Chapter. 44 "Time to grow up."

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-Madison's POV-

*1 week later*

Things have become more normal, I talked to Justin about letting me start up college classes again so I can feel accomplished of getting my degree, which he thankfully agreed to. I'm going to do four years in criminal justice, what a perfect career choice considering Justin's background of 'work'. I thought it was humorous. Also Nathan has started school again of course in a higher grade, he's a second grader. He's growing up so fast, I've heard some kids are giving him a hard time for not having parents and I had talked to the teachers and school about how inappropriate it is for children to be discussing such a topic but all they said was 'kids will be kids' however when Justin came with me next time they believed we were right, I thank that side of Justin. After that Nathan has been making lots of friends and even has a little crush. As for me, most college students are out partying and Justin wants me far from it because of the dangers, so friend making is more hard for me especially after my so called best friend stabbed me in the back. I did make one friend I suppose if you consider chatting in class about test answers, her name is Amanda. She is new to the area which is great because she has no idea of Justin and his gangs and the groups around this town, or country. It's like starting fresh again. I'm keeping her close whether she wants to be friends or not. More to catch up on, things in the house have been a little chaotic considering Justin is training new recruits on the daily leaving me to focus solely on college work. Why is he doing this? Because we thought Lopez was the cause of our worries but there is more. After the big rivalry other gangs have taken the opportunity to prove themselves worthy to join Justin's group, if not accepted then against him. It's a scary thought, so Justin has suggested I train with them time to time when I'm not doing homework. I must admit it's a lot of work. I dont know how they do it everyday. I cleared my rambling thoughts as I stepped out of the doors of my college and grabbed my keys out of my pocket. As I put my hood up to guard myself from the rain I jogged to my car and got in. I sat there for a moment to put my things down and turn the car on. I felt a bit uneasy as if being watched. I stared out my foggy windshield waiting for it to disappear, as soon as it did my mind got the best of me thinking a psycho killer would be standing right in front of me but it was just a group of students laughing and going to their cars talking about a party for the night. I sighed sinking back in my seat and pulling out of the lot. I will never get to have a normal life no matter how hard I try. After the short ride home I pulled into the driveway of the house and into the garage. I noticed a couple of Justin's new recruits hanging out checking out his car collection. I got out of my car grabbing my college books and bag behind me and locking my car. As soon as I stepped out they all stared at me with hungry eyes. I rolled mine and walked past them inside the house. If Justin knew they did that he would have them all at gun point, so I kept my mouth shut. I set my stuff down on the kitchen table and opened the fridge for a water bottle and an apple. I said my hellos to the guys and looked around for Justin.

"Hey John, where's Justin?"
I asked curiously as I sipped my water.

"He is upstairs taking a shower. And Nathan is having a sleepover over his friends house, I believe his name is Eric."

I wondered why I wasn't asked for permission for him being elsewhere. Boys are so irresponsible. I made my way upstairs to Justin and I's room. I noticed his clothes laying on the bed to be worn when he gets out. I politely waited for him to finish and heard the shower turn off and him come out. He walked into the room his hair messily wet and the towel hung low on his hips showing his V line. I tried not to stare but it was tough. He chuckled deeply noticing me looking. He walked over and kissed my forehead asking how school was.

"A lot of work as always and every body is talking about the next party to go to."
I sighed and fell back on the bed.

"You do know you have me to come home to, they just want a good night with a girl to fuck then leave once they've taken advantage."
Justin spoke putting his clothes on one by one. I know he's right and I have no interest partying but it would be nice to go and make friends.

"All I want is to make friends. So far I only have one and even our terms don't consider us friends. I'm trying to have a normal life and it's just not working."
I huffed annoyed now sitting up and watching him move closer to me. His hands cupped my face as his breath fanned my face. His lips were centimeters away from mine and I was longing for his kiss.

"Madison, you are far more perfect then you let yourself believe, you're such an amazing woman who is so smart, you're destined for so many good things. I know you're trying your hardest for a normal life but baby that's impossible with these circumstances, you just need to grow up and face the fact. But just know, I love you, and will protect you through this un-normal life. Okay?"
His words printed in my brain, he was right. No matter how hard I tried its impassible for a normal life. I need to grow up and face it. I can try all I want but it will never be the same of how my life once was.

I nodded my head and puckered my lips with a puppy face begging for a kiss. He smiled and kissed my lips, I was hoping for a quick kiss but he deepened it asking for entrance as his tongue traced my bottom lip. I allowed it also needing this moment to last. I've been so busy with college work and worrying of a normal life and wasn't paying attention to the man of my life. Justin Bieber. The countries bad ass, biggest fear ever known, most dangerous man and gang alive. And he is mine. He is my destiny, and he was my capturer.

"I love you Justin."
I breathed over his lips as he laid me down beneath him.

"I love you too Madison Parker."

And with that, the night was quiet, full of lust, love, and darkness. I need to stop thinking of normal. Because I am Madison Parker, the girl who's parents were killed right in front of her, the girl who's parents killer took her and her little brother, the girl who fell in love with the killer and has been beaten, prisoned, taken, nearly died, and yet is still here. I am in love with Justin Bieber, the man I call my boyfriend,
      the man who is my capturer.

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