chapter eighteen

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July 8th

Jacqueline woke up in a cold sweat, she just had the worst dream of her life!

She looked beside her and smiled as she saw Jack lying on the bed beside of her.

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Jack stirred for a moment or two, and then he opened his green eyes and saw her sitting there smiling at him.

"Well good morning" Jack said as he sat up and wrapped her in his arms.

"Oh jack, you make me feel so safe" she exclaimed as she buried herself farther into his chest".

"I am glad I do" he said as he kissed the side of her head.

He went to let go off her, but she clung to his neck even tighter.

"Are you ok? " he asked growing worried.

"No everything's fine" she lied as tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Jack knew something was wrong when he heard her voice break and she stated breathing heavy.

He gently turned her around until she was facing him.

"What's wrong"? He gently asked as he started wiping away her tears.

"Oh jack, I had the most horrendous dream of my life, we were in the backyard, enjoying some delicious food and than all of the sudden some one came up to us and they had a pistol, they put the pistol to your head and pulled the trigger, than bam your whole head exploded, I had all of your brains and blood all over me!". She cried, throwing herself into his arms again, as she started sobbing harder.

"Oh Jacqueline, nothing like that's gonna happen, I ain't got no enemies, only friends and everybody loves me". He said as he flashed his famous kennedy smile.

"Oh jack, I just could not bear it if I ever lost you" she cried into his chest.

"Oh baby it was just a dream, I am right here and I promise I ain't going anywhere, ever" he exclaimed as he started rubbing circles on her back.

A few minutes later, she had calmed down and had fallen back asleep in his arms.

Jack smiled to himself at the sight of her sound asleep, he gently laid her back in her spot of the bed and prayed that she had a peaceful sleep this time.


He watched her for a few sconds making sure she was still ok, he than after she started snoring lightly, he threw his feet and legs off the side of the bed and quickly stood up.

"Hey she ok ?" Joe asked from the bed across the room

"Yup she's good now" Jack said as he threw the bedroom door open and made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey good morning!" Bobby exclaimed as Jack walked into the kitchen.

"Hey!" Jack exclaimed as he walked to the refrigerator, threw open the door and grabbed an apple and a beer bottle.

"Great breakfast, bro" Bobby laughed as he put a spoonful of Kix cereal into his mouth.

"Ya, I know very nutritional" Jack said with an eye roll as he sat down in the chair by bobby.

"Oh ya very nutritional" Bobby said laughing than he asked "are you ok?"

"Ya I am good, Jacqueline had a nightmare, but I got her to calm down and back to sleep". Jack said as he took a bite of his apple.

"Oh, what kind of nighmare?" Kick asked as she came bounding into the kitchen.

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