chapter.33 "familiar faces."

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-Justins POV-

I can't believe I just let her slip away from me... I thought what I did was for the best.. but when she said those words up front without any remorse... I knew she was over me.. there was no more hope in getting her back.. but I could always try right? maybe she just doesn't know the full reason why I left.. it was all for her.. to keep her safe.. away from danger.. and yet she still doesn't understand? why can't she be thankful that I am protecting her more than she can understand? ugh. I should just give up... I shouldn't be the one feeling like shit... I'm doing her a favor.. I'm giving her that normal life.. the life every teen strives for. I don't see why she is taking this so badly... she's.... she's ungrateful! yeah.... she's ungrateful!

"yo Justin man... it's okay... she'll come back. you two are like... one. ya know?"

I stared at Gavin with a pondering glance then shuffled my attention to the ground. I slightly shook my head and ruffled through my pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter and lit it. I puffed in the worry taker and stared at the gloomy sky then back at him.

"no... we we're like one... now we're two..."

his reaction by my response was quite shocking when he started yelling so fast and loud that I couldn't even guess his words. I just watched him with wide eyes as did Sean. not scared eyes though... just surprised by his reaction... I just chuckled at him which seemed to throw him off his ugly rampage and squint at me.


"ya know Gavin... as I recall... you were the one who said I should leave her so she would be away from danger and have a normal life style... it took some thinking but I made the decision... and I know I wont regret it."

I arrogantly grumbled and chucked my cigarette to the ground and stepped on it then began walking to the front door.


"no Gavin... it's over... just end it!"

I demanded leaving him quiet. I mentally sighed in relief and opened the front door making my way through the foyer.


*Madisons POV*

That jerk... I can't believe him... I just. Ugh! How could he do this to me?! He... Used me? How could I have not seen that?! How could I be so blind to his real intentions... Maybe he planned this.. Planned it all. Wanted my parents dead.... Maybe since I was their daughter he wanted me to be broken too. But no.. That can't be. It all seemed so real... So honest and truthful. He told me his past... He told me about everything. Right?


I hear a tiny voice come through the doorway of the guest bedroom in Megan's room. I keep myself buried under the pile of blankets I had on the bed to keep me away from the world... Or in this case. Away from anyone in this house.

"Sis I know you're under there."

Nathan's childish tone comes into the room and I feel someone launch them self on the bed.

"Nathan not now... I'm not in the mood."

"But you've been under there for hours! You said we could go to the park..."

Fuck.. I did say that didn't I...

"Do you think we could do that another day? Like tomorrow or something?"

"Tomorrow's Monday! You and Megan gots to go to school... And I have pre school."

"Well... I was planning on not going to school... And maybe I could go get you early tomorrow and we can go to the park..."

"No! You said today! I want to go today!"

"I'm not getting up so the outcome won't be a yes."

I heard his hiss like grumble and the sheets on the bed scramble a little indicating he got off the bed.

"Mommy would have said yes..."

His light sad whisper left the room with him. A clenching in my heart began. Am I really this much of a bitch? I yelled at Megan... I yelled at Nathan... I yelled at Justin... Well no. Justin deserved every bit of my yelling. He is a liar, asshole, mean... Cold hearted person.. And I was dumb enough to slip right into his trap. What if I escaped when I first was brought to his house? What if I got out... Never had a conversation with him... What would be different? Where would I be?... Probably less heartbroken is what would be different. I need to clear my head... I need space... I need, fresh air. I grip the fine blankets and throw them off of me and sit up and get off of the bed and over to the closet and pull out a pair of running shorts and a sports cami top. I take off my current wardrobe and slip on the shorts and tank top then bring myself over to the dresser and put on socks.

"Where are you going?"

I could easily tell that voice belonged to Megan. I blinked my eyes and debated to answer her or not. To be truthful, I'm still mad from what she said back at Justin's house... It hurt. But I know I can't stay mad at her forever... But I can stay mad at Justin. I don't think it'll be a issue. I pick up my nike jogging shoes and put them on my feet making my outfit complete. I pick up my iPod from the night stand and plop my ear buds in and turn on some good running songs. But before the music could fill my ears I felt my headphones be ripped out.


"Maybe you should listen more... Jesus Madison... What has gotten into you. I'm not the enemy here... I'm your friend. Actually your bestfriend. And you're acting like I'm to blame for everything that has happened.."

I stared at her quite emptyily. No emotion really..

"Sorry... I need to think."

I snatched my headphones out of her hand and placed them into my ears.

"Madison stop!"

