Chapter 13:Finally Free

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                 Jasper's P.O.V.

 I wake up and look over to Drew's cage and my mouth drops open in shock. There, over the shirt she was wearing, are wings. I'm not talking about flimsy bird wings, wings like those angels have on them. 

I walk over to her cage and put my hand through the bars, to stroke them, when I touch the wings, I actually feel feathers, real, live feathers; she sees me petting her wings and does the same, we both stop petting the wings, and Drew says," well, I have to admit, out of all the experiments, I've been through, I actually like this one,but how am I supposed to keep them hidden"

On the word hidden, the wings retract into her shoulder blades, a look of pain flashes across her face as they do so. She sees me looking and says," hey don't worry, I'll get used to it and at least I know what word makes them go back into my body". I nod and say," let's try to get out of here again, tonight, we have weapons, we have new powers, let's do it" She looks at me, then says," ok, ok let's do it" we grin at each other.

We go back to our side of our cages, fall asleep, and wait for tonight to roll around. I peek my eyes open and look over at Drew, she's awake, and she's standing up, banging on the bars making a huge racket," hey!, hey,! anyone here!!!" The door slides open and a man in a white lab coat comes in, he has brown hair and has glass on, he walks over to Drew's cage, and says," what do you want 4D5r8e4w?" his tone sounds bored, like he has something better to do than to wait on kids like us.

Drew walks up to him and says," yeah, I think I have a cavity, can you look inside my mouth real quick sir?" she opens up her mouth, real wide, and the guy tilts his head down to look inside, big mistake, the second he does, Drew take a a deep breath, and blows hot, scorching, fire, straight into his face.

Immediately, he backs away screaming this high pitch scream, trying to put his face out, right where the guy was standing, the cage lock is completely burned from where Drew's fire hit it and the man. She pushes and the cage door swings open, she steps out and runs over to my cage door, she takes a deep breath and blows fire on mine too.

I open my cage door and we both run. The man has put his face out and sees us running," hey!, the kids are free,the kids are free!!, get them!" a siren rings out, we go to the door, I press the code as quickly as  I can, and we step in, not two steps, our way is blocked by seven huge dudes. I think,  now it's my turn. I take out my daggers and throw the black dagger and the one with the lion on it, in midair, they change into the animals that they are.

A black actual jaguar forms out of the air and tackles two of the men, growling, the lion tackles the other two, I stare in awe at what just happened, then snap out of it, and run past them with Drew behind me,as I run past them,my hands touch both the lion and the jaguar, changing them both back into daggers,I put them in my pockets.

We get to a door and open it, behind it were stairs, we run up them, we make it to the top, and open the door, it leads to the roof, we go to the edge, and look down, we hear footsteps. Drew says," Jasper, wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight" I do as she says, she says,"reveal" and her wings come out of her shoulder blades, and they open up, the door to the roof opens, I turn around and there's Ken, he see a what we're about to do, his mouth forms into an angry line and he runs towards us, yelling,"stop!!, stop right there!".

Drew jumps off the ledge and flaps her wings, we take off into the sky, flying up towards the clouds and then flying straight. We fly over the city,the lights shine brightly down below, I start to yell over the wind," hey!, we'll be fine just as long as we stay hidden!".

My eyes widen in realization of the word I just said, hidden, suddenly, Drew's wings retract into her shoulder blades, and we start to fall, fall, fall, fall, straight down into the city of lights; we say reveal so many times I've lost count, no matter how many times we say it, the wings don't come out, I realize that Drew's body must be tired from the long flight.

I curl my body into a ball and pull Drew close to me, we crash-land into a dumpster in an alley, before I black out, my last thought is,free, we're finally free from that hellhole.

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