chapter two

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Shirmrock place


At exactly 6 on the dot the doorbell rang at the shrimrock house.

"I got it" could be heard coming behind the dark brown wooded front door.

At that very moment the front door was thrown open and a young girl with short brown curly hair stood in front of the Bouivers.

The girl looked puzzled and didn't have a clue who they were just stood there.

Finally an irritated Janet spoked up and said " we are the Bouivers and we were invited to a cookout".

The girl just stared at Janet, which just made Janet even more irritated.

"Who is it, cupcake" a older looking man with graying hair and buddy holly thick black glasses asked the young girl. "Finally somebody who isn't mute" Janet scoffed.

"Were the Bouivers" she said extending her hand and shaking Joes.

"Ok snd I am Joe Kennedy, but I haven't a clue who you are or why your here" he said.

Janet was outraged how dare he talk to them like they were trash!

Jacqueline piped up behind her mother " were staying in the beach house right down the road from here and we were invited to dinner from Teddy and bobby after they hit me with their football".

"Oh well sorry they creamed ya, but they didn't clear with me about you all coming to dinner" Joe bellowed in his thick Boston accent.

"Its quite all right Joe" a older woman said coming up beside of Joe, "the boys asked me if it was alright and I said yes considering they had already invited them" she added.

"I am Mrs kennedy, and this young lady here is Eunie, who needs to wash up for supper" she added.

The girl looked at her mother and shaking her head yes and running up the staircase that was located about 3 feet from the front door.

"Well than won't you all please come in" old Joe said.

"Tonight were doing a cookout because the kids insisted for the cookout is outside we normally don't dress up for it" Mrs Kennedy said noticing that all the Bouivers were dressed to the 10s, Jacqueline, Lee and Janet all wearing basically the same lacey floor length evening dress just in different colors and white Satin gloves and little mink Shaws on their shoulders, even John was dressed rather nice in a powered blue tux and matching corner bun at Janet assistance!

"Very well there isn't anything wrong with dressing nicely no matter the occasion" Janet replied dryly as they all made their way thru the kitchen out the sliding glass door leading them to a beautiful glittering green back yard with multi colored twinkle lights were hanging and a small fire was already going towards the door they had just came out of with brown wooded chairs around it. Most of the kennedy clan was already sitting at the white wooded picnic table that had a red and white checkered table cloth over top of it and white paper plates scattered around it. A man with a black suite on an a blue appron was standing at a black Grill that was behind the picnic table.

Walking up to the table Joe said " please by all means have a seat".

He took a seat at the far end of the table on the back side his wife sat down beside of him, john, Lee and Janet all sat down opposite from Joe but two girls with brownish curly hair was sitting there by Janet and not moving but giggling looking over the Bouivers.

Jacqueline sighed and walked around the table deciding on the very last spot on the bench Joe was on, a few spaces down from her Eunice sat down and than Teddy did beside of her smiling in Jacqueline's direction.

A tall slender boy with black hair sat down across from Jacqueline, flashing her a smile and extending his arm to shake her hand " Hi ya, I am Joe jr" he said, "nice to meet you I am Jacqueline Bouvier".

Next to the table was Bobby who sat down by Jacqueline patting her back and flashing her smile, she returned the smile shyly.

"So have you met everybody" ?Bobby asked her

"Not quite" Jacqueline quietly said.

"Oh ok, we'll this knuckle head beside of me is Jean" Bobby said as he took Jean into a headlock. " Than you know Teddy already, than beside of him is Eunice, Kick, my mother Rose, my father Joe sr, and than sitting beside your mother is my sister rosemary, Pat, and my older brother Joe jr." Bobby said

"Nice to meet you all, I am Jacqueline Bouvier" she said.

Rosemary and Kick were the only ones of the girls to smile at her and say hello.

It was a pretty awkward dinner minimal conversation, alot of giggling girls and a whole bunch of snide remarks from the adults.

Jacqueline was having great fun she was beside of bobby who was actually being nice and friendly to her and she had to admit was pretty darn cute!

Towards the end of the dinner there was a huge crash somewhere towards the house and than two people ran towards them two naked people ran towards them.

"What on earth are you doing"? Mrs Kennedy snapped.

"Whoops sorry, forgot you all were having a cookout" the blond ish hair boy said not bothering to even cover himself.

"Your dead Kennedy" the naked girl with red hair screamed beside the boy trying her best to cover up her nakedness, her face matching her hair.

"Go get some clothes on and get your butt back out here" Joe sr screamed.

"Ok ok we were just having some fun" the boy said as he and the girl ran back to the house.

"And that would be my older brother, jack" Bobby told Jacqueline

"Charming I am sure" Jacqueline scoffed

"Awe he ain't too bad and just a cut up" Joe jr. Added.

"So do you wanna go down to the boardwalk now"? Bobby asked her.

"Um I think I am just going to head home" she said

"No, no come on I promise you will have fun" Bobby said grabbing her hand and helping her stand up, shouting "Well be back" over his shoulder and they were gone.

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