chapter.20 "don't worry about it."

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* one week later *

-Madisons POV-

So, a lot has happened this past week. I've been released from the hospital after the four day stay. which I didn't enjoy at all. hospitals are creepy, gross, and I just so happened to have to stay there for four horrible days. but it wasn't all that bad because Justin visited everyday, sometimes alone, sometimes with the guys, and a couple times with Nathan. I feel so bad for Nathan, he had no idea what happened to me, he actually thought I was dying. Each time he visited he would cry. it broke my heart to pieces seeing his smile fade to a long lasting frown and tears just uncontrollably spilling from his eyes. it made me want to cry, which sometimes I did. but I got him to smile and laugh a few times. it makes me smile to hear him laugh, it shows me that I can make him happy without anyone else's help, that there is still hope he can enjoy his life despite everything that happened to us. you would think with everything that has been going on that we would be out of our mind crazy, but we're quite the opposite. our minds are level headed, we know what's right and what is wrong. we know everything happens for a reason even though we might not like it. life isn't fair... it is not just a quote, but a fact. it is a fact of life that it isn't fair. but sometimes you can work with it and make it fair, or as fair as it can get. even if it isn't a lot.

"baby, the guys and I are going out for a little bit. I'll be back in a hour. Steven is downstairs watching Nathan. if you need anything he will get it for you okay?"

Justin approached my bed well his bed... yeah. even though he made me my own room. I felt safer to be in his room. with him. and yes... we are together now.. he asked me to be his girlfriend the third night I had to stay at the hospital. it wasn't the most romantic place to be asked out, but it didn't matter to us at all. I knew my feelings for him were clearer then ever. no matter how wrong it was... no matter how insane it was for me to like him... to want to be with him.. I still knew I loved him. and that feeling would never go away. and it so happened to be him feeling to same exact way as me. is it strange that I love a criminal? maybe a little bit... but there is more to him then his bad side, there is a sincere, loving, and kind guy deep inside. nobody else can wee that, but I sure as hell can.

"okay.. where are you going?"

I asked timidly. he has been going out constantly with the boys all week. I never really asked in the beginning why he was out so much because I knew it was probably none of my business... but after the first five days of him in and out of the house all the time shouting and being stressed out. I knew I had to ask. so for the past two days I have been asking him non stop to why he was going out so much, why he was stressed out, and why there are all these unfamiliar guys here. but no matter how many times I asked, I would get the same exact answer.

"Madison don't worry about it. I will be back soon. I love you."

he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead and walked out the door. yup.. knew you would say that. ugh. I can't wait till I can get this cast taken off of my leg. although I won't get it off for a whole month. it is going to suck... but at least I get it off right before school starts. yeah that's right. summer is almost over, which means my last and final year at Stratford high is coming. it is exciting yet terrifying. exciting because I will finally be out of school and go to college and start some kind of career, terrifying... because I will need to pass everything with good grades to actually graduate. not saying it will be a problem, but it will take a whole lot of focus... and that is something I have been lacking the most. can't blame me though. life changing events have happened in my life in just a couple weeks... that would normally never happen to somebody, or would happen in years. but I need to put that behind me now, it is the past and it cannot be changed. Justin and I have been talking about school since I got back. he is still hesitant about me going back to school because of friends asking questions, teachers asking questions, rumors about everything that has been going on. he thinks I might actually run away and never come back. it would seem like a perfect shot to run and tell everyone what happened and get him and his buddies arrested. but those are not my intentions and I made that very stern to him. I love him... and that beats anything. he is still thinking about it but he finally gave in with a maybe. which I hope turns to a yes. I cant believe I am going to say this but I miss school. yeah, I miss it. don't think I am a nerd or something. but I could use a little normality in my life in the moment. I miss my friends... especially my best friend in the entire world! her name is Megan, Megan Rivers to be exact. she has been my friend since kindergarten. ever since then we have been in the same class, through out elementary, through out middle school, and high school. I haven't seen her all summer because she is away on vacation, I have had to watch Nathan, and you know the very rest.. but once school starts again, I will be able to see her. I know she will have a lot to tell me, she always does. whether it is about boys, or a regular day at home. there is always something she needs to rant about. but it is one of the many reasons why she is my best friend. I wonder if she heard about my parents... will she ask me what happened? I can't tell her that Justin killed them and took me to live with him along with my little brother. and tell her that I am now dating him.. she will flip shit. like I can already imagine her reaction, and it won't be pretty. so... I will have to do something... something I never dreamed of doing, something me and her have never done with each other. I will have to lie. I don't want to.. but I know if I tell her she might call the cops, and I don't want Justin to be taken away. if he did it would be like getting hit by a car a thousand times, even worse then that. I would be a wreck.. I can't let that happen to him. so I guess lying is the only option. sorry Megan... but there are some things that should just remain a secret. the feeling won't be good but it is the right decision... right? boy I hope so.

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