Chapter 7: Sickness

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               Jasper's P.O.V.     
I stare in shock at Drew, my thoughts are, was that fire that came out of her mouth!?. Suddenly Drew's eyes roll back into her head and she faints. I catch her before she fell on the cage floor, she lands in my arms. I drag her to the mattress and lay her down on it. I felt her forehead again, she was really hot.

Suddenly there was a buzz and a door slammed, a voice spoke," aww, what's wrong, my sweetheart's not feeling well?" I heard a growl come from my throat, I start to speak," what did you do to her, you asshole!?" my hands curl into fists at the thought of him hurting Drew.

He smirks and says," oh nothing, just that my assistant, Jane, stuck a needle in her arm, and gave her powers" . I stare at him and say,"powers?, what powers" the Ken replica smiles and says," if you want her to get better, there's a cart of medicine and soup over to the left of your cage, the bars are big enough for you to put your arms through to grab the food, but remember Jasper, this is the only act of kindness you will get from me". He walks away to the wall and I hear the familiar sounds of beeps, then a buzz, the door opens and he walks out, the door closes behind him.

Once he's gone, I turn my attention in getting the stuff off the cart for Drew, I go to the other side of the cage and stick my arms through the bars. I grab the bowl of soup first, surprisingly it fits through the bars, I bring the soup over to Drew, she sits up, grabs the bowl of chicken noodle soup, and tries to lift the spoon to her mouth. Her arm is halfway to her mouth when she screams," ahhhhh!!!!" she drops the spoon and cradles her arm, clenching her teeth together in pain.

She says," Ow, my arm, it hurts where that doctor stuck the needle in me, I can't even eat".  I look at her cradling her arm in pain and get an idea, it's an idea she probably won't like but at least she'll be able to eat, so I tell her my idea," Um, Hey drew, maybe I could feed you the soup, since you can't lift up your arm"

She looks up from cradling her arm, her face is completely red, I realize that she's blushing. She says," no, uh,no, there's no way that I am letting you f, f, feed me, Jasper, not gonna happen" her arms cross over her chest in a stubborn manor. well, I think, stubborn or not, I am feeding her this soup. I pick up the spoon, dip it in the soup and bring the spoon to her mouth,"come on Drew, say ah" I tell her.

She smiles but it quickly turns into a frown, she shakes her head, and stares at me, I sigh, suddenly I think of an idea to get her to open up her mouth, I put the bowl and spoon on the floor next to her and start to speak," okay​, Drew, you leave me no choice" she has this confused look on her face, my hands lunge to her stomach and I start to tickle her like there's no tomorrow.

The second my hands hit their target she starts laughing really hard, she's only able to get out a couple of words," Jasper-,quit, quit it!, haaahaaahaaa!". I leave one hand still tickling her on her stomach, while my other hand picks up the spoon full of soup, and before she can close her mouth, I jab it into her mouth,and pull the spoon out.

I'm smiling in victory, when I realize that she hasn't swallowed it, she's holding it in her mouth. I groan  man I think I just got the spoon full of soup in her mouth and she won't even swallow it!. I look at her and start to speak," Drew, come on, I want you to get better, and I know you want to get better too, so will you please let me take care of you, and swallow the soup, please?".

Drew and I just stare at each other, by the look on her face I see that she's thinking about it, until suddenly she swallows the soup, I sigh in relief, now she can get better I think.  I continue to feed her the soup without any trouble the whole entire time. She finishes the whole thing. Once she's done,I feel her forehead, still warm.

I get up, and go back to the cart, I see a bottle of medicine on it, I pick it up and read it, it's for headaches and fevers, exactly what Drew has, well except for the headache, I sigh,  if Drew had a hard time with me feeding her the soup, she's gonna have a  complete fit when I try to feed her medicine. I pick up the bottle and walk back over to Drew, I pick up the soup spoon and wipe it off  and sit in front of Drew again, I take off the medicine cap and pour some into the spoon, I hold the spoon in front of her, her mouth scrunches up in disgust, but she opens her mouth and I feed her the medicine, she swallows it.

Once  the medicine has gone down her throat, she sticks her tongue out in disgust. She sneezes, this time instead of fire coming out of her mouth, a puff of smoke comes out. Well I think, smoke coming out of her mouth is better than fire, somewhat. I put the bottle of medicine and the spoon near her in case I need it again.

I tell her," okay​ Drew, you need rest, lay down and get some  sleep, okay​?" I wasn't kidding when I said she needed some sleep, her eyes looked drowsy. she lays back down on the mattress, and I cover her with the blanket, I'm just about to sit across from her when a hand shoots out and grabs my wrist.

I turn back around to see Drew's hand wrapped around my wrist. "Jasper, could you, maybe, sleep with me, I feel safe with you"  I look at her, smile and say," yeah, okay​" . I walk back over to her, lay down on the mattress, and pull her close to me so that her head's on my chest. She falls asleep instantly.  Not long after,I do too, my last thought is, I'll kill him if he hurts her again, that's a promise .

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