Chapter 31:Analysis

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Drew's  P.O.V

We all go and sit on the couch, and start to talk, I say," okay​, let's think up some more ideas on how the killer met them, I mean, he had to get into that CEO building somehow right?" The guys all nod.

Jasper says," maybe a worker or an office assistant" suddenly we hear a bell from the computer, we get up and run over to it. Cole presses a button on the keyboard and the screen lights up, we see the CEO building from where the first victim was found, the victim is sitting at his desk working on some papers. Mm, I think, he killed him at his office then he dumped the body in the alley.

The video plays on, the victim suddenly stops doing his work and goes to open his door, he opens it and suddenly he falls down on his back, there are small holes in the middle of his eyes. The killer steps into the room grabs the victim by his legs and drag him out of his office, the scene changes and we're in the alley behind Cole's apartment, the killer dumps the body onto the garbage bags and places the victim's eyes in his hands, then he walks away.

The screen turns to black. I let out a breath that I'd realize I hadn't been holding and say," okay​, so the killer didn't step into the room, he shot him from a distance" Jasper nods and says," he wasn't wearing any gloves when he dragged him, so the police should be able to find some fingerprints on the fibers of the pants"

I nod and say," they should, I'm gonna go to the gas station and get something to eat, you guys want anything?" They shake their heads, when my hand is on the doorknob, I hear Drake say," be careful Drew" I nod and go up the lab stairs, out the door, into the basement, and out the front door.

I start walking to the gas station, I feel like someone's watching me, I shake my head at that silly thought and think, maybe I shouldn't watch any more murder tv shows, it's making me paranoid. Little do I know that tv shows always tell one thing, always look behind you to check if you're being followed.

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