chapter twenty one

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Jack woke up and started to panic, he looked around at the white walls of the room and decided it was extremely way to clean and white, he has to be in Heaven!

Well that's great I died, I hope Jacqueline and Teddy are both still alive, he thought to himself as he slowly went back to sleep.


"Miss bouiver, are you awake" Jacqueline heard as she slowly opened her eyes and saw a short little blond headed woman standing their dressed in a white dress and a little white cap perched on to the top of her head.

"Oh great, your awake now, how do you feel" the woman asked

"Like I have been hit by a truck" Jacqueline said as she sat up more on the hard bed.

"Oh, I am sorry, here I need you to take this" the nurse said as she handed her a small brown pill and a small white cup of water.

"What is it for" she asked the nurse

"Oh its, for the baby" the nurse said smiling as she walked back to the door and walked out of it.

Oh ok, it's for the baby, Jacqueline thought to herself "wait what baby" she asked?


Teddy was sitting up in his room, eating a huge bowl of choclate icecream.

"Thanks for the icecream, mummy" he said with icecream in his mouth.

"Your welcome dear, I am just so glad your ok" rose said as she sat down on the bed beside of him.


Jacqueline's whole body felt like lead and she was a little wobbly on her feet but she was determined to find somebody to explain to her what exactly was going on.

She quickly made her way out of her hospital door and saw the blond nurse that had just been in her room, coming out of the room beside of hers.

"Oh hunny, you shouldn't be out here" The nurse exclaimed as she tried to get her to turn around and go back into her room.

"No, I need to know, why did you give me medicine for a baby, I am a virgin, I am not pregnant" Jacqueline cried.

"Um, okay, we, I am not sure, if you say your virgin, but the blood results showed high levels of hcg in your blood stream so we automatically assumed it was because you were pregnant" the nurse said.

" Well I guess you all are mistaken, I demand to see the doctor" Jacqueline declared.

"Yes mam, he will be right in" the nurse said as she ran down the hall.

Jacqueline backed back into her room, silly doctors I am not virgin Mary there isn't anyway I am pregnant, she thought to herself.


Jack woke up again and noticed bright sunlight streaming thru the little window in the corner of the room.

"Thank goodness, the storm finally past" he said

A soft knock was at the door and than the door came flying open as Bobby walked in.

"Thank God, your awake"! Bobby exclaimed

"Bobby, what are you doing here in Heaven, I thought for sure you would of lived" Jack said

"What are you talking about"? Bobby asked "this isn't heaven, this is north mrytle beach hospital" he added.

"Wait what so I am not dead" Jack exclaimed jumping from the bed he was lying in.

"No you haven't got your wings, yet" Bobby said smiling

"Where is Jacqueline and teddy, are they alright"? Jack asked

"Well teddy, is fine, he just ate a huge bowl of icecream" Bobby said

"That's terrific" Jack exclaimed "and Jacqueline"?

"She's awake but she's confussed" Bobby said.

"I gotta go see her" Jack exclaimed as he quickly stood up from the bed.

"Maybe you should wait" Bobby began but Jack didn't here him as he was already out off the door running down the hall, Bobby quickly ran after him.

"So where is she" ? Jack asked

"This way, room 202"bobby said.

The brothers quickly found room 202 and Jack threw open the door.

Seeing Jacqueline sitting there on the bed he ran to her and threw his arms around her.


Jacqueline was throughly confussed who was this strange man that was hugging her, he must be as crazy as the doctors that still insist on her being pregnant.

"Get the hell off of me" she yelled as she pushed Jack backwards.

"Its me jack" he said "do you not remember me" ? He asked

"No should I know you"? She asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes you should know me I am your fiance, I love you" Jack cried

"There's no way in hell were engaged, I am only sixteen and mummy would never approve" she said "where is mummy, daddy and Lee "?

"Your mother is in jail, lee and your father left" he exclaimed "What happened to you" he cried

"Why would mummy be in jail" ? She asked " just get the hell out of my room and dont come back" she yelled

"What no, I love you, I want to lay with you in my arms and forgot about everything that's wrong" he cried

"Get out" she screamed

"Ya ya ok" Bobby said as he grabbed Jack by the arm and pulled him into the hall.

"Why does she not remember anything"? Jack sobbed

"The doctor said she banged her head hard on something and has some bleeding on her brain" Bobby said

"Is she gonna be ok" Jack asked

" Well shes doing fine it's just she lost her memory and the doctor doesn't know when or if she will ever get it back" Bobby said.

"Excuse me sir, where you just in with miss bouiver"? The blond nurse from before asked the brothers.

"Yes mam, she's my fiance" Jack said

"Oh splendid, you must be the baby's father" the nurse exclaimed

"What"? Bobby asked

"The baby, she's about two weeks pregnant" the nurse continued

"She's pregnant" Bobby asked

"Yes sir" the nurse said getting annoyed

"How is she two weeks pregnant, that just happened like 5 days ago and well yesterday" Jack said as his face turned bright red.

"Well you see sir, we count the first day of pregnancy from the first day of her last menstrual cycle so like I said she's about two weeks pregnant and with the high levels of hcg that is in her blood system confirms it all, so congratulations sir" the nurse said

"Ya thank you, that's wonderful news" Jack said smiling " Wait if she doesn't remember me, does she know she's pregnant" he's asked

"No sir she didn't, til I told her and she's denying she is" the nurse said as she walked down the hall.

"Terrific, she doesn't believe she's pregnant and she doesn't know who I am, I think I am going to be sick" Jack yelled as he punched the white wall in front of him as hard as he could!

One way or another I have to get her to remember everything especially me, before this baby's born, he thought to himself.

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