chapter.28 "Traitor."

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-Madisons POV-

I was sitting in Justins room just toying with my phone texting Megan and other friends, playing with apps, watching videos on youtube, and just being bored. I just want Justin to come home and never leave. I hate when he goes out on his missions or whatever you would call it. it makes my mind go on a storm rush, makes my heartbeat beat over the limit and most of all... makes me worry to the death of me.

"Madison.. you okay?"

I groan by the deep voice entering the room. I pick my head up from the pillow and sit up.

"Greg I'm the same as I was the last time you checked on me... you know. exactly five minutes ago."

this let a grin play on his lips and a chuckle escape.

"well sorry that your boyfriend will kill my ass if there is even a emotional issue going on with you. John and I were sent here to protect you and watch you and make sure you are okay at all times. and I intend on doing just that."

he sat on the end of my well Justins bed and stared me in the eyes trying to see if I would give in and tell him what was wrong. ha, boys and their stupidity. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed and fixed my shirt so it wasn't all wrinkly and bunched up.

"where is John anyways?"

"I believe he is downstairs."

"probably eating the kitchen whole. the boys won't be very thrilled when they come home from this big fight and have nothing to eat."

we laugh at my remark for a moment then I make my way out of the room and peek down the hall and see Nathan sitting on his bed watching TV and coloring in his little coloring book. I smile at his childness and continue down the hall and go down the stairs.


I shout loudly turning my head in both directions not seeing a single soul down here.


I shouted once more getting a little uneasy tone to my voice. what if he got kidnapped by that Lopez dude!? or hurt... or killed. oh my god.


I scream hoping he would come downstairs in a flash. soon footsteps from the staircase took me from my worries. but when I turned around it was Greg.. not John.

"hey what's wrong!?"

"I don't know where John is... I called his name several times and I got nothing in return."

"I'm sure he is fine. but just in case, I want you to go upstairs into Nathans room and lock the door. don't come out until I say it is okay. and I mean it."

I looked at him with frightened eyes and nodded unsurely. he nudged my arm for me to go and I scurried past him and ran up the stairs. once I got to Nathans room I slammed the door shut and locked it. once done I ran over to his bed and picked Nathan up placing him to his feet.

"okay Nathan... John wants us to stay in here. okay just until he says it is okay to leave. I need you to be quiet and listen."

"sis w-"


"yes... I understand."

"thank you. now. continue what you were doing. I'm sorry for scaring you and raising my voice. I'm just- I don't know what I am to be honest."

he smiled at me and wrapped his kid arms around my thighs giving me a hug. I was confused for a moment but soon smiled and hugged him back, sort of. more like patted his back, he is a little too short for me to hug unless I pick him up or kneel to his level.
I let him go and he ran to his bed and did as I suggested. on the outside I showed as much calmness as I could for his sake. but inside... I was dying of anxiety and fear. I just wanted to start yelling and running like I was being chased by a pack of dogs... wild dogs.


The sound of a gun shotS flew through my ear drums making me flinch. now I know I have something to be worried about. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to call Justin. he said to call if anything happens and boy something is happening. before I could start the call the door was kicked down startling me to bits.


I look up and see John standing there with a few blood stains on his clothing and a gun in his hand.


"Someone broke into the house from the back. but I took care of it."

"where's Greg!?"

"oh he um.."


He didn't even respond. he instantly ran to my side and cupped my mouth with his hand preventing me from talking. I glared at him confused until a stumbling body appeared in the doorway, bloody and bruised. it was Greg. I widened my eyes at him and looked back at John thinking he would help him out but instead he did the unthinkable. he raised his gun to Greg and shot the bullet making him fall more limp then he already was, but now he was dead... I started screaming into Johns hand and shouted things at him but of course came out muffled. that traitor. I cant believe John shot his own friend or member. how could somebody do that!? without acknowledgment I felt my phone being taken from my palm and whipped across the room coming in contact with the wall then smashing towards the floor.


Nathan hollered at John and kicked his legs with his little legs. john let out a devilish chuckle and pushed Nathan to the floor. I started to squirm around trying to get out of Johns grip  but nothing was working. I had to protect Nathan, he is my little brother and I am not going to let some douche bag lay a finger on him.

"better stop moving doll or I'll kill your little brother too."

John snickered and pointed his gun towards Nathan. I shook my head repeatedly as if telling him not to.

"now. Nathan your sister is coming with me. I suggest you stay put in this house and not call anyone or else I'll have your sister killed along with anyone that means good to you."

John sneered and backed out of the room with his hand still pressed against my mouth and the gun aimed to the side of my head. my whimpers and pleading were getting louder and louder by the minute. I need Justin, I need him. I need his comfort. I need him to save me. I need my brother to not be scared... I need my brother to be safe. I want this nightmare to be over with. John stepped over Gregs dead body and kicked him out of the way like he was a piece of trash. I scoffed at Johns actions and rolled my eyes. I thought he was suppose to be on our side... he was ordered to watch and protect me but instead he is taking me? Greg is innocent! Greg actually was doing his job.. and it isn't fair he had to suffer death while John is alive and getting away.
soon I was being dragged down the stairs, like when I was first brought here and Alex dragged me through the fucking house. man was he a asshole. I noticed the downstairs was completely wrecked. shattered glass, chairs in parts, tables flipped over. a mess... soon I felt my head come to the wall making a headache form and vision slightly blurred.




and with that I saw his face become enraged and he slammed me to the ground hard and towered over me.

"fucking little bitch! I'll kill you now! right fucking now if you don't shut the hell up!"

he shouted pulling a object from his pocket, it looked thin and long with a pointy edge... knife? no.. I squinted my eyes a little and the blurriness came to clear. it was a needle... like a shot. no... no. I let myself scream at the top of my lungs, a blood curling scream. the kinds you hear in horror movies when the girl is being chased by the killer. but in this case.. I'm defenseless, on the floor, and the killer has complete access to just ending my life without any distractions or issues. I felt a stinging needle enter my arm and felt the substance coarse through my veins. each second I felt dizzier, eye sight getting hazed, and my eye lids were troubled on staying up. but it wasn't trouble anymore. a horrible blackness took over and I was no longer awake.

please help me...

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