chapter.15 "that's why"

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-Justins POV-

"What happened between my parents and you that made you kill them?"

my face dropped.. what do I tell her? I highly doubt she would even believe me if I told her so what's the point? yeah let me just explain to her my entire life problems cause that would make me seem more appealing.. being sarcastic of course.

"listen.. I understand you want to know why I did what I did.. and you do have a right to know but it's more complicated then you think it is."

I tried my best to make it clear to her but she shook her head in disagreement.

"they are my parents, and as you said so yourself. I do have a right to know why you did it. I want to know what they did to you that made you not like them. I know you probably don't want to tell me but please.. I will listen and not say a word until you say so."

she pleaded in her tone and eyes. it was kind of cute.. wait stop Justin stop thinking that way. why? it's no secret that you like her, but she doesn't like me. ugh, I wish she would. I shook it out of my thoughts and licked my lips. I guess it's better to tell her now then never. I sighed and faced her perfectly. tell her.. tell her everything she needs to know.

"alright well.. it started when I was fifteen years old. first year of Stratford High school. I was just your average teenager, girls was always a habit with me, but you can't blame me. but that's besides the point. as I was saying before, the average teen, ya I was. lived with my mom and dad in a good sized house, also my little sister Jazymine but we call her Jazzy. and then my little brother Jaxon. I had a lot of friends, I was one of those popular kind of guys, but I really had only two close friends. Ryan and Chaz, was on a hockey team with them, man.. we've been friends since first grade. ha, we had each others backs no matter what. but that changed quickly.."

I spoke sternly as the thoughts of it all drifted through my mind. all memories coming back to my vision. I continued talking..

"I met a guy.. which was Alex. he was one of those bad kind of guys.. skipped classes, partied, didn't follow any rules, did what he wanted, it was always his way or the highway, something about him made you want to be like him. I knew he was a bad dude from the start.. but something bout what he did wanted me to do it. but I didn't know he was into gang shit.. but by the time I wanted to back out. it was too late. he introduced me to his members.. which is as you know, David, Sean, and Gavin. I of course wasn't in the gang yet.. but boy they wanted me in it badly. they said I had the potential, the strength, the focus. they said I would make a good leader of their crew. that's when I started to get interested in the whole thing. they made me feel like I was actually part of something for once, even though I was popular. none of them were real friends.. that's when I thought of Ryan and Chaz. I  thought they wouldn't care what I got myself into cause they said they would always be here for me when needed. but it didn't seem to qualify anymore, once they found out what I was doing. I came to school less after they stopped talking to me. I stopped communicating with others... I'm pretty sure all my B's turn to F's. but at the time I didn't care. that's when I had one thing on my mind, join them. Join Alex and them. it was all I really had... so I did. I joined the gang. after a while I got into drugs and alcohol, which of course they had suppliers that got them all these things. I changed completely during that year. so quick my mom couldn't even have a decent conversation with me, mostly I'd be out with the guys all night till two in the morning. she couldn't handle my behavior anymore. She loved me, there's no doubt about that. it took so long for me to realize she was just caring for me and protecting me.  she was being a good mother.. and I of course was so whipped on doing bad things that all I would do is cuss her out and leave the house for long periods of times. I know what you're thinking... yeah I was completely out of control. but I was fifteen, I was in the age range of ignoring my parents and always thinking I was right. and doing drugs and getting drunk didn't help with that. the school would start calling home for all my absences and said it was unacceptable. I would get into fights with people at school... which would get me detentions..  soon suspensions. they tried to expel me a few times but my mom tried to change their minds, and it would work so they allowed me to continue at the school."

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