Chapter 33: On the edge

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Drew's P.O.V

I come to after being hit in the back of my head. I open my eyes and everything looks all blurry. I shake my head to clear my vision, and I can see clearly. I feel something around my arms. I look down  and realize that I'm tied to a chair with rope.

I move my arms up and down, trying to get out of the rope, it doesn't even move an inch, great, the only thing I'll get is rope burns I think. I hear laughter and a voice says," you know, they should send a kid to do a cop's job more often". I look around me wildly, trying to locate where the voice is coming from.

Suddenly the room is filled with a bright light, I see that I am in an apartment, a small one. There's a table and a kitchen, and infront of me is the dude who's coins I picked up, he has sunglasses on.

He starts talking," I bet you never thought you come face to face with a murderer before" he gets up and starts walking back and forth while he speaks," you wanna know how, I got into that CEO building, well, I bet on the news, that lady said something about a janitor finding the body" he looks at me and smiles.

I stare at him and say," that was you?!" he smiles and says," yep, I also was a garbage man, you see, after I had killed that CEO man, I had stayed behind, and I saw you walk under that police tape, and into the office, I also saw you pick up those eyeballs that I left at the dumpster,do you know that's the first time I left  evidence, but I left it for you to find drew, not those damn cops, you wanna see what I did with the eyes that I took?" he doesn't wait for my answer instead he walks over to his kitchen cupboard and opens up two of then.

My mouth drops open in shock and horror, I don't think that no matter how hard I may try, I will never be able to unsee what this psycho is showing me. Inside both cupboards and on two shelves are glass jars filled with water, and bobbing in the water, are the eyes.

Each glass jar has two sets of eyes, I can't close my eyes or turn my head, it's like they're staring deep into my very soul. He turns back to me and says," you wanna know why I steal these people eyes, I'll show you" he takes off his sunglasses, and I see that each of his eyes are a different color, one is blue and one is green. He sees me staring and says," you see, when I was born, I had something called Heterochromia Iridium, which means someone with mismatched eyes, all throughout my life, I've been called names because of my eyes, until one day I just snapped.

My first kill was a total accident, but I found out I loved it, so I killed,and killed, and killed, and I've only killed adults, never a kid" He grabs a knife out of the kitchen drawer, walks towards me and cuts the rope, he has my arm in a tight grip, the knife is inches away from my left eye," such pretty blue eyes, it'll be like looking at the sky every morning" that's when I act.

I kick him in the knee and that makes him let go of me, I run towards the door open it and run down the hallway. I can hear his footsteps following me. I make it to an open window, and climb out of it, I land on the fire escape and start going up the stairs towards the roof.

I can hear the clang clang of metal as he follows me up the fire escape, I dare a glace down below, he's on the fourth one, I keep on running until I make it all the way to the roof, I look around me and see that I've got no where to run, well neither does he I think.

Suddenly he's there in front of me, the knife in his left hand, breathing hard, he starts walking towards me, I back away. The back of my ankles hit hard metal, I turn my head and see that I'm on the edge of the roof, I hear loud sirens and see four police cars come down the street and get out of the cars, the fire department is here too.

One of the police car back door opens and out steps Drake, Jasper, and Cole, from the driver seat steps out Officer Perez with a bullhorn in his hand, the fire department get out and get one of those trampolines they use for people to jump on.They don't expect me to jump from this height do they? I think, I also think,then again I drove a car off a roof and into a window,so maybe they do.

I can see Officer Perez ordering the fire department where to place the trampoline, I turn my attention back to the killer, he's five feet away from me, he smiles and says," I hope you don't mind,I'll be taking your eyes now" he charges and slams his body into my mine, the force from the impact makes us both go flying over the edge of the roof and into the sky, we start to fall, I hear screams of my name being called," Drew!!!!" I don't know who's doing it.

I feel a grip on my wrist and see that the killer is still trying to kill me, I grab his wrist and fight to get the knife out of his hand, all while falling in mid air, I manage to get the knife and I stab him once in the stomach and his left eye, blood seeps out of his stomach, the knife is stuck deep into his eye he screams a scream of pure agony, before I reach the trampoline I shout at him," Now you know how your victims felt!".

We both land onto the trampoline, police officers rush towards and they grab the man and put him into handcuffs, he gets into an ambulance and is taken to a hospital with police cars following close behind. Hands rush towards me and help me get off the trampoline, suddenly I'm pulling into a group hug and I hear voices," Drew! are you okay​?" " did he stab you?!" " what are the he'll were you thinking?!".

I pull back and see Drake,Cole,and Jasper all have worried faces, no anger, I tell them," I'm fine,I'm fine, he came up behind me and knocked me out" . I hear footsteps behind me and see Officer Perez," well, Drew, no rope made of drapes this time eh?". I think that's his way of saying he's glad I'm alright,I  answer," nope, just a knife wielding maniac and a fire escape" Officer Perez smiles and says," get in, I'm taking you home" we get into the squad car and Officer Perez drives, we're infront of Cole's apartment, we get out the car and Officer Perez stops me and says," You did a good job Drew, a very good job,I'll call you with the details once I have them" then he turns his siren on and drives off.

The guys and I walk into the apartment, go down into the basement and into Cole's lab and sit on the couch,Cole opens his refrigerator and gets out four cans of sodas and hands them to us, he raises his arm in a toast and says," To drew, the girl who put a murderer in jail!" the guys clang their soda cans with Cole's and say," To drew!" then I raise my soda can and say," To Ken, May that bastard's soul rot in hell for all eternity!" then I open my soda can and drink up, the guys do the same, about a minute later we all fall asleep on the couch. It's over, it's all over, I think before I fall asleep.

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