Austin Part 2

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"How come you haven't told them about why you're all alone in this house?"

"I'm already a burden to you and to Mrs. Andersen. I don't wanna cause them the trouble-"

"They're your friends, Austin. You should've at least told them Dad left you."

"Savi's dad is never home. I don't want her to suffer like I did."

River walks towards me and holds both of my shoulders.

"Talk to them. Ignoring them won't solve anything. It wasn't your fault-"

"It's all my fault, okay?!" I snap. 

He shuts up.

"Ever since the beginning, Mom and Dad fought because of me. Dad left because of me. We got separated because of me. You lost your first love because I freaking befriended her. You had a hard time because of me.  I almost lost all of you." I grab my hair in frustration.

He taps my back, "The bet was my idea. Why'd you took all the blame? Don't be that guy, Austin. Especially when we're leaving in two weeks."

"I'll come back anyway..."

"Make it up to them, bro."

- - - - -

I stare at the woman lying in bed.


She looks at me. Blue orbs just like mine. Looking beautiful as ever.

Except, sick. Very sick.

She smiles at me. "Austin, my baby. You're so big now." 

And for the second time since the night of the dance, I let go of the tears I was holding back for so long.

The tears that should've dropped when Dad left me all by myself.

All my frustrations and emotions just bottled up inside of me.

And now, it all came out just because of those simple words from my mom whom I haven't seen in years.

- - - - -

"We can't afford a doctor right now but she looks better."

"That's good." I say as I look at each establishment that passes from our car.

Then, I spot something.

"River, what's that?"

"Oh, that? University of Illinois. Gonna take the GED see if I can pass so I can enroll there next semester." 


"Can we stop there? For just a little while?" I say and he laughs and heads to the school's direction.

"It's the dream, really. Plus, it's only a few minutes from our house so, another advantage there." River states as we both walk around the campus, admiring the school grounds.

"I think I wanna go here too."

"Any course in mind?" I shake my head.

"That's fine. It'll come eventually."

- - - - -

"Got everything you need?" I nod, holding both my suitcase and bus ticket.

"Said goodbye to Mom?"

"I did. I'm gonna miss you guys." I say as I hug River.

"One more year, bro. Then you're off to U of I with me." I smile and nod.

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