chapter sixteen

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-A/N---this chapter is dedicated to JfkRfk37, thanks so much for reading my story and for all the sweet comments, for helping me with my story too, your awesome!

---everybody seriously needs to check out JfkRfk37, if you haven't already because her stories are uh-mazing! She's a very talented writer :)


"There you are" Jack said as he walked over to Jacqueline "What is wrong"? He asked as he wrapped her in his arms.

"No, no let go of me" she cried trying to pull away from her.

"Why what's wrong"? He asked as he and let go of her.

"I was very wrong about you" she yelled at him.

Just than Joe jr and some guy with blue hair and glasses walked into the back yard,"What's going on"? Bobby asked as he noticed Jacqueline crying.

"Ya qweenie,what tripped her out"? He asked the blonde headed girl as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

"No clue baby, she just walked outside and started a flood" the girl said leaning into the boys chest.

Jacqueline was completely confussed "who is she"? She finally asked.

"Oh them, that's rudy, who we get fireworks from every year and his girlfriend rainbow" Bobby said.

"Wait she's his girlfriend"? She asked pointing at the couple in front of her.

"Ya she is" rudy said proudly "all mine" he added

"Why we're you hugging and kissing her"? Jacqueline asked jack.

"I was saying congrats to her, because their gonna have a baby" Jack said.

"Wait you were kissing rainbow" rudy asked letting go of rainbow and stepping towards jack.

"Ya a small peck on the nose" Jack said

"Oh is that all"? Rudy said relieved

"Well come on rainbow, we gotta go" he said grabbing her hand and leading her out of the yard.

"You kissed her on the nose I couldn't see it was just on the nose I thought you were making out with her" Jacqueline cried!

"Why would I be making out with anyone but you, your my girl, I don't want anybody else " Jack said pulling her into his arms.

"I am sorry I just love you so much and thought you were cheating on me" she cried as she buried her head into his cheat.

"That will never happen, I will never cheat on you I promise" Jack said as he kissed her on the head.

"I promise I won't either" she said as he started rocking her softly in her arms.

"Isn't this just so sweet"? Teddy asked as he walked out the door.

"What do you want turip" ?Jack asked

"Oh ya, Bobby. Ethel is on the phone wanting to talk to you" Teddy said

"Really" ? Bobby said with a smile as he walked to the house.

"Hurry up, we gotta go one more place" Jack called after him.

"Ya ya I know, be back in a minute" Bobby called over his shoulder as he opened the door and walked into the house.

"Where else we gotta go" ? Teddy asked

"Me and bobby, gots to one more place that does not include you" Jack said to Teddy as he and Jacqueline went over and sat down on the back porch steps.

"Fine than" Teddy said getting mad and running into the house.


Half an hour later Jack and bobby were standing in front of the local jewelry store on main street in town.

"So we going to go in or stand here also day because I gotta go meet ethel" Bobby started rambling.

"Shut up and let's go" Jack said as he opened the glass door and a little bell that was hanging on the doors handle stated ringing.

"Good afternoon, boys" the little man with the glasses on and a blad head asked them from behind the counter.

"Ya we, I mean I need an engagement ring" Jack said as he walked over to the glass counter and started peering at all the beautiful rings and necklaces.

"Oh how lovely, for your friend there" the little old man asked pointing at bobby.

"Oh hell no" Bobby said as walked up to jack.

"Can we please hurry up, I gotta go meet my girlfriend in 20 minutes" Bobby said sounding annoyed.

"Oh how splendid for you" the old man said. "My name is Mr Patterson and this is my jewelry store, welcome" he told jack.

Jack was too busy looking at a ring he loved and knew Jacqueline would love it too.

"How much"? He asked pointing to the big emerald rig with diamonds all around the emerald.

"Very impressived, that one is just beautiful" Mr Peterson said. "However much too expensive for yourself" he added "how about this simple diamond ring over here"? He asked.

"That's a diamond"? Bobby asked about the other ring.

"How much, for this emerald and diamond one"? Jack demanded

"1.4 million dollars" Mr Peterson said

"Sold" Jack said with a smile

"And how are you going to pay for ot" Mr Peterson said.

"Do you have a phone"? Jack asked

"Yes" Mr Peterson said as he placed the black phone top of the counter.

Jack quickly called his father's number.

"Hello"? Ole Joe boomed.

"Hey dad, I found the perfect one, it's 1.4 million dollars and it's perfect" Jack said smiling.

"Splendid, glad you found you like, I will take care of everything" ole Joe said.

"Thanks dad" Jack said as he handed me Peterson the phone.

"Hello" Mr Peterson said with an eye roll.

"Oh I see ambassador kennedy" Mr Peterson said as he stood up taller and found a pencil on top of his case register and the yellow notepad on a counter behind he kept saying " Yes sir" and writing down stuff.

"No thank you" Mr Peterson said as he hung up the phone.

"Would you like it wrapped" Mr Peterson asked jack.

"Yes sir" Jack said

As Mr mister Peterson put the ring into the box and wrapped it in purple gift wrap and took a red ribbon tying it nicely on the top of the box.

"Pleasure doing business with you" he said handing Jack the box.

"Ok can we go now" Bobby asked as he dragged Jack outside the shop.

"Or you ok"? Bobby asked once outside in the bright aunshine.

"Uh, oh ya ya I am fine" Jack said looking at the purple box in his hand.

"Ok than I gotta go get ethel" Bobby said

"Ok " Jack said

"Ya see ya back at the house" Bobby threw over his shoulder as he ran down the sidewalk.

Jack stood there looking at the purple box in his hand, "she's gonna love it" he thought to himself .

I know Joe sr picked out Jackie's original engagement ring and later on in their marriage Jackie redesigned my story I am making it like the one Jackie came up with the idea of :) thanks so much for reading because you all rock is the reason I am writing this story!

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