chapter fifteenth

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"Yes I will marry you, I want to marry you " she cried as she ran to him throwing her arms around his neck.

"Really" he asked.

"Yes jack, I want to marry you, I wanna grow old with you I wanna have a bunch of little Jack Kennedys running around" she said smiling.

"Ya well let's hope those little Jack Kennedys running around look just like you not this ugly mug" Jack exclaimed as he leaned in and captured her soft in a warm kiss.

"As soon as I get enough money, I will get you a ring and ask you right" he said as he let go of her.

"I don't need a silly ole ring" she said smiling

"But, I wanna do it right" Jack said as he picked her up and spun her around.

She couldn't help but smle, this was the happiest she had ever been!

The long dog days of summer seemed to to be flying by for the couple, they spent every moment together, riding the roller coaster, eating icecream, building sand castles and swimming, we're what they lived for.

At this very moment, they were sitting on the warm sand of the beach licking icecream from comes and watching the pink and orange sun sink down past tge watf

"You know I can't believe how fast June flew by and tomorrow is the fourth of july" Jack exclaimed

"Ya I know it's true, what they say that time Flys by when your having fun" Jacqueline said as she poped the icecream come into mouth and she laid back onto the sand.

"Oh ya very true" he said also finishing the last bit of his icecream too.

"So Kennedy, how ya been doing" Dean foster said as he walked u to the couple.

"Doing great" Jack said as Dean sat down, "how you've been" he added.

"Getting depressed, summers going by way too fast, it's already July and once September's here, I gotta go back east and back to school" Dean said

"Ya, I know it's going by way too fast, Jacqueline and I was just talking bout that too, come September I am susposd to go to harvard" Jack said

"Wait what you didn't tell me that"? Jacqueline asked

"Uh ya, I am susposd too, I might not thro" Jack said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh hey, Jacqueline" Dean said just now noticing she was there.

"Hey dean" she scartically said

" you know I miss your sister" Dean continued

"Yup me too" she said

"So um, why did you get to stay but Lee to leave" Dean asked

"Things change, dean" she started

At that very minute, bobby, kick and Teddy all ran and tackled Jack

"Uph" Jack moaned under his siblings.

"What ya all doing" Kick asked as she got off of bobby and stood up

"Nothing" Jacqueline said quietly

"Well you all wanna come to Johnny Rockets with us"? Bobby asked

"Um" Jacqueline started

"Nah, thanks for the invite. But we're gonna pass, I am getting sleeply" Jack said as he finally got Teddy off his back and stood up, leaning down he picked up Teddy and than turning around he went towards the brown murky looking water and tossed Teddy in.

"Hey, what the heck" Teddy as his head came up above the water and he slowly stood up.

"Oh just some fun" Bobby said as he gently and quickly picked up kick, she started kicking her feet and screaming "don't you dare" than splash, she was also in the water.

Jack started laughing as he slowly went over to Jacqueline, he bend down and started kissing her hard on her lips when she started moaning he gently picked her up in her arms and than splash she too was in the water.

Teddy, Jacqueline and kick were still in the water as Bobby looked at jack and than they started chasing each other down the beach line, "Ugh" Jack yelled as his right foot went into a shallow hole in the sand and he went flying to the ground.

"Oh yeah" Bobby said he bend down and picked up his older brother, and than he quickly threw him into the water.

"I am king of the world still" Bobby screamed as he lifted his arms into the sky over his head and started jumping around.

Jacqueline quickly swam over to Jack, throwing herself into his arms, he gently lifed her into the air and than she bend down and they started kissing passionately as Kick, Bobby and Teddy all started shouting "get a room" from the sand.

Jack and Jacqueline quit kissing as started laughing until Jack pushed her into the water behind, she came up fuming and quickly threw Jack backwards into the water both fighting for control over the other until they made back up to the sand throwing themselves down and started laughing.

By that point the rest of them had already left.

"Its just you an me baby against the rest of the world" Jack exclaimed as he guickly got to his feet and pulled her with him.


Jacqueline woke up with a start as someone sat down on top of her, as she was laying on her make shift bed on the sofa, jacks mother refusing to let them sleep in the same bed together.

"Ugh" she exclaimed as she than feel of the sofa and landed with a thump in the floor.

"Oh hi ya Jackie, I didn't see you there" Eunice said as her, rosemary and pat sat down on the sofa laughng.

"Well good morning to ya all too" Jacqueline said as she stood up from the floor.

"Have you all seen Jack this morning"? She asked

"Ya, Joe jr, Teddy, Bobby and him all went to get a bunch of fireworks for tonight from guy they know" jean said as she walked into the livingroom and plopped into one of the chairs.

"Oh so what do you all do on the 4th"? Jacqueline asked

"Have a cook out and than the boys shoot off the fireworks" rosemary said from the sofa.

"Well that sounds like fun, I haven't never seen fireworks" Jacqueline said

"Really never"? Pat asked

"Nope, never mummy said it was just a big waste of time and made me go to bed early" Jacqueline said

"You have lifed a very sheltered life" Eunice said.

"Ya, I guess I have" Jacqueline as she turned around and walked to the kitchen.

"Hello dear" rose said from the kitchen table as Jacqueline walked in and opened the door of the green refrigerator. Peering inside she found some milk and a banana, turning around she opened the brown cabinet door on the wall beside the refrigerator, finding a small blue cup, she sat it on the counter and than poured some milk into it.

"I am doing great, mrs kennedy, hoe are you"? Jacqueline asked

"I am fine" rose said

"Ya that's good, do you know when the boys will be back"? Jacqueline asked

"Shortly" rose said as she got up from the table and walked towards the livingroom.

"Splendid" Jacqueline thought to herself, she got up and walked out the back door to the back yard, that is when she found Jack with some girl with blonde hair and they were hugging and Jack placed a kiss on her nose.

"What" Jacqueline began but the tears that were burning her eyes quickly feel down her checks and she just stood there and cried.

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