Chapter 6: Powers

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                      Drew's P.O.V.
I open my eyes, surprised to see why they haven't taken my dead body out of the tube. I realize that while my mouth is open, I'm breathing, I close my mouth and start to breathe through my nose to test it out, Holy smokes, I can breathe underwater!, this is awesome!!.

The lady standing in front of my tube, writes something down on her clipboard, then she speaks into her headset again," Subject 4D5r8e4w, ability to breathe underwater works perfectly, clear out the tube".

Suddenly there's a sound like a bathtub water draining, the water that I'm in, sucks down the tiny holes I see that are at the bottom, all the water is out and I'm standing in the tube, shivering from the coldness of the water.

Ivan the hulk comes and lifts me out of the tube and sets me down on the floor. The woman with the glasses comes towards me with a long syringe in her hand, Ivan pins my arms to my sides, I'm kicking and screaming at him and at the women," let me go you big oaf!!, there is no way I am letting you stick that needle in me, you bitch!!". I struggle against Ivan but it's no use, the woman already has my arm in her hand and jabs the needle in my arm,"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! " I scream, it hurts like hell.

I lift my left foot and kick her in her stomach, she drops the needle and cradles her stomach. I slam the back of my head into Ivan's head, but that doesn't even do anything, he lifts me over my shoulder again, taking me out of the room and back into the room with the cages, that blonde bitch of a doctor follows him.

Ivan stops walking, and the Ken replica goes infront of him and unlocks the cage door,Ivan throws me in the cage and I slam against Jasper, we both go flying to the back of the cage. The Ken replica slams the cage door, locks it, and smiles," see, now that wasn't so bad was it, sweetheart?".

He doesn't wait for an answer, he walks away with Ivan in tow, he stops at a wall, and I see that next to it is a keypad. He presses the numbers that must be the code, there's a beep and the door opens, he and Ivan both walk out. Once they're gone, Jasper sits cross-legged on the floor and pulls me into his lap.

I can taste the salt of my tears, he sees them and wipes them away with his thumb, once he's seen that I've called down some he starts talking," Drew, are you okay​, I heard you screaming, what did that jackass do to you?" ,he puts the back of his hand on my forehead and pulls away," Drew, your forehead is really hot, I think you have a fever, you may be sick". He looks at me worriedly, I'm about to tell him that the women stuck a needle in me, when suddenly I sneeze. It's huge, but instead of snot that comes out, fire comes out of my nose instead.

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