She reaches for my arm to stop me but I budge back and move my arm swiftly making sure she didn't get a hold. I made my way down the stairs and out the front door of her house and started running up the street. Probably would have been a smart idea to bring my phone but I haven't gotten one since the one Justin bought me... Which if I remember is somewhere in his backyard. Isn't that just great? Note the sarcasm.
I raise up the music to mute out my surroundings and continue running. I remember I used to come running around here a lot with Megan when me and her did cheerleading together. Had to stay fit ya know... Man those were the good days. When me and her would basically have a sleepover every weekend... Everyday after school I could hangout with her unless I had to go get Nathan. I think I'm more of a parent to him then anyone else I know. Sad to say even Justin had done more for Nathan then my own parents did for him... But hey. I guess they had their reasons... Had to work. Work to make money. Money to put a roof over our heads and feed us and such. Although we weren't poor... No where near poor. We were quite rich. They never needed to work so much. But they chose to. Maybe they rather spend their time doing boring work then spend time with their own children.
.... They never were the greatest. But am I really going to do this? Criticize them?... They're my parents... They got murdered.. They... They loved me. I loved them no matter how much I would get mad at them. I still see it.. My dads face before he got shot... The way he actually looked scared instead of angry and serious. And it frightened me. He was never the kind of person who feared or showed fear... But when he did that day. That's when it struck me deep that he was scared... Scared of losing me... Nathan... He lost mom. I lost mom.... And him. No matter how much I wish and hope I'll never have to remember that day... It will always be stuck in my mind. Kind of like Justin is stuck in my mind. Uh. Stop Madison. You need to forget him... He's no good. Just like Megan said he was using me.. But just maybe I could talk to him... See why he did it?.... No. It will only cause more pain.. But then again it's better to know the truth then to be filled with assumptions... Yes I will talk to him... No... YES... NO! My mind continued to juggle my mini argument making me oblivious and slow to what was right in front of me. I felt my foot catch an object on the ground and soon made me tumble. I landed on the palms of my hands preventing my face from colliding with the tough cement.

"Excuse me.. Miss are you okay?"

I look up and see a guy with short blonde hair, piercing yet gorgeous blue eyes, and a chiseled in shape body. I say he looked around eighteen? It looked like he was out for a jog too. Yet his attire wasn't much... No shirt and basketball shorts with Jordan's sneakers. I converted my eyes from observing his facial features and zoned out on his six pack.


I shook my head mentally and looked to the ground in embarrassment. My cheeks flushed red and I quickly tried to pick myself up. I rose to my knees and brushed off any noticeable dirt or grass that had gotten on my clothes. I took my headphones out and held them in my hand.

"Hi. Yes I uh- I'm fine thanks."

"Are you sure? I saw the fall... Looked painful."

He gave me a unsure look but I waved my hands in front of me at him indicating I was fine. But when I tried to stand up, I instantly fell on my ass... Like I wasn't embarrassed enough. Today just isn't my day is it?.. He rushed towards me and kneeled down beside me with panic but confidence.

"Yeah I'm sure you're not fine... We should get you to a doctor."

No.... No! I'm not going back to that hospital. No no no no.

"No! I'm all set really. No need for a doctor."

"You can't st-"

"I am fine...."

He scratched the back of his neck and glanced at me debating wether or not to bring me. But his answer was obvious when he nodded his head in understandment.

"Alright... At least let me take you back to my place to wrap it up and check to make sure it's nothing too serious then I can drive you back to your place."

"Are you sure?... You don't have to. I'll be perfectly fine."

He shook his head at my response and chuckled kind of like how Justin would chuckle at me when I was being stubborn. I shot him a glare when I was lifted off the ground and being held in his arms. I gaped my mouth at him shocked but he merely shrugged and started walking up the non busy street.

*20 minutes later*

We had reached the guys house. A little weird that I don't even know his name yet I'm in his home...

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab the medical wrap."

He rushed out of the room and I stayed sitting awkwardly on the couch viewing the rooms decor, seemed like he didn't live alone. But there was no other person in view. And no other noises except the natural sounds of a usual house. I exhale through my mouth and lift my leg up so it was resting on the table in front of me. By the looks of it, it wasn't swelling so I know it wasn't broken. It was just a little red with the lightest of bruising. I groaned to myself of how clumsy I've been and rolled my eyes looking around in front of me but stopped once I spotted a gun on the table. Why does this dude have a gun? Maybe he's in the army or something?... Usual protection. Understandable, this town isn't safe. It really isn't. But the gun being in plain sight kind of creeps me out...


I shouted loudly so the guy could hear me from wherever he went to in the house.


I could hear him holler back at me. I gulped still staring at the gun in front of me and bit my lip.


There was no response... It was dead silent for a couple minutes until footsteps were heard coming into the room. I snap my head into the direction of the footsteps and watch him come in empty handed.

"Couldn't find the wrap..."

He smirked at me then sat beside me on the couch. I nodded slowly not making eye contact with him.

"So um.. You never answered my question..."

"Well you see Madison... My name is not to be told to you..."

I squinted at him confused but soon widened when I noticed he said my name. I never told him my name?!

"H-h-how d-do you know m-my name?"

I stuttered through my words and tried to scoot away from him but he gripped both of my arms in his strong hands and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Everyone knows your name babe... You're Biebers girl."

Once he said that I squirmed and fought out of his grasp and tried my best to run but I felt myself being lifted from behind and unable to move my legs. I screamed at the top of my lungs and kicked my legs rapidly hoping he would get kicked but I don't think it happened.


The guy yelled boldly and clear. Soon two men rushed into the room and one had a small sharp object in his hand. I glimpsed at it and screamed louder and kicked harder trying to escape.



I felt a painful prick in my arm and that's when my vision went dark and everything was fading away to blackness.

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