Chapter 28: The police station

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Drew's P.O.V

The whole time I'm screaming, I'm trying to release his grip from my wrist. I manage to get my thumb under one of his fingers and pry his hand from my wrist. I run back to the apartment, screaming," call nine-one-one!, call nine-one-one!".

Drake and Jasper jump up, instantly awake at the sound of my voice, I hear pounding footsteps coming down the stairs and there's Cole in his pajamas, a worried look on his face, he stands next to Jasper and Drake, who are just in pants and t-shirts, they also have worried looks on their faces.

I try to explain to them what I saw," there's- the alley- a thump-, dead, he's dead!" I'm hyperventilating, Cole steers me to the couch but I'm to shaken up to sit down, I manage to get a complete sentence out of my mouth," I was sleeping, but a noise woke me up, so I went to go check it out, I went in the alley because I thought it came from there, I see something on top of a garage bag, I get a closer look at it and I see that it's a dead body!!!, you have to call nine-one-one right now!" my hands are shaking so bad that I can barely feel them.

Cole runs to the kitchen and comes back to the living room, he dials the call," hello, my friend found a dead body in the alley of my apartment, can you send the police?" He nods his hand and thanks them, he hangs up.

A second later I hear police sirens and a knock at the door, I get up to answer it and open the door, and there on the front step is Officer Perez. His eyes widened in shock and surprise, he opens his mouth and says," you!, I've been searching this whole town for you!" while he's talking, he steps into the apartment and jabs his finger at me, the whole time he's doing so, I'm backing away from him, he starts speaking again," you are in for it missy, this time I'm taking you to the police station and putting you in a holding cell".

I'm about to have a comeback, when Drake, Jasper, and Cole stand infront of me. Drake says," please believe me when we say, that we are very sorry for our  sister's behavior, we didn't even know she was gone until she came home at nine last night,we haven't decided on her punishment-" I interrupt him by saying," punishment!?, what punishment?".

Drake turns around and quickly glares at me before turning back to Officer Perez," but she will be punished, you can be sure". Officer Perez looks at guys, one by one, then at me and says," Drew, you're the one who found the body, correct?" I nod and say," yes, but when I walked away to go call nine-one-one, his hand shot up and grabbed my wrist, I had to get my fingers underneath his to pry his hand from my wrist, so you might find some of my DNA on him, officer".

I look at him and see he's as red as blood," get on the squad car. now.". he says, we all rush out the door and get into the squad car, Officer Perez gets into the driver's seat and drives off, it's not thirty minutes later the car stops, I look out the window and see a police station, my thoughts are, I hope he was kidding about that holding cell.

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