Chapter 3:Not alone

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The Girl's P. O. V.

After I stopped screaming, I must have passed out. I come to, I see that I'm still in the metal cage. To hell with this, I think. I get up and bang on the bars as hard as I can, I yell,"let me out of here!, you bitches don't have a right to do this!!" another voice speaks,"oh, but we do, we have all kinds of rights".

I open my eyes, there in front of me is a man in a white lab coat, he has blonde hair, and cold blue eyes that makes snow seem warm. He has a clipboard in one hand and a remote in the other, he starts speaking," you can try all you want, but you aren't going to get out of here, the only way out is through a body bag, sweetheart".

He smiles, I want to punch that smile right of his face, he starts talking again," but, since we need you, that won't be happening for a very long time" this time when he talks, he's standing right infront of my cage, smiling that damn ass smile until I just can't take it anymore.

I lunge towards him, my arms slip through the bars of the place and I grab his collar, but before I can choke the life out of this madman, an electric shock jolts up and down my body, it feels like I got struck by lightning. I'm screaming, the whole time I'm screaming, this dipshit is smiling, he says," see, this is what happens when you are rebellious", he doesn't stop, my vision starts to blur.

I'm seeing spots all over the place. I hear a faint buzzing in my ears. I take a step back away from the cage, but that only makes it worse. I stagger backwards, trying to get away from him, but each single step, sends another electric shock, I know he's talking, but his voice sounds muffled, I realize it's not just his voice I'm hearing, I'm also hearing someone else's too, but I don't see them, I know it's a guy, before I black out completely, the voice is yelling,"stop it!!!!!, please stop it!!!!, stop hurting her!!!!!!"

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