Chapter.13 "shes fucking dead"

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-Madison's POV-

I continued to watch Justin flirt with the girl. It was all I could focus on. I don't know what was going through me. It's like I want to beat the fuck out of her...

"Hey... You might want to slow down on the drinking.."

I heard a husky voice from behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows confused and turned around. I saw a guy I didn't know... Never saw. Maybe it was a friend of Justin's? Drinking? I don't drink. I stare at my hand and spot a almost empty beer bottle in it. What? I stare at the ground and spot about ten or so more bottles but empty. Did I drink all of those? God I don't even remember.

"Uh... Y-yeah. Thanks."

I muttered and continued my gaze on Justin and that bitch. She is so easy... Must be needy. Ugh. I watched as she flipped her hair and whisper something in Justin's ear. A smirk spread across his face as soon he connected his lips to hers. That's when the jealously really started kicking in. She's fucking dead.

"You know.. If you keep staring at him like that people are going to think you're a stalker."

The guy chuckled behind me in my ear. I stood up from sitting quite to fast for how many drinks I have drank. I almost fell over but the guy caught me in his arms. Nobody seemed to have noticed. Thank god.

"Let go of me... I'm fine."

I hissed shaking my way out of his grip and stumbling my way to the back door of the house. But soon felt a pair of arms pulling me back.

"Slow down girl. My name is Zack. What's yours?"

He smirked at me turning me to face him. Great... Not really.

"Madison.. And I really don't care what your name is. I don't like you... Or anyone here. I'd rather have my head s-slammed in a car door twenty fricken million times. Okay? I might not have my mind right... Right now but I have enough to know I'm not going to have sex with you. So don't even t-try!"

I scowled at him. My words were so slurred I don't even think he could understand. But I do know one thing. I am not sleeping with him. I mean, he's not bad looking but seriously. He's in a gang probably... Just like Justin is. And I'm not into that crap. Uh Justin. Always coming back in my head. I glance over at where he once was with that skank... But he wasn't there. Only she was. Come on Madison, golden opportunity to punch her. Do it! DO IT!

"Listen, I'm not trying to sleep with you. Besides no offense but I like it when the girl isn't drunk. And you... You are drunk. And it's really late it's midnight. I think we should get you inside or something.."

He tugged on my arm to bring me inside but I pushed him away. I stomped my way over to the girl as best as I could and smacked her across the face. She gasped but everybody else howled like wolves wanting this to continue.


She screeched standing up holding her hand printed cheek. Easy bitch...

"Listen h-here and listen good! Back off..."

I spoke through clenched teeth making the space between us tiny and our foreheads touching. I gave her a death glare but she didn't budge.

"Oh puh-lease. Who brought this under goer here? Does she even know what we're capable of? Why don't you listen here... And listen good. Go, leave. You don't belong here. And if you ever touch me again. I'll make sure you will die."

The girl pushed me back making me fall on my ass. Soon everyone laughing. No she didn't.


A voice yelled catching everyone attention. The voice I haven't heard for so long... The voice I've been needing to hear.. The person I've somewhat missed..


The girl towered over my body picking me up by the front of my shirt.

"That's Madison Parker... And I suggest you leave her alone before she beats your ass!"

Justin stated quite clearly and protectively. Me?! Beat her up? It's a very nice thing to think of but I don't think I can anymore. What is he trying to do. Soon everyone was whispering to each other and circling the girl and I waiting for some action to happen. I turned my head and looked at Justin with a scared look but he just simply nodded. Is he trying to kill me?!

"Oh... So you're Parker's daughter? I knew I smelled trash somewhere but looks right it's right in front of me. You know your father got what he deserved? Fucking dead beat finally dead. Did you see it? Did you see that bullet go through his head? Did he cry? Or plead for forgiveness? Tell me, I'd like to know."

She laughed in my face along with a grin as she raised me to my feet. Fucking bitch.. I could feel my blood boil in my veins, the anger filling my body inch by inch. My heart starting to race with adrenaline. I gripped her hands that were holding on to my shirt and pushed her back. The guys began chanting while the other girls were saying cuss words to me, but it only made me more mad.


I raged at her but it seemed to only amuse her. She threw a punch but I quickly caught her fist and twisted her arm and punched her in the face. She stumbled backwards but regained her balance and tackled me to the ground and started to grab my hair and scratch me. What kind of fighting is this?! Is she suppose to be in a gang or what cause this is pointless. I turn her over so I'm on top and begin to throw numerous amounts of punches to her face. She tried to push me off but it was useless. I continued to punch her face as I saw her nose bleed and bruising start to appear around her eyes. Her lip was bleeding like crazy. Which I couldn't help but smile at. I'm winning. And that's all that matters.


The girl tried speaking but instantly failed as I was about to throw one more punch to finish her off but felt myself being lifted off by a pair of strong arms. I squirmed in there grasp trying to escape and go after the girl but it was useless. The guys started to laugh and howl again but the girls surrounded the girl helping her up and checking to see if she was okay. Damn I hope she isn't. I saw myself being taken inside the house and carried up the stairs.


I screamed loudly soon being put into Justin's bedroom. What? I was placed to my feet and heard the door being shut and locked. I turned around and saw Justin standing right there.

"You want to tell me what that was about?!"

He barked running a hand through the spoke of his hair. I shook my head no and slouched on the side of his bed. I heard him sigh deeply and kneel down in front of me. I made sure I looked anywhere but his eyes.

"Look at me..."

He pleaded putting both hands on either side of my lap. I still didn't listen.

"Madison look at me now!"

He demanded. I focused my eyes on his. His warm caramel orbs that can make you melt so easily. It's like being placed in a world of no worries.

"What happened out there? Why were you two fighting?"

He asked running his thumb on the side of my leg trying to make me comfortable.

"Well I would think it is because you told her I would kick her ass.."

I answered smartly and folded my arms across my chest. He let out a chuckle.

"No.. Before that.. Why did you slap her?"

He asked almost in a pleading tone. Do I tell him? Do I lie? No Madison... No more hiding things. Tell him. Tell him the truth.

"I was jealous.."

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