.

"Bobby, where is jack, thought he was with you" Jacqueline said as she ran over to him.

"He should of been back by now, I am sure he will be back soon " Bobby said with a smile.

"Hey ethel, how are you" ? Jacqueline asked as she hugged ethel.

"I am fine kid, how are you"? Ethel asked

"Great" Jacqueline said with a huge smile on her face.

Just than Jack came jogging into the back yard "oh, thank God, your back" Jacqueline exclaimed as she threw her arms around his neck.

"Where else would I be" Jack asked her as he kissed her head.

"Dinners ready" rose said from the picnic table in the middle of the yard.

"Terrific, it smells fantastic" Teddy squealed as he Jean and Eunice all took their seats around Rose.

"Oh ya mum, this is ethel" Bobby said introducing ethel to his mother.

"Hello there dear" rose said

"Hello, how are ya"? ethel asked Rose as she and bobby took a seat across from her.

"Very well and how are you"? Rose asked.

"I am doing awesome, so glad to be here" ethel beamed.

Jack and Jacqueline took their seats at the table Jack beside of bobby.

"So when you going to"? Bobby asked jack

"Later" Jack said

"Later what"? Jacqueline asked

"Nothing" Jack said as he stuffed his mouth full with his cheeseburger.

"Ok" Jacqueline said rolling her eyes.

Moments later all of them had ate a ton of the delicious food, the cheeseburgers, fries, slaw, potatoe salad all the containers were now empty.

The family was all sitting around the table joking around, til Teddy jumped up and threw the football at eunice, "Let's go play some foolsball" Kick yelled as all the kids got up from the table and started running down to the sand on the beach.

Bobby jumped up "Well come on" he said to ethel "Oh your on kennedy" ethel said as she chased after him.

"Do you wanna play"? Jack asked Jacqueline

"Oh me that's OK, but you go have some fun" she said

"Ok be back soon " Jack said kissing her cheek and running off.

"Your not going to play too" rose asked her as she began collecting the empty plates that were all over the table.

"Oh no not this time" Jacqueline said standing up and took the dishes and silverware into the kitchen and into the sink, when she came back outside rose was no longer there, 'Oh well' she thought to herself as she quickly walked onto the beach to watch the others play.

Some 40 minutes later the game was finally over and bobby and Teddy were arguing over which team had won.

Jack quickly jogged over to where Jacqueline was sitting on the sand he sat down beside of her.

"So who won"? Jacqueline asked him

"Well clearly my team did" he said as he kissed her on the lips.

"Oh really"? She asked him

"Oh ya" he said as he wrapped his arms around her

They sat like this until the sun sank down into the water.

"Come on jack, we're gonna start lighting the fireworks now" Joe hollered.

"Ok, we're coming" Jack hollered as he stood up and grabbed her hand as they quickly ran back to the house.


"These are spectacular " Jackie exclaimed as the different colors flashed into the sky over their heads.

Jack lit off a few of them and than he left it up to Joe jr and bobby as he made his way to where Jacqueline was sitting on one of the wicker lawn chairs beside of jean.

"Hey you" she said when he sat down beside of her

"Hey yourself" he said as he wrapped his arms around her

"Aren't they just so beautiful, this is the first time I have ever seen them" she started rambling.

"Well I am glad I am with you your first time" he said laughing.

"Ya me too" she said as she watched the sky be encased with more color.

All of a sudden Jack got up from beside of her and got down on the ground on one knee.

She looked at jack and was about to ask him what he was doing when he said "Jacqueline Lee bouiver will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife" ? He asked as he pulled the ring box out of his pocket.

"Yes I will marry you jack" she cried as he opened the ring box and pulled the ring out of it placing the ring on her ring finger.

"Oh my God, this is beautiful" she exclaimed looking at the ring and than jumping up throwing herself into his arms and they started making out.

"I love you so much" he said breaking their kiss.

"I love you so much too" she cried and than Teddy hollered "last firework"!

Jack and Jacqueline looked at each other and smiled than both looked up at the sky as the last firework lit up the sky in a red glow.


Since it was now official they were gonna get married they decided to sleep in the same bed that night.

"We have so much to plan" she said as she laid down on Jacks bed.

"Yeah I know, you can do all that" he said laying down beside of her.

"No no it's our wedding I want your opinions" she said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I am just so happy, I have never been this happy in my life" she cried.

"I know neither have I" he said holding her closer to his side.

He quickly got up and locked the door, "No interruptions now" he said as he crawled back into the bed.

"Good" she said as she got up and sat on his stomach

"Oh really what do you thinks is going to happen in here tonight" he whispered.

"Oh you know" she whispered back

And with that being said she started kissing his warm lips and than pushed her tongue into his wet mouth.

He was putty in her hands now but she wasn't quite sure of herself so she broke the kiss and smiled at him, he smiled back and than flipped them over where she was lying on her back and he was on top of her.

"Everything will be ok, I promise, I love you" he said.

"I love you too" she whispered and with that they started kissing, he pulled her shrit over her head as she pulled his over his head too, soon they were down to having nothing on.

"Are you ready" he asked

"Yes" she breathed and with that their two different bodies become one.

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