chapter.29 "blood bath"

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-Madisons POV-

I felt cold... and alone. darkness had consumed every ounce of me, was I dead? I don't know. I hear everything.. all the noises around me. sounded of a moving vehicle, on the road... was I in a car? I don't remember going into a car. what is going on!? soon I heard silence.. just the sound of the tires against the pavement but coming to a stop. the chuckles of a man and door opening made me shiver. who is that?

"what a beautiful girl."

I felt a deep scary voice. and yes I mean felt... like he was talking on my skin. what the fuck! I felt my body being jolted off of what I was guessing a car seat then slammed on the ground.

"sorry love, guess I dropped you."

his sarcasm was mixed with amusement. I wanted so badly to just punch the hell out of this dude but I knew I couldn't. a hard smack on my face pulled me from the abyss of black and I swung my eyes opened and screamed but nothing came out, like I was unable to speak. my vision was completely messed up. it was like everything was in a big blurry blob. I squinted my eyes and rubbed them hoping it would somewhat clear what's going on. and oh it did. I saw a huge bulk man stand over me. his face looked fam- its the dude from the house. JOHN! what... where's Gr- it all came back to me. John betrayed me... Greg... Justin. oh my god where is Justin... and the guys!? are they okay!? I quivered my lip a little because I sure as hell am afraid. I have no protection... I could kick him and run but I'm sure with a guy that built that my kicks wouldn't even make him move.. I coward away as best as I could. I was still drowsy from that shot.. and my vision wasn't fully good, and the fact tears are flooding my eyes. it makes it all worse. a grin spread across his face as he saw me crawl away vulnerable. he grabbed my ankles and pulled me against the mix between grass and pavement... in other words. killed really bad. I tried to scream again but nothing... just a small squeak came out. I was weak... at least weak compared to him. the view of a house came by my sight. gunshots were heard in the air, yelling.... shattering noises.. fumes of smoke filled my nose and lungs. I coughed by its strength in odor. then another man approached John and I. he smiled down at me.. but his smile was bloody and revolting, like someone had busted his mouth. his shirt was covered in blotches of blood also covered with a few holes. gun shots? that explains the sounds of guns.

"thank you John for bringing me Madison.. I can take it from here."

The tanned bloodied man said grabbing my arm and yanking me up to my feet that I could barely balance on. I squirmed around in his hold but not a chance of release. he started to pull me with him but John stopped him.

"wait... I got you the girl... you said you'd pay me."

"oh John, you honestly think I will pay you? if I wanted I could have gotten her myself."

"then why didn't you? you owe me money!"

"how about I owe you in something better?"

"oh yeah!? like what?"

before I could process what happened, the man pulled out a gun and shot John straight in the head sending his body falling to the dirt. I squeaked from the noise and death so close to me... just like when John killed Greg. it is a horrifying thing to witness and I never thought would have to see it again... but sadly I just did. more tears fell from my eyes but that made the man laugh... laughing away at my fear.

"awe. it's okay.... he will be happier in hell. now come along... times a ticken and I have someone special for you to meet."

I scrunched my eyebrows at his response but he started dragging me with him to the front yard since we were way way in the back. I tried to escape his tight grip since his nails were practically seething into my skin and cutting circulation. what does this man want with me!?

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