chapter nine

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Jack and Jacqueline held each others hands as they walked out of the hospital into the bright sunshine.

"Oh thank goodness, your ok" Jack said as he pulled her into him and started nipping at her upper lip, she finally gave in and opened her mouth to him, he quickly appreciated her open mouth invitation and shoved his warm wet tongue into her warm wet mouth, at first she was caught off guard but quickly was rubbing her tongue against his.

He was in heaven as they stood there outside the hospital making out like a couple of teenagers.

She wanted to see where this was going but there was no way she was going to do too much in broad daylight where anybody could be watching.

She quickly pulled away and was breathing hard as an equally breathing heavily Jack laid his forehead against hers, "why's you pull away for, didn't you like it"? He asked her sounding like pure sex.

"Oh my yes, I enjoyed that very much, but we're in brod daylight, what if someone would see"? she asked shyly.

"So they would of gotten a pretty good show" he said laughing.

"Oh jack" she exclaimed throwing both arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.

"I haven't been with a man in that way " she said quietly.

"Wait what your a simpleton" ? He asked not believing his ears.

"Yes I am, I haven't ever had a boyfriend, I have a gay best friend back home who we learned to kiss from" she said laughing.

"Well this gay best friend really knows how to teach people how to kiss because that kiss was extronically"! He exclaimed.

Her face grew bright red "Awe shucks thanks" she said.

"Ok well come on my wife, we have to go get your stuff because your staying with us now" he exclaimed grabbing her hand and pulling her up the gray pavement.

"Ok my husband" she said with a smile, "but it's ok, my mother will have cooled off by now, I don't need to stay with you" she added as they walked down the street hand in hand with her pretend husband.


Bouiver beach house

10 minutes later the happy couple finally made it back to Jacqueline's house.

The house was dark looking from outside as she opened the door and folded white piece fell to the floor at her feet.

Jack bend down and picked it up off of the floor about to hand it to her when she just pushed the red back door opened more and walked into the house, no one was there!

She quickly ran into her parents room the bed was made but she threw open the wardrobe in the far corner and all of their clothes were missing.

"No,no,no, where are they" she cried running across the hall to her sisters room, she threw open her wardrobe and all of her stuff was missing too.

Jacqueline threw her hands up in the air "what the hell"? She muttered to herself.

She went into her own room and noticed her suitcase on the bed, she flicked the copper colored lock on the side the too opened with a pop, all of her stuff was neatly lying in her suite case.

She threw herself at her bed, lying down in the fetal position and rocking back and forth.

This is where Jack found her a few minutes later with the piece of paper that fell out of the door. "Where are they"? She moaned.

Jack gave her the paper, she unfolded it and ever politely started dry heaving off the side of her bed in the floor. "Hey. Hey, hey, it's going to be ok" Jack said playing with he read and rubbing her back.

"They left me, they left their own daughtwr, saying if I choose over them than they no longer had a daughter named Jacqueline" shee screamed.

Jack was taken back "what the hell" he said more to himself than her "what kind of mother just leaves their child"?

"My mother apparently" she snapped.

"What do I do now, I only have 40 dollars on me and no where to stay" she sobbed.

"Well like I said before you will just come and stay with us" Jack said standing up and grabbing her suite case off the bed.

"What the hell i barely know you I can't stay with you" she scoffed

"You can stay with us pretend you one of rosemary's or kicks friends and I said stay with us not sleep with me" he said laughing.

"Now come on, let's go" he said picking her up off the bed.

Since she had no clue what to do or say she let him carry her out the front door of her house and down he black pavement of the main road and finally they were standing next the porch of the kennedy retal.

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