Chapter 20:Investigation

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Drew's P.O.V

I wake up in Cole's bed after a nice long sleep, I feel my forehead for a fever, it feels cool. I look at the clock and see that it's 7:00 a.m. I look across the bed and see clothes laid out for me, specifically a red t-shirt, black pants, black fingerless gloves, and a leather jacket.

I get up out of the bed, grab the clothes, close the door and take a shower. Once I'm done, I put on the clothes and step out of the bathroom, I put my socks and gym shoes on, and head downstairs, once I get downstairs, I head to the kitchen to look for the guys, not there, I think when I open the door and see that the kitchen's empty.

I head to the living room and there they are, the three of them sprawled out on the pull-out couch with the blanket on them. I smile as I think how they took care of me yesterday, I sit on the couch and move over so I don't wake them and turn on the tv, a news reporter lady is on talking,

" Now for some very interesting news, this morning at 3:00 a.m a janitor was cleaning the floor on the 16th floor when he noticed that a door was opened and he took a peek, and what he saw, he was lost for words, the janitor had found Mr. Oliver Bailey, an apprentice, on the floor dead, Mr.Bailey was found with his eye sockets gouged out, the janitor immediately called nine-one-one, the police searched every inch of the office, but couldn't find the man's eyes, the police think that this is tied to the other murder victims with their eyes gone, police inform people to lock their doors at night, this is Emily with the 7:00 news".

I turn the tv off, stunned, thinking, didn't Cole say something about those murders?, he did. I remember Cole telling me and Jasper about the murders and that there had been another murder, the fifth one, now there's six, I think. Suddenly I hear police sirens, and go to look out the window, I see three police cars drive by. Probably to go look at the scene, I think, I look back at the boys, then in the direction the police cars went,well, I think,it's not gonna  hurt to get an actual view of the crime scene, and besides,I'll be back before they even wake up.

I make up my mind, I put on my leather jacket, open the door, and step outside and run down the direction where the police cars went. I come to a CEO building, it's so tall that king Kong could climb it, infront of the doors, there's yellow police tape that says keep out, people are practically in the street trying to get a look at where the murder happened.

A couple of police officers are talking real low, like they have a secret. I got to get in there somehow, I think. I go around to the back of the building to the parking lot, I see a back door, unguarded, I open it and step in. Immediately I go to the elevator and press the button,the metal doors slide open, I step inside, the doors close, I press the button with the number 16, the same floor where the dead man is on.

It takes a while but the elevator stops and the doors open, I step out and walk left. I'm not even at the end of the hallway when I see the crime scene. The office door is open, looking like someone kicked it, I step carefully underneath the crime scene tape and into the office.The minute I step in, I'm hit with the odor of the dead body, I look down infront of me, and there it is less than an inch away from my feet.

He's dressed in a gray business suite, his arms spread out like he's making a snow angel, he has brown hair, my eyes travel down from his hair to his face and immediately stop, I would be looking into the color of his eyes, but they're gone.

I'm left staring into two dark empty eye sockets. I make my eyes leave his face and reach my hand into his left pants pocket, my hand close around the car keys and lift them out of his pocket and put them into my own.

Before I leave, I make a quick search around the office, just to see if the police overlooked the eyeballs,nope, can't find anything. I turn around and walk out the door, when I feel a blast of cold air shoot by my ear, I look down the left of the hallway and see a man in red and my whole entire body freezes, I know it's a man because of his stance, the way his hand is gripped on the handgun,so tight that I can see that his fingertips are starting to go white. My only thought is, Oh shit.

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