Chapter 32: The killer's twisted mind

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The killer's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in my car, searching for my next victim when I see her, she has hair as black as the night sky, eyes as blue  as the morning sky. I realize that I've seen her before, yes, I have. I think.

I realized that she was the girl that I saw climbing down the building using that funny looking rope, I must admit, that was very smart of her. I get out of my car and start to follow behind her, she goes into the store, I don't follow her in.

I wait outside the door, ready to grab her, maybe if I kill a kid,a girl no less, they'll finally take me seriously. This time I'm not going to shoot, I'm going to squeeze the life out of her with my own hands, I want to watch the life go out of her eyes, all her hopes and dreams shattered for life. Ha, I think, shattered for her dead life.

My fingers are practically shaking at  the thought of my hands wrapping around the flesh of her neck and squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze, until she takes her final breath. I hear her voice saying," thank you" as she checks out the stuff she brought, I hear her footsteps, now I think.

I drop some lose change out of my pocket and onto the floor, I bend down to pick them up saying," oh no, my money" the girl stops and says," hey, mister, do you need any help?" I nod and she sets down her bags and gets down on the pavement to pick up the lose change.

I get up off the ground and stand behind her, I grab the crowbar, that I had taken out of my car and hold it in both hands like a baseball bat ready to swing. She about to get up when I hit her,clang,thud, her body slumps faced down on the pavement, unconscious. I drop the crowbar and drag her by her feet towards my car. I open the back door and place her in laying down on the seat, I close the door and get into the driver's seat, I start the car and drive away. My only thought is, I hope she doesn't scream, there's nothing worse than a girl who screams.

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