chapter fourteen

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The words were simple as they were written in her father's bad hand writing "Its your turn to spread your wings and fly, remember I will always love you, oh and when the time is right even if it's before your 18, I hereby give my permission to marry him." -best regards John bouiver.

Marry Jack, that's just crazy Jacqueline thought as she turned around and walked back towards the kennedy house, opening the door and walking in.

"Thank God your still here" Jack exclaimed as he threw his arms around her.

"Ya we thought for sure we would never get to see you again" Bobby said as he too took a turn to hug her.

"Even through your a girl and have cooties, I still kinda like you" Teddy said from the couch behind of jack.

"Ya I have to admit I like you too" Eunice said as kick and Jean shook their heads in agreement.

"So what happened" Jack asked her as he lead her up the stairs and into Bobby and teddy's room.

"Well, my mother is getting what she deserves and my father and sister left me" she said as she said down on teddy's bed.

"What, how could they just leave you"? Jack asked as he shut the bedroom door behind him and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Its actually ok, my father let me spread my wings and fly " she exclaimed as she threw her arms out and fell backwards on the bed.

"I have no idea, what your talking about but as long as your happy than I am happy" he said as he laid down on the bed beside her.

She laid and looked at him, she couldn't help but to smile, "Oh yes Jack Kennedy I am very happy" she exclaimed as she rolled over and captured his lips in an extremely passionate kiss, things were getting heated very fast, jacks shrit was already off and Jacqueline's shrit was unbuttoned.

"Ewe, get off my bed" Teddy exclaimed

"Oh crap, I forgot to lock the door" Jack said as he jumped off of the bed

"Yeah" Jacqueline said as she sat up and tried to button her shrit up.

"Uh ya, now why did I come in here for" Teddy said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Oh ya, dad's home and wants to talk to you alls now".

From down the stairs ole Joes voice boomed "Jack and Jacqueline kitchen now".

"This is gonna be bad" Jack exclaimed as he dragged Jackie out of the room and down the stairs.


"Yes sir" Jack said as they walked into the room and ole Joe was sitting at the kitchen table a look of uncertainty on his face.

"Sit Down now" ole Joe bellowed

"Yes sir" Jack and Jacqueline said as they sat down across from joe.

"Ok so I am not sure if I am mad right now or not" Joe started

"Excuse me sir, what" Jack asked

"I have a few questions for you, depending on the answers, I will tell you what we have to do" Joe said.

"First off, are you pregnant" Joe asked looking at Jacqueline

"No sir, I am not" Jacqueline quietly said.

"Are you sure" Joe asked

"Yes sir, I am a virgin" Jacqueline said as she felt her cheeks growing red.

"Ok very well than, because if you were, you all would have to get married before the baby came" Joe said.

"If your not with child than why are you all so damn close for" Joe asked

At this question Jack and Jacqueline looked at each other.

"Uh, well dad, do you believe in love at first sight, because I am truly and madly in love with Jacqueline have been since the first time I met her at the new roller-coaster" Jack said as he looked at Jacqueline

"And I sir feel the same way about jack, I've never felt this way about another man and I am definitely head over heels in love" Jacqueline said with a smile.

"I see, we'll Jack, I do believe in love at first sight because that happened between your mother and I, so I understand how you alls feel, but you alls are so young are you alls even sure it's love or just lust"? Joe asked

"No sir, it's not just lust, it has to e love, I've never felt this way before about anybody and I know we're young but I just can't image my life without her in it" Jack cried.

"I agree, we might be young and crazy I might add, but I also have never been this happy before and can't ever image my life without Jack either" she said as Jack pulled her into his arms.

"I see, we'll who am I do tell you alls not to love each other" Joe said standing up from the table, extending his left arm out to Jacqueline, she shook his hand and he added " welcome to the family my dear".

Jacqueline was shocked but said "Thank you sir".

" I can't just let you alls live and sleep together thro, your mother would kill me, jack" Joe said as he started pacing the black and white checkered kitchen floor.

"I know you are young and will need your father's permission but start planning your alls wedding " Joe said as he walked out of the kitchen door.

"Our wedding"? She asked not quite beliving her ears

"Ya that's what he said" Jack said looking at her

"I have to do it right thro when I get a ring, that is if you will do me the honor of becoming my wife" he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh my, everything is going way too fast" Jacqueline began

"If you don't want too, it's ok we will find you an apartment to live in " Jack said as he got up from the table.

"Oh jack" she began as Jack walked out the back door leading to the back yard.

She sat there and cried, everything was moving so fast but she had never been so happy in her life, she thought as she jumped up from the kitchen chair, throwing open the back door she quickly ran outside.

"I have an answer to your question" she said.

Jack turned around in the middle of the yard and stared at her "Very well than, what would it be" he asked

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