chapter.37 "Back in the game"

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-Madisons POV-

After days and days of restless nights, locked up in a dark cold room as if i was some caged animal about to be put down for bad behavior... i was beginning to think of the worst. i had hope for safety and rescue but it never came, either Justin has given up on me like i had on him... or Lopez has a great team of hiding me from the world, as if i was just marked off the list of people in the entire world, like i hadn't existed, i am wounded, scared, alone, bruised, and hungry, thankfully they aren't starving me, but i wish they had with the small untimely meals they give me, not even meals, more like a cup of water and a chip, if I'm lucky enough they'll give me a little bag of something. i knew somehow they didn't want me dead so that kept me reassured and holding on for at least something, but why would they want me alive? to get to Jsutin perhaps? seems right. I never asked for this, but who would? The gang world is not one to mess with, or get caught into, and i was warned of that several times, but i neglected to listen, blinded by love.. or the thought of love? Do i love Justin? yes... i did, and i still do, but Justin doesn't know that, he thinks i hate him, which a majority of me does, he tricked me and used me, it all felt so real, maybe he did that to keep me distracted by the reality of him killing my parents and keeping my brother and I hostage in his grip. Was that his way of keeping me quiet? Makes sense, easiest way to keep a girl quiet is finding a way to her heart and making her fall for you. And i was that dumb girl who fell for it all, he doesn't love you Madison, he probably doesn't even like you, i bet he isn't even looking for me right now, i bet he left the country by now to find a new turf and new girl to take and fool for his own game, to hide up his tracks. Here i am taking the heat for his problems which i have not the slighest clue about most of it except for the small stuff he had spoken to me about. I'm debating on feeling bad for him and his life, and now my newly victim life of being taken not only once but now twice, what's the point to even hold on for? if not for him then who else? My little brother is the only one, i need to be strong for him and get out of here.

"well well, looks like you're awake sweetheart. have a good nights rest?"

The oh so satan toned voice i despised and heard each day of this horrific experience. i keep my head down as if I didn't hear him, he had me chained up by my wrists thankfully switching the wire with the chain, neither comfortable but glad that the chain isn't digging through my skin although the past wire already had done enough damage, i knew these cuts wouldn't heal for the longest time, and neither would the carving he had written into my skin, it was appauling and sick, i had no idea someone could be so far gone in this world of violence.


His thunderous voice echoed as did a slapping sound as his palm managed to press against my face leaving his print stinging red. i winced by it and angirly rose my head to see his fumed face. His pervious ijnuries were healing up, while mine became newer and newer each day. wether it be a bruise or cut or any other way he could think of making me scared and in pain.

"Oh, i remember your pretty little clear face. what happened to it huh? you really let yourself go Madison. But i didn't come in here to talk about you. I came in here to talk about your all talk no action boyfriend Bieber."

As if i haven't dreaded my time here already, it was also the thousands of times i have tried to explain i was no longer with him, but i suppose my facts are not factual to him. I let a annoyed groan escape my chapped lips causing him to raise his eye brows at me as if it was a warning to watch my attitude, but i didn't care. what else did i have to lose? i lost my parents, my home, my school life, my freedom, my friends, Justin... somehow he always came back to mind, he was the main point. should i have given him time to explain himself? maybe there was something i was missing... but no, no there is no reasoning to listen to when someone is using you.

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