chapter eleven

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Bobby and Jack made it to the dinning room table and took their seats, Rosemary, Rose and Eunice were the only ones at the table.

"So ma, what's for supper"? Bobby asked Rose.

"The cooks, have made beef stew, a garden salad and peach cobbler for dessert" rose said.

"Sounds great" Teddy said running into the dinning room and taking a seat next to Rosemary.

"Mum, this is my friend veronica" Kick said as she, Jacqueline, Jean and pat all walked into the dinning room.

"Oh hello there dear, I am Mrs kennedy" rose said shaking the red heads hand.

Jack and Bobby had to do a double take, at first they themselves didn't even know that the red head standing beside of Kick was actually Jacqueline.

"Hi ya, veronica, I am Jack" Jack said as he stood up from his chair and pulled out the chair beside of him for "veronica" to sit down.

"Thanks", "veronica said sitting down

"So, mum is it OK if veronica spends a couple of nights here so she's not completely bored, you see its just her and her parents at their rental down the street" Kick explained to Rose as she took the seat on the right side of "veronica".

"Oh I see, very well than, she can stay as long as she likes, as long as she cleans up after herself and stays out of your father's hair" rose said.

" No problem ma, you won't even know she's here" Jack said.

"I mean" Jack started as everyone at the table started starring at him and he felt his face turn bright red.

"That's right Mrs kennedy, it will be like I am not ever here" 'veronica said quickly.

"I see" rose began

"Great food, ma" Bobby said

"That's nice dear" rose said.

Teddy's head started bobbing in agreement, he knew something was going on but couldn't put his finger on it, oh but I will he thought to himself as he finished his deasert.

The boardwalk

"So you think ma, suspects anything"? Jack asked.

"Well probably because of your big mouth" Pat said hitting him in the back.

"At least Teddy and his big mouth don't know or mum will know for sure" Kick said.

" I don't know if I can keep up this game" Jacqueline said taking off her wig

"You look amazing as a red head" Jack said as he threw his arm around her.

Bobby walked up to his siblings and Jacqueline "So uh is Ethel here yet"? He asked

"Does it look like she is"? Jean asked smiling

" Just chill out or your gonna scare her away" Kick told her brother.

"I just can't help it, I am scared and nervous and great she's not coming" Bobby said as he took a seat on the gray pavement next to his twin sister Kick.

"Will you chill out" Jack asked as he lifted his left arm from Jacqueline's shoulder so he could see his gold plated watch "Its only five past nine, she said she didn't even get off til nine and would meet you here as soon as she can".

"When she does get here, we should go ride the roller coaster" Jacqueline said quietly.

"Fantastic idea" Jack said smiling.

"I think I am gonna throw up" Bobby said as he stood up from the ground.

"As long as you don't do it all over me, kennedy" a voice said behind him, Bobby jumped but than turning around and seeing it was ethel, he ran to hug her.

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