chapter eight

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The boardwalk continued....

Jack's pov

He had finally found Jacqueline passed out on a bench in front of the roller coaster.

He tried to wake her up, he checked her Pulse on her wrist and finding one but it being very faint, he panicked, running to the first aide station located in the middle of the park, he threw open the screen door running in and finding a phone, telling the operator 911, after talking to someone at 911, he quickly ran back to Jacqueline, lifting her head up and gently placing it on his lap as he slowly sat down on the bench.

He closed his eyes and prayed that she would be ok, he heard sirens in the background and than finally their was two older looking men in fire fighters uniforms, rushing over to them. The one man with the gray hair grabbed her left hand checking for a pulse, finding a faint one, he said come on earl, grab her legs as he grabbed her upper body and gently lifted her up and placed her on a black stretcher in the back of a ambulance, hack hurriedly jumped in the back with her and the ambulance took off towards the hospital.

North mrytle beach hospital

Jackie's pov.

Jackie didn't know where she was or what was on her face but she could tell she was about to have a panic attack, she felt some grab her hand and she tensed up even more when the soft, big hand rubbed her hand in a loving manner.

She slowly opened her eyes and quickly looked around, she was lying down so all she could see was a blinding light on the ceiling of whatever room she was in.

"Mummy" she said quietly

"Oh thank God your awake" she make voice she didn't remember said as they jumped up off of whatever she was lying on.

She turned her to the right as the male figure was now standing at her right side his soft lips leaving kisses across her forehead.

"Get off of me" she tried to shout but it came out muffled because of whatever was on her face.

"What did you say" the male figure asked, he went to help her sit up at first she fought him but than once she figured out he wasn't going to hurt her but help her.

She was now sitting up on a bed with a white blanket on her lap, jack kenendy was sitting beside her.

"Where the hell am i" she tried to ask but once again it was muffled because of whatever was on her face.

She quickly reached up and pulled an oxygen mask off her face, throwing it onto the bed beside of her, she was genuinely confused now, where was she what happened, she closed her eyes for a minute but had no idea what was going on.


Jacks pov

The ambulance had reached the hospital in record speed, the men had jumped out the front and threw open the door pulling the stretcher with jacket on it into the red door of the emergency department, everything was than a blur for him, he watched as nurses and doctors tried to revive Jacqueline, nothing was working and he thought for sure she was dead.

Finally one of the doctors got her breathing mask on with oxygen attached, when he put on the her heart rate and breathing evened out and the took some blood. They quickly started and iv of fluids and put her in the corner of the room. Telling him that she should be ok, the blood work showed that she was severely dehydrated, she should wake up in a little while once tell fluids started helping her feel better.

That was 4 hours ago and she was till passed out, he found himself barging with God, that if he let her live, he would change his ways, start being more like his alter boy brother bob.

He was just about to go get another doctor to check on her, when he noticed her eyes were open.

"Oh thank God" he exclaimed as he jumped up off the stretcher beside of her and started kissing her face, so thankful she was at first she pulled away from him and he was a little upset about that but than he noticed she looked like was confussed.
"Of course she was she has no idea where she's at" he said to himself. He helped her sit up on the side of the stretcher him pulling her into his right side as she threw the oxygen mask off her face.

"What happened" she cried

"You, you passed out on the boardwalk, I found you and you wouldn't wake uo, I called 911 and an ambulance came and brought you to the hospital, where they took blood, said you were dehydrated, so started an iv and put oxygen on you" he said all at once.

It took a moment to understand everything he had just said to her, when she did she said " how long have I been out"?

"A little over 3 hours" he said

"And you've been here the whole entire time"? She exclaimed

"Of course, I haven't left your side, you would of been alone and I had to know you were going to be ok" he added

"Awe thanks so much for helping me and stating with me" she said laying her head on his shoulder.

"I tried calling your mother but she never answered" he admitted

"Oh well after the fight we had, I never want to see her again" she sighed.

"I heard and saw you alls fight" he said

"Whay, I am sorry you did" she cried

"Its ok, I have to admit your mother is right about ole Joe, you brothers and me about seeing our prize and finally bedding that prize and than onto the next prize, but I want to change with you especially, I have no idea what it is about you but from the first moment we met last night I haven't been able to think of anything but you" he said

"I know what you mean, there's something different about you too" she cried wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Wonderful your awake" a blonde nurse exclaimed as she walked over to check on her.

"Let's us just check your vitals and if their ok than we should be able to release as long as your husband here can take care of you".

---- all of Jacqueline's vitals were fine so she was released into the care of her husband.

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