chapter.16 "Apologies?"

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-Madisons POV-

I really felt bad... I had no idea my dad did all that to him. I mean, I kind of wouldn't be surprised if he did. he seems like the kind of person who would do that. he always was a strict father. the kind who is at work all day and when he gets home he just wants to be left alone. I never really bonded with him as I grew up, well none that I remember. when ever I did something wrong by accident he would flip out to the maximum. sometimes he would even hit me.. but I was never allowed to tell anyone about that, not even my mom. mom... I miss her so much. I know it seems as though she is just as bad as him but she isn't. well she is but just not abusive and actually cares about my feelings when I need to talk to someone, you know for advice and issues. she always gave the best advice when it came to those kinds of things.

"thinking much?"

I heard a awfully familiar voice. I turned around from making a cup of tea and see the one and only... Alex. ugh how I wish it was a gun instead. wow.. am I really that low right now? I roll my eyes at him and turn back to making my tea. just then I felt a tug on my arm. I flinched at the pressure and watched him stare at me coldly.

"When I am talking to you. you will be respectful and speak to me, got it?"

he seethed directly in front of my face only a couple inches away from mine. I turned my head uncomfortably but only to feel his other hand grip my face so I was facing him once again.

"go away.."

I shakily spoke. man I would love nothing more then for Justin to come down here and kick his ass.

"Lets take a walk huh? I think you could use some fresh air."

he smirked devilishly and grabbed me by the back of my hair and shoved me out of the kitchen and through another room till we got to the back door. he pushed me on to the back patio vigorously making me stumble on my back. I winced a little as I tried to quickly sit myself up. what is wrong with his guy? I have done nothing wrong since I got here and yet he decides to use me as his punching bag? I don't think so.. man I hope those boxing classes paid off from last year. he started walking towards me but I jumped to my feet and started to run the other direction so I was now in the back yard.


he shouted making me stop in my tracks. please tell me he is joking. I turn around hesitantly and see him holding a gun in his hand from the distance and aiming at me. oh my god...


He howled at me with nothing but bitterness and anger. I slowly moved my feet so I was walking. I didn't want to go near him but what am I suppose to do? he has a gun! think... think! ah ha! I mentally smiled and walked over to him confidently. he looked at me confused but gained his glare back at me. I was now only three feet away from him.

"I have a question.. what did I do that made you want to hurt me?"

I asked trying to make him off focus so I could go in and make my move. he just chuckled and shook his head.

"because.. I never wanted you to be brought back here! you're making Justin forget about his work and making him slack off..-

he continued talking but I honestly just tried my best to mute it out. when he turned his head for a minute I punched his throat and knocked the gun out of his hand. he threw a punch but I ducked causing him to miss. I kicked my leg up making it come in contact to his face. but he didn't fall... dammit he is tough. I threw a couple punches making it hit his nose then pushed him by his chest making him fall backwards on to his back.

"ha.. okay. I was going to be nice. but if you want to fight. then bring it. I'm all up for a challenge."

he spat out a little blood to the side on the ground then rose to his feet in a strong stance. he put up a arm to swing a punch but I grabbed it and kneed him in the rib. I was caught off guard when his other hand came and punched my jaw. fuck. I still stand on my feet firmly and raised my leg to kick him but he caught it when it was halfway and pushed it back after turning it making me fall on my butt. ugh. I couldn't move, couldn't get up. pain lingered through my leg faster then a jet on the freeway making me scream louder then you could imagine.. I saw his figure hover over me laughing.

"did you really think you could have a chance to beat me!? your expectations are pretty high. but lets finish this fairly."

he mocked in my face. I would like nothing more then to punch him across the face. but before I knew it I heard a yell then everything faded away like morning just switched my vision to night.

-Justins POV-

I made my way downstairs to see Madison and see if she wanted to do something today like watch a movie or something like that. I enter the living room and spot David, Gavin, and Sean sitting on the couch watching TV with Nathan.

"hey guys, you see Madison anywhere?"

I asked getting their attention. they all exchanged a few looks then shook their heads.

"last time I saw her was about ten minutes ago, she was in the kitchen making tea I think."

"yeah! then Alex wanted to talk to her outside.. I think he is finally going to apologize."

David and Sean spoke simultaneously . alone with Alex? kind of a bad idea. but I already talked to him about his attitude issues. so maybe he finally did decide to apologize. I go in the kitchen and grab a sprite can and make my way into the living room sitting on the single seated couch and watched what the guys were watching. it was some kind of cartoon.. I don't know. I think they are letting this little kid control the TV too much. this show is gay..


A scream erupted from outside making it echo through the house. I jumped out of my seat before the guys did but they were right behind. we all ran into the backyard and saw Alex hovering over a girl...


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