Chapter.12 "jealously"

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-Madison's POV-

After the argument Justin and I had he looked like he wanted to yell... Like someone ripped him to shreds. I kind of felt bad... But that feeling slipped away easily and fast. Why should I feel guilty? He should be the guilty one... He owes me a apology... He should be being yelled at.... I didn't ask for any of this. He's such a.... Such a... I don't even know. Words can't describe what he is. I don't think there's anyone else in the world like him... And that's a good thing. If there was more of him.. I'd be packing everything and shipping myself to outer space.
I hold Nathan on my lap as we watch curious George. It's his favorite show and always calms his mind. The 'guys' have been outside in the back for hours now. They invited some other people over... And I know for a fact they aren't even close to friendly. The girls gave me glares and disgusted looks... The guys would bite their lips and whistle at me and wink.. It was so awkward and weird. And most of all.. One of them tried to kiss me several times. Luckily Justin told him to fuck off but after that he never looked at me... Spoke to me... Or been anywhere near me. I don't know what I said that made him act this way.. But I honestly don't have a care about it.

"Madison.. I'm hungry."

Nathan mumbled while looking up at me. I nodded my head and stood up placing him back on the couch.

"I'll see what I can find.. Just stay here and watch your show okay?"

I spoke sternly to him, he slowly nodded his head while his eyes were focused on the tv. Good. I walk out of the room and enter the kitchen. Man.. Ever hear of cleaning? Dishes piled in the sink... Empty beer bottles on top of the counters. Uh. Boys.. I spot the refrigerator and open it. Pizza... Takeout food... Sandwich meats... Sodas and alcohol. A pack of bread... Eggs. I guess I could make Nathan a sand which. I take out the pack of bread and put it on the counter along with cheese, ham, and mustard. I close the fridge and start making the sandwich.

"Decided to steal our food?"

I heard a low voice followed by a chuckle behind me. I turn around fast and see Gavin. My breath was uneasy but slowly went back to a normal pace.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know. My brother was hungry and you guys are outside with your friends so I didn't want to intrude and get hit or something so I thought it'd be okay if I made a sandwich for-"

"Shh shh. It's okay. I didn't mean for it to sound deathly. I was making a joke. It's fine. The kitchen is yours as you please. Although it's probably the messiest place in this house."

He chuckled looking around the kitchen. Mostly the mess I spotted earlier. And boy is he right.. Messy is a understatement in this condition.


I mumbled not daring to make eye contact. I placed the condiments back into the fridge and placed Nathan's sandwich on a plate. He was about to exit the kitchen but I stopped him.

"Can I ask you something?"

I asked politely and a bit nervous. He nodded his head and was all ears ready to listen.

"Now you don't have to answer this if you don't want to... But I was wondering why Justin is ignoring me.. And no it isn't like what you think it is. I don't like him nor date him. Don't get me wrong he is good looking and all but I don't think his mind is very bright. His emotions are like a light switch. On and off and so confusing but anyways... Why is he acting so weird around me since I got here well brought here and why is he ignoring me now?"

I breathed after speaking without stopping not even once. He bit his lip as if he knew something but didn't know how to say it.

"Okay.. I know why but you cannot tell anyone that I told you.. You have to pretend you don't know a thing."

He began and I have him a nod to continue talking.

"He uh... You see Justin's likes you. He always has. Before you came here, Justin would watch you at some park everyday.. Don't think it's creepy even though it kind of is but, he would in a way... Admire you. He liked you then and wanted you to himself.. You know how us guys are. When we see a girl we like, we somewhat have a claim towards them and want them to be ours and nobody else's. but when he found out you were David Parker's daughter.. Well. He thought it would be so simple. Get rid of your mom and dad. And get you. So he could finally have you and get you to be his. But he didn't just kill your parents for that. They had a history but it's not my part to tell you about that. That's something you'd have to ask him and he would tell you when he feels he can. He really likes you. I know his anger is a issue but he can control it better then most of the guys here. He just- when he is mad there is no doubt that it can be stopped. He'll go after anything... Kind of a good thing when you're in a gang. But, he also has a good heart. I know you're probably thinking that this all sounds insane and why would you date a criminal or something of that stuff. But... Just give him a chance. Maybe, be nicer to him.. And I guarantee he will be nice back. And he is ignoring you because he's hurt.."

