The Correcter, The Clumsy, and The Crushies

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Monday, 2:30pm, Free Period

Is it even possible that I might be falling for him? Oh, this is so bad.

Do I tell him? Do I keep it in me? 

Should I just vanish today and just never show up in the face of the earth ever again?

Nope. Definitely not an option.

But this is worst than before. Back in 5th grade, as soon as I've realized that I have a huge crush on him, everytime I'm near him, I act so awkwardly and try to stay so calm that I look like a freaking robot with an automatic answer to every single question.


"Hey Savi, don't you think the new teacher is really weird?" Austin asked.

"I don't really know. I just like to pay attention to you er in class. I mean-

"What's not to like, Austin? She just makes us read during class, we can eat during class, and she never lets us do any homework. I think it's awesome." Ava interrupts.

"Do you really hear yourself right now? That's not a teacher. Are you crazy?" He replied.

"No. Ava's not crazy. She just gave her honest opinion about our new teacher and she just thinks that the teacher is cool since we aren't doing any proper studying." I answer and they both look at me like I've said something so stupid.



I can tell you, diary. It was so awkward. And I was more than grateful when my stupid little crush on him disappeared. Or so i freaking thought it did.

I mean, who doesn't like their ex crush againwhen their ex crush is literally sending mixed signals to them? 

I know. I'm overreacting. Maybe because we've been best friends for years now and he just thinks I'm some sort of a little sister to him. Maybe that's why he's so sweet. 

He doesn't like me back.

He will never look at me that way.


Tuesday, 5:55pm

Dear diary,

It really sounds so lame when I say that the three of us are having a sleepover at my place in the middle of the week. But it is happening.

When we have a sleepover, it is usually one of the best feelings in the world especially when I spend it with my two favorite people.

Back when we were 7, Ava hosted our first sleep over and 1 hour into an activity, Austin almost got sent to the hospital for almost breaking his ankle. 

We were playing near the stairs and Austin pretended to walk the plank. Only there was no plank, and he decided to jump near the stairs.

He was fine.


Oh crap. He's here.


"So what movies have you stacked for us to watch tonight, Savi?" Ava asks as she sets up the table near the sofa.

"I've got The Hunger Games, Finding Dory, and Suicide-

"Boooring. Let's watch Horror movies!" 

"Ava, I don't want to watch those." Austin butts in.

"Oh you are just a scaredy cat! Come on Savi, look for something." 

"Alright. I'll see what I can find."

Ava and I really like to watch scary and thriller movies. And as soon as we found out that Austin hates it, we watch them even more. Of course, we watch them privately and after, we would hide it up in a cupboard so Austin won't see it and throw it away.

"There it is. The cupboard." 

"You can get it Savi. I'll just prepare the popcorn upstairs. Bye!" Ava quickly said and left.

Great. Did I mentioned that the cupboard is really high up?

"Hey, do you need any help?" 

"Hey Austin. Can you get that chair for me? Thanks."

He was about to leave but there is something wrong with me when it comes to keeping something steady.

"Wait! Just hold the chair. I'll just quickly grab the tapes and-

"Austin, come quick! I need your help with something!" Ava exclaimed causing Austin to leave the chair I was standing on with just the tip of my toes.

Ok. You can do it Savi. Just reach out and you'll be down in a minute.

Just reach out and-

And, I fell. 

Only it wasn't as painful as it should be.

And the ground isn't as hard as it should be.

I open my eyes only to find,

Holy macaroni.

Tuesday, 6:30pm

Dear diary,


Well, accidentally. If it wasn't for Ava leaving me hanging on that stupid high cupboard, it wouldn't happen.



Holy cow. I kissed her. Well, accidentally. But still..

"Austin! She's already asleep. That unfair girl." Ava nudges me so I look at Savi only to see her quietly snoring beside me.

I look at her and I only notice one thing.

She's really beautiful.

Well, that's bad enough as it is.

"She's really beautiful, Ava." 

"Oh my gosh, why are you two so clueless?" She says.

"What am I supposed to do with this feeling?"

"I don't know. Tell her. Or don't tell her. Ask her to the Valentine's Day Dance. I don't know Austin. You've liked her ever since you've laid your eyes on her. And I'm not kidding. That's in kindergarten." Ava says as a matter of factly.

Should I really?

But what if she rejects me?

"By the way, we kissed. Accidentally." 

And right there, she hits me a lot, I mean a lot of times.

"How. Could. You. Just. Say. That. To. Me. Now!" She exclaimed.


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