Chapter.4 "they arent there"

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-Madison's POV-

I let out a light yawn as I open my eyes, I must have fallen asleep. I look to my left and see Nathan sound asleep curled up in the blankets and nuzzling his face into the pillows. I smile at his peaceful being and quietly get out of bed and enter the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grab my tooth brush out of it's holster and dampen its bristles under the cool running water. I squirt a little tooth paste on to the brush and start cleaning my teeth. After a minute or so of brushing I rinse my mouth out and place the toothbrush back into its holster. I walk back into my bedroom and see Nathan is still sleeping. I let out a light sigh and check the time on my phone. I go over to the desk by one of my windows and pick up my phone into my hand. The time read 6:30pm. Great... I thought sarcastically and plop my phone back down where it was before I grabbed it. I look out my window staring at the now darkened sky, not dark because of the rain which has now finally stopped. But because it was getting late out. There wasn't many visible stars out tonight, although there rarely is this time of year. I lowered my view to two unfamiliar cars parked across the street of my house. One was a silvery chrome and the other a jet black with tinted windows. I fixed my view a little more on the black car as it actually looked a bit familiar. But where from?.... The park! But why is it here now? I stopped my thoughts when I saw about five guys gather together, I'm guessing they were talking about something. I stopped looking when on of the guys saw me staring. I widened my eyes and immediately shut the shade and curtains. That... Was the most creepiest... Most sketchiest thing I've ever seen. Maybe it's no big deal.... Madison stop, you're just scaring yourself about nothing. What's so bad about five guys across the street talking and staring at your house? Oh come on... That has bad news written all over it. What do I do? Think.... Think. Ah ha, mom and dad. I run out of my room quickly but also quiet as I try not to wake up Nathan. I make my way down the stairs and into the hallway. I look around and nothing, no where.... Great! Just fricken super... I mentally hiss.

"Madison, what are you doing?"

A female voice erupts my ear drums. I scream loudly out of fright from the unexpected voice. I reach for the light switch on a nearby wall and turn it on. Once the light sets in I see my mom holding her hands over her ears, I'm guessing from my piercing scream. Well she can't blame me... What kind of person sneaks up on a seventeen year old in the dark and expects them not to scream?

"Mom, oh my god! You scared me to death!"

I manage to croak out as I held a hand over my pounding heart that could probably be heard across the earth.

"Your father and I sent you to your room for a reason... Not for you two be wandering around the house at night."

She raised her eyebrow sternly at me. Really? You scare me.... And you get mad okay.. She pointed to the staircase indicating I go back into my room.

"Wait mom... There's something I needed to tell you... There's these g-"

My sentence was cut off short by my dad entering the hallway my mom and I were in.

"What is going on? Why were you screaming?"

My dad eyed me with obviously no care to why I did... Typical. But before I could speak for myself my mom rudely butted in.

"I caught her wandering around when she should be in her room where we said she should be in."

She crossed her arms displeased by what SHE thinks I was doing.

"Actually dad. That's not what happened. You see I was in my room right, and I was looking out my window. And I saw these g-"

"Madison, I don't want to hear excuses. Go back into your room. We will discuss your punishments for what you did today, tomorrow."

My dad firmly demanded as he also to pointed to the staircase for me to walk up. I roll my eyes at them trying my best not to say anything else back. I turn on the heels of my feet and march myself angrily up the steps that lead me upstairs. Do they ever listen?! Nope. But fine whatever... See what I care...
I stomped into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me shut.


I heard a sleepy voice speak from my bed. Frig.. I forgot he was in here.

"Yeah it's me. Shh, go back to sleep. I'll be there in a minute. I just have to check something."

I said giving him a smile, obviously it was fake. But I don't want him to know that. I don't want to lash out on him because our parents are ignorant. He nodded his head softly and rested it against the many pillows on my bed. I sighed in accomplishment as I tip toed back over to my window. I carefully lifted the shade up halfway so I could see outside where those guys once were... But really once were. They aren't there anymore... But their cars are.


I mumbled to myself in confusion as to where they could have gone. What kind of dumb ass leaves their cars there and leaves?! I swear... Sometimes I think I'm the only bright minded person in this town.. I let out a chuckle to that last thought and walked over to my bed here Nathan fell back asleep. I lifted the covers and slipped my body under them for warmth.

"Night buddy, I love you."

I whispered and kissed his forehead. Soon resting my eyes closed as I try to fall asleep.
And sooner or later... I do.

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