chapter.32 "I thought we would be forever."

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*1 week later*

-Madisons POV-

I will be getting out of the hospital today. thank god.. if I had to spend anymore time in this hell hole I think I would kill myself. right now.. I really wouldn't mind that to be honest. once I woke up, I was hoping the first face I would see would be Justin's... but he was no where in my view, in the room, in the building... in my life. it was like he had vanished in mid air. I haven't heard from him, none of the guys have showed up here. I was wondering where I would be going or who I would be going with if they didn't show up soon. but once Megan came into the room when I woke up.. I kind of saw that as my answer. I would be living with Megan... but why? I have no idea. she has been silent when it came to the topic of Justin. which only made me want to know even more. but would she tell me? no. he is my boyfriend... I love him... why would he suddenly disappear from my life like that? oh no... maybe he is gone? what if he was injured too!? maybe even killed! is that why she is so silent? now all the thinking and worrying about it is going to make me come back in here for some kind of cure for fainting.. ha if only.

"Madison? are you ready to go? my mom and I got your room all set up last night. I am positive you will love it."

I watched as she happily strutted into my hospital room with a wide smile on her face trying to lighten up the place. but it wasn't working. I haven't smiled or laughed since I woke up six days ago. pretty much my days consisted of crying, screaming, sleeping, attitude, and complaining. I feel bad for everyone that had to listen o it b- actually no, I'm not sorry. if I can't have a simple damn answer as to where or what happened to my boyfriend. then why should I let anyone be happy? or feel sorry for them? no. I hope they got a headache from my moping!

I sent Megan a glare of pure blur. I was uninterested in what she had to say.. unless it had to do with Justin of course.

"You can't seriously be this sad to live with me are you?"

"Megan... I just want to know where Justin is."

"I told you... I don't know. One of the guys called me to come get you and gave me all your things to set up at my place. I tried asking why but they were stubborn on the subject and ignored me. I'm sorry."

I looked at her with confusion in my eyes and nodded slowly in understand ment. If she didn't know, then there's no way in hell that I'll know. All I want is Justin and I can't even have that.

I let a sigh escape my lips and I put my bag over my shoulder with my clothes I wore while I was here. I walk over to Megan and nod for us to leave.

"Alright I just have to sign you out then we can leave."

She spoke as we walked to the main area of the hospital. I let her sign the papers for my release and didn't bother paying attention to it. I wandered my eyes around the place. People in wheelchairs, people with stitches, people with glum looks. That's what I hate about hospitals. Nothing's happy in here. All depressed and dark. Kind of like me. Ugh. I was about to turn my look on something I saw outside but Megan gripped my arm pulling me with her to go.

"Time to leave this place. And over to mine. We can stay up all night and watch movies! Oh, I can invite the girls over and we can all go o-"

"I'm not in the mood Megan... I just want to be alone. Besides, I look like shit."

"You do not look like shit! Would you stop the sad act please. You're bumming me out."

"You would be sad too if you woke up from almost dying! And you have no idea where your boyfriend is! Ever think my life isn't how it used to be?! HUH?! NOT ALL OF US CAN HAVE THE HAPPY LIFE! MY PARENTS ARE DEAD! MY BOYFRIEND IS OUT PROBABLY GETTING KILLED OR KILLING SOMEBODY! MY LITTLE BROTHER I- wait! Oh my god Mean where is Nathan?!"

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