chapter six

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Johnny Rockets, a local burger joint that had been on the beach for more than fourty years and nothing had changed since the day Ron John Rockets had first opened the doors. Jacqueline thought as she and the Kennedy brothers opened the glass door and walking in noticed how busy they were today. After standing awkwardly in the middle of the restaurant for s few minutes an elderly couple finally got up from a corner both in the back and opened the door stepped out into the bright sinshine.

Teddy and bobby raced to the both both sitting down on the yellow bench on the right hand side of the table wilted for jack and Jacqueline to join them, they finally did taking their seats on the bright purple bench on the other side of the table.

" So have anything you want" Jack said

"Alright Jacks, paying" Teddy said

"Ya paying for the cutest thing at this table" Jack said

"Awe shucks I didn't know you thought that about little ole me" Teddy said

"Teddy get real, I am sure your date will pay for you, isn't that right bob" Jack asked

Bobby looked up from the menu he was looking at an having no clue what his brother was talking about just nodded his head and said" sure".

"Alright, free food, what's the most expensive thing on here" Teddy asked opening a memu.

" Wait so Jack your paying for all of us"? Bobby asked confussed

"No baby brother, you are" Jack said smiling

Bobby was about to say more when a pretty blond waitress walked over to the table "can i get you alls drink order first" ?she asked

"Ya I will have coke" Teddy said

"Ditto" Jack said

Jacqueline said "I will have an ice water please"
"Ok very well" the waitress said turning to look at Bobby who was to busy admiring how beautiful she was "snd you sir" she asked

Jack kicked bobby in the leg under the table "Oh ya, a sprite please" Bobby squeaked out.

"Ok i will be right back with those" the waitress said walking away

A few seconds later she came back with the drinks, handing each what they had ordered.

"Alright than, my name is Ethel, may i take your order" she said

"Ya I want a cheeseburger with curly fries and a chocolate milkshake" Teddy said.

"Same for me but no milkshake" Jack said.

"I would like a salad" Jacqueline began

"No she will have what I am having plus a hot fudge sundae" Jack quickly said.

"Your hungery so order real food" Jack told her with a smile.

"Ya can u have your phone number" Bobby squeaked out.

"What"? Ethel asked.

"Ya you see my love sick brother here is trying his hardest here to ask you out" Jack said

"Oh ok" ethel said with a smile as she pulled the blue pen out of the appron pocket she wore and taking bobbys left hand she wrote her name and number. "I get off at 9, call me" ethel said with a smile as she walked back to the kitchen area.

"I think I have died and gone to Heaven" Bobby sighed.

Just than the front door opened an in walked Dean foster, Joe jr and Lee.

"Hey over here" Teddy said waving his hand at his brother.

"Hey you all" Joe jr said as he pushed Jack into Jacqueline so he could sit down on the bench also.

Dean found a red chair and sat down at the end of the table and Lee perched on his lap.

"Jacqueline your not susposd to be here" Lee gasped

"How are you all sisters, yet your parents are more strict with Jacqueline than you, lee" Bobby asked.

"Because mummy and daddy know that I am cute enough and smart enough to marry rich, and Jacqueline isn't pretty, and either going to be a spinster or be with a woman" Lee snapped

"I don't think all of that is true" Jack said quickly

Jacqueline was on the verge of tears, "Come dance with me deany" Lee squealed as she dragged dean along with her to the jukebox in the corner of the restaurant.

"Don't let her get to you" Jack whispered to her.

"Why when my life that's all I have ever heard from my darling mother, along with your too fat, your feet or too big, nobody is going to love a flat chested fool" she whispered back

Jack closed his eyes and thought her mother is exactly like my old man an mother, but I have to get her to see that none of that is true.

"Here's your food" ethel said sitting their plates of food on the table in front of them.

"Great fries" Joe jr said stuffing Jacks fries into his mouth.

"Hey, hey get your own" Jack said slapping his brothers hand away from the fries.

Jacqueline than jumped ten feet in the air" are you ok" Teddy asked

"Yes I am fine" she said as she tried to shake Jacks hand off her inner thigh.

"What it's cold" Jack mouth

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

All of the sudden the front door opened again only this time it was Jacqueline's mother who had walked in, she marched down the aslie of tables her high heels clicking across the floor. " Jacqueline Lee bouiver, what on earth are you doing here with them" Janet screamed.

Jacqueline could feel her face turn bright red " Just eating mummy" she said

"Get up, we're leaving now" Janet bellowed.

Joe jr, and Jack stood up and beside of Janet waiting on Jacqueline to slide out of the booth, when she got to the edge Janet grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the door of the diner.
Everyone inside of the diner starred talking and eating again all but Jack who was now sick to his stomach, worrying about what was going to happen to Jacqueline.


P.s. I am changing around some stuff I know Jackie would be 18 at the year of this story and that Lee is younger than her but in this story I am gonna have Jackie be 16 and Lee 18....

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