He spoke with a understanding tone but mumbled the last part. I had no idea he liked me... Ya he said it but I didn't know he meant it like that. I- I can't date him... He killed my parents.. He.. He kills people. He took me for heavens sake! Like- how am I suppose to be okay with that? Maybe... Maybe if I knew why he killed my parents then maybe I would give him a chance.. MAYBE.

"Why is he hurt?"

I muttered confused by why he would be hurting.

"Because you told him you would never be his... Or like him. He told all of us. Not to make you look bad but because he really is hurting. I think it's the only time we have ever seen him so down.. And so, emotional.. But hey don't worry too much. He'll get over it sometime.. Even if it will take a while. But, the guys and I are making some burgers on the grill outside. You want one? Maybe you could come out there and meet everyone. It will be good for you to get outside and not be in here all the time. If you want Nathan can come outside too. I'm sure they won't m-"

"No... I don't want him out there with all those people.. Plus they're all drinking beer and smoking.. I don't want him seeing that. Or inhaling that stuff. Thanks for the offer but I'm fine in here."

I spoke clearly and made my way out of the kitchen leaving Gavin in there alone and not letting him answer back. I walked into the living room and handed Nathan his plate with a ham and cheese sandwich on it. He thanked me and began eating and watching the tv.

"Madison... Please come outside?"

I heard a begging voice across the room... Gavin.

"Listen. I thank you for the offer but I'd rather be in here with my brother and not be around some drunk violent people.."

I murmured to him making sure Nathan was focused on his show and not listening to our conversation.

"Well lucky for you I'm not drunk or violent.. Ha. Well not at the moment. But come on. No is not going to be a answer either."

He smiled widely and took my hand in his as he lifted me off the couch.

"No no no. Don't you dare."

I warned at him raising my eyebrow but it was too late. He picked me up over his shoulder and started to walk out of the room and out the back door to the patio and back yard where the guys were.. And their friends. Each had a can of beer in their hands and some puffing on a cigarette. Ugh. The two things I hate the most. Drinking and smoking. I can't tolerate it. But I guess I'm going to have to otherwise if I make someone mad here... I might as well become dog chow because I will be killed.
Gavin lowered me off his shoulder so I was standing on my feet. He leaded me over to two empty chairs. I hesitantly sat down as he sat in the one beside me. The chairs were set up kind of in a oval or circle kind of way. It went me, Gavin, some blonde girl, Sean, David, a brunette girl, Justin, a couple of guys I didn't know, Alex, and then another girl but her hair was a fiery red, obviously not real. Must of been dyed.

"You want a cold one?"

Gavin asked holding out a beer in his hand to me. Oh gross...

"Oh no thanks I don't drink."

I replied which caught everyone attention. Everyone's eyes locked on me with scowls and manipulative grins all flashing at me. Some of the girls giggled devilishly and started whispering to each other then the guys all giving me a look like I was some loser. Dammit Madison... You're making yourself look weak.

"Uh- um what I meant was. I'm trying to cut down on that stuff... Yeah. Used to drink it too much so I'm trying to quit."

I tried to play it off cooly but made myself look even more like a outcast. Everyone started laughing. I looked over at Justin who was talking and flirting with a dirty blonde haired girl who looked like she was about twenty one or twenty. Not once was his stare away from her.. Wow. That hurts...
A feeling flushed through me.. I don't know why... I don't know what.. But I've never felt this before towards anyone. But it's pretty clear.

I... Am jealous.

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