chapter twelve

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Jacks pov

It was too early and all he wanted to do was cuddle back into Jacqueline's side. But first he had to figure out a way to get his very drunk and heavy older brother off of him.

About five minutes before he was rudely woken up, Joe jr. Opened the bedroom door and came stumbling in, laughing like a pig and launching himself on top of him.

"Joe, what the hell, get off of me" he begged.

All Joe did was lift his head off of Jacks chest, smiled a sheepish smile and said " Hey-o, you missed one hell of a party".

"Ya ya I can tell you had one hell of a time but I am not a pillow so get off of me now" he loudly said, bucking his legs up.

All this did was make Joe laugh like a pig again and said "you know what I like this ride and all but I'm gonna be sick"

"Oh my god, do not barf on me" Jack said angerily

"Relax, relax I am good now" Joe said as he tried an get off Jack and was attempting to sit on the bed beside of him instead he fell in the floor, and with the big thump that Joe made,Jacqueline woke up.

"What's going on"? She whispered in the darkness

Jack rolled over and looked at her saying"Oh nothing my brother Joe is just drunk and just fell off a ride" .

"A ride, what ride, is he ok" she asked

"Nevermind" Jack said

A few seconds later snoring could be heard coming from the floor.

"Thank God, he's asleep" Jack said

"Well that makes one of us" Jacqueline

"What's a matter"? Jack asked her

"Oh, nothing just thinking" she whispered this

"You know you can talk to me, if you wanna"? Jack told her

"Thanks, but I don't want to right now" she said

"Right now I want to kiss you" she said as her face turned bright red.

Jack couldn't help but smile and think she's so cute and innocent"Oh Lord I am gonna corrupt her" he said out loud.

"What" she asked confussed

"Nothing, you don't have to ask me every time you wanna kiss, you can just do it" he said.

"Oh ok" she said

"Ya" he said as he leaned over and captured her lips with his.

Jacqueline's pov

She was in Heaven she thought to herself, she had died and gone to Heaven.

His soft lips against hers made her moan and when his teeth started nipping at her lips begging for entrance into her mouth, she couldn't deny him that pleasure but than five seconds later he had just quit kissing her and pulled away from her.

"Did I do something wrong" she whispered

"No Jacqueline, you did everything right" he said

"Oh than why did you stop" she asked confussed

" Because if we had kept that up we would be doing alot more than just kissing, I mean I have alot of self control, but damn it, I am a man and I do want you" he said

"Oh I see, jack I barely know you and I am not ready to do that yet" she said .

"I know that,and that's OK but that's also why I had to quit kissing you" he said smiling.

"I think I'm going back to sleep now" she said lying down on the pillow behind her.

"Ya me too" he said laying down beside of her.


The sun was shining through the window right in her eyes, "what time is it" she thought to herself, she slowly opened her eyes and at first not remembering where she was she started to panic, than she looked over on the bed beside of her and saw Jack laying there staring at her.

"Good morning beautiful" he said kissing her head.

She smiled "good morning"

From somewhere in the floor a gruff sounding voice snapped " Shut up ya all, my head is pounding"

Jack started laughing "Ya and dear brother that's your own fault"

Just than Bobby and Teddy busted thru the door

"We got big problems" Teddy exclaimed

"What's wrong"? Jack asked

"Well Mrs bouiver is in the kitchen with ma" Bobby said

"What the hell Is she doing here" Jack asked jumping out of the bed "Teddy I'm gonna kill you" he added.

"It wasn't me, I swear, I didn't tell anyone Jacqueline was here" Teddy exclaimed

"Who the hell is Jacqueline" Joe snapped jumping out off the floor and jumping on his bed. "Nevermind I really don't care" he added going back to sleep.

At this point the bedroom door opened again and in rushed Jean and kick.

"We have a major problem" Kick cried

"Ya I know my mummy is here" Jacqueline said standing up from the bed.

"And what we gonna do about it" jean asked.

"Well I guess I need to go talk to her" Jacqueline said.

"Wait what, what if she makes you leave with her" Jack asked

"Don't worry I am an adult and I can make up my own mind, rather I stay or not" Jacqueline said as she walked out of the bedroom door.


Jacqueline quickly made her way down the hall an and taking the stairs two at a time she found herself right outside of the kitchen door, holding her breath she walked in.

Her mother, mrs. Kennedy and a police officer all started starring at her.

"Hello mother, did you miss me" she asked
"Oh thank God your alive" Janet exclaimed

"What on earth are you talking about" Jacqueline asked confussed

"How did you get the bald spot" the police officer asked her

"Oh that dear ole mum gave that to me when we were fighting and she treated me like a child" she said

"No, I saw the whole thing, her and Jack Kennedy had a huge fight on the beach yesterday, he slapped her hard on the check and than pulled her hair hard enough to leave a bald spot" Janet cried.

"What, your lying" Jacqueline exclaimed not believing that her own mother was lying the way she is.

"No quit covering up for him, he did this and than you disappeared and I thought you had drowned" Janet said

"Oh really and if you thought all of this than how could you just leave" Jacqueline asked her mother

"Oh baby he's got you brainwashed, we didn't leave, we were looking for you" Janet exclaimed

Jack, Bobby and kick came tumbling into the kitchen

"I think I have heard enough" the police officer said as he stood up from his chair and went over to Jack, helped him up from the floor, handcuffed him and said "your under arrest for the abuse and kidnapping of Jacqueline Bouvier " as the police officer was dragging Jack out off the kitchen and out the front door, Jacqueline started yelling at Janet "how could you do that"?

"Don't worry dear, Joe will get him out of jail as soon as he can" rose began as Jacqueline ran out of the kitchen and slammed the front door behind her.

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