twenty four

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A/N snce i am finally back...i decided to try an update...hope you like it...

Luckily Karen hadn't been able to shove the medicine thru the needle in Jackies arm jack made her fall on the floor.

"We need some help in here" Bobby yelled out the door.

As he ran too the bed and took the pillow off of Jackies face, feeling her right wrist, he found a small Paulse so he immediately started mouth to mouth, a few seconds later, jacquline started gasping for breath.

"Are you ok"? Bobby asked her

"I think so" she replied as Bobby helped her up to sit on the bed.

Finally two older doctors and a nurse with black curly hair came running into the room.

"What is the matter"? The nurse asked.

"She tried to kill my fiance" jack said as he slowly stood up from the floor with a very angry looking Karen in his arms.

"You messed up everything, you belong to me" karen started yelling as Jack threw her into the arms of the doctors and they started trying to carry her out off the room. "You will regret this jack kennedy" she screamed as the doctors finally was able to get a strong hold on her and was out the door.

"Is everything okay now"? The nurse asked.

"Yes everything is just peachy" Jacqueline snapped.

"OK well if you need anything else just let us know" the nurse said as she disappeared out the door.

"Oh thank God, your okay" jack said to Jacqueline, as he threw his arms around her neck.

"Yes I think I am OK now" she said.

"Daddy, where did they take my mommy" patrick cried as he came over to the hospital bed and threw himself into Jacks lap.

"Oh, um she had to go away for a little while because she tried to hurt Jacqueline" jack said as he rubbed Patricks back.

"But where am I going to stay" Patrick sobbed.

"With me of course, after all I am your dad" jack said smiling.

"Oh jack, I still don't remember everything, but I do remember some, I know we're engaged and I am pregnant with your child" Jacqueline said smiling.

"Thank God, you remember the most important things, that's all that matters" jack said as he, Jacqueline and Patrick fell backwards on to the hospital bed.

A few hours later the doctor declared that Jacqueline could leave the hospital.


The Kennedy Residence

"I am just so thankful your ok" jack said to Jacqueline as Patrick was splashing around in the bath tub.

"Me too, Jack, but what happens now? Jackie asked

"We take it one day at a time" jack

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