chapter twenty two

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A/n...thanka for reading my story....this chapter is dedicated to The13thRaven, she is such a talented writer, I love all her stories and music videos:) if you haven't read her stories yet, your definaly missing out.her and JfkRfk37, are the reasons that I even started writing on here, they helped me and encouraged me, I can only pray one day I am as great as writer as these two!!!!


Jack and Bobby slowly walked down the long white hallway back to Jacks room. Jack had his head bowed and he was doing his best not to cry!

He felt worse now than he did when he first woke up, he had to do something, he had to make the love of his life remember him, he didn't know how yet, but he had to soon!

As the boys opened the door and walked into Jacks room, Kick, Rosemary and a blonde haired girl he didn't know was sitting on his hospital bed.

"Oh thank God your ok" Kick said as she jumped off the bed and threw her arms around jack.

"Ya, you alls will have to think of another way, to get rid of me" he said joking.

Kick punched him in the arm "don't ever say that, I don't ever want to loose you" she said as she laid her head on his chest and started crying.

"Hey, hey, no tears, I am ok, I was just kidding" he said rubbing her back and trying to make the tears stop falling.

"I am ok" she said pushing herself away from him, "I was just so scared that we lost you and Teddy and that feeling was just awful" she cried.

"Jack, I missed you" rosemary said as she stood up from the bed and walked over kissing him on the cheek.

"I've missed you too, rosie" he said as he wrapped her in a hug and danced around with her, she giggling with glee, made him smile even more.

"Oh ya, this is Karen, she said you all hung out last summer and she wanted to make sure you were, alright" Kick said as Karen, walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him as she attacked his mouth with hers.

"Oh, God, I've missed you so" she said as she quit kissing him.

"Uh, ya, karen, it's good to see you too" he said trying his best to get out of the death grip she had on him.

"Really, kennedy, you didn't miss me at all, not even all the fun we had last summer "? She asked as she held him even tighter against her.

"Well, that was last summer" he began as he finally got out of her death grip.

"So"? She asked

"Well alot has happened in a year, I found someone else, someone I love" he said.

"But you said you loved me" she pouted.

"I never said that, I, love Jacqueline, we're gonna get married and she's pregnant with my child" Jack said as he walked over and sat down on the bed.

"Well I have somebody, I want you too meet" she said as she opened the door and ran out of it.

A few moments later, she walked back in with a little boy who looked like he was about one.

"Who's this?" Bobby asked

"This is, your son" karen told jack

"What, no he can't be" Jack exclaimed!

"Why didn't you, try and contact Jack before now?" Kick asked.

"I did, I called ole joe, he told me not to call ever again and jack, gave me a fake number" karen cried.

Jack looked at the little boy with the dirty blond and redish looking hair and those huge green eyes, the little boy looked just like him.